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Empowering Agriculture for Global Food and Nutrition Security - The 15th anniversary of the Bilateral Trust Fund with FAO

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The number of people suffering from hunger and chronic malnutrition is currently on the rise again, amounting to approximately 820 million people worldwide. This precarious situation is currently being exacerbated by the rapid growth of the world population, the increasing demand for energy and …

Cover Brochure Empowering Agriculture for Global Food and Nutrition Security - The 15th anniversary of the Bilateral Trust Fund with FAO.

Bilateral CooperationProgramme

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BMEL projects with other countries

Titelbild der englischprachigen BMEL-Broschüre "Bilaterales Kooperationsprogramm - Projekte des BMEL mit dem Ausland"

GFFA – BTF Political synergies in international activities

Released as publication

The central topics of the GFFA are not restricted to a theoretical discussion, but are directly anchored "in the field" via the "Bilateral Trust Fund". The Fund is a programme operated by the BMEL and the FAO in which selected food security projects are carried out in a number of countries. Here, …

Cover Brochure