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The Agricultural Reports ("Berichte über Landwirtschaft") published by the BMEL can be found here.

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Search results 1 to 10 from a total of 17

We Stand wirth Ukraine - Support and cooperation projects of the Dederal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)

Released as publication

Germany stands firmly and resolutely by Ukraine’s side. Just one week after the start of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, which violated international law, the BMEL and the German food industry facilitated first aid deliveries for the people of Ukraine.

Cover Brochure

На стороні України - Проекти підтримки та співпраці Федерального міністерства продовольства та сільськогогосподарства (BMEL)

Released as publication

Німеччина твердо і рішуче стоїть на боці України. Вже через тиждень після початку російської агресії проти України, яка порушила міжнародне право, BMEL разом з німецькою харчовою промисловістю сприяла наданню першої допомоги українському населенню.

Cover Brochure

Organic Farming in Germany

Released as publication

This brochure is designed to give you an overview of organic farming in Germany and the support provided by our ministry. Because well-informed people can make well-informed decisions.

Cover of the brochure Organic Farming in Germany

Understanding Farming - Facts and figures about German farming (Chinese)

Released as publication

This publication is designed to provide readers with a compilation of facts and figures about German farming, allowing them to form their own opinions about farming and farming-related issues. The aim is to promote readers’ understanding by describing modern farming methods without ignoring …

Cover Brochure 'Understanding Farming' in Chinese

Understanding Farming - Facts and figures about German farming (Russian)

Released as publication

This publication is designed to provide readers with a compilation of facts and figures about German farming, allowing them to form their own opinions about farming and farming-related issues. The aim is to promote readers’ understanding by describing modern farming methods without ignoring …

Cover Brochure 'Understanding Farming' in Russian

The Future of Agriculture - A common agenda

Released as publication

Recommendations of the Commission on the Future of Agriculture (ZKL)

Cover Brochure The Future of Agriculture A common agenda

The Future of Agriculture. A common agenda - Abstract

Released as publication

Recommendations of the Commission on the Future of Agriculture (ZKL)

Cover Brochure The Future of Agriculture. A common agenda - Abstract

Beans, Peas & Co. - The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture‘s Protein Crop Strategy for promoting the cultivation of pulses in Germany

Released as publication

This brochure is designed to give you information on the Strategy’s background, objectives and measures. It provides you with an overview of what has been achieved since the publication of the Strategy and what the BMEL activities will focus on in the future.