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The Agricultural Reports ("Berichte über Landwirtschaft") published by the BMEL can be found here.

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Understanding food safety - Facts and background (Chinese)

Released as publication

In this brochure you will learn about the basis of the food safety system, how food safety control works and what the risks are. The facts, gures and examples contained in this publication reƒect what is necessary to ensure a high level of protection.

Cover Brochure 'Understanding food safety'

Understanding food safety - Facts and background (Russian)

Released as publication

Сегодня нам кажется совершенно естественным, что мы в любой момент можем выбирать продукты питания из разнообразного ассортимента. При этом мы по праву ожидаем, что предлагаемая продукция безопасна и безвредна. За это отвечают производственные и торговые предприятия. Они находятся под строгим …

Cover Brochure 'Understanding food safety'

Understanding food safety - Facts and background

Released as publication

In this brochure you will learn about the basis of the food safety system, how food safety control works and what the risks are. The facts, gures and examples contained in this publication reƒect what is necessary to ensure a high level of protection.

Cover Brochure 'Understanding food safety'

DART 2020: Fighting antibiotic resistance for the good of both humans and animals

Released as download

With many infectious diseases, the health of humans and animals is very closely interwoven. Animals and people are often infected by the same pathogens, treated with the same antibiotics and thus have a mutual influence on the problems of resistance.

With the German Antimicrobial Resistance …

Cover of the brochure "DART 2020"