Cooperation with the countries of North America

The main countries we cooperate with in North America are the USA, Canada and Mexico.

As signatories to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and its successor agreement, the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), the USA, Canada and Mexico have formed a common free trade zone since 1994. This zone comprises 480 million people, making it one of the largest free trade zones worldwide. Due to its robust demand for high-quality products and considerable purchasing power, the region offers attractive sales markets for the German agri-food sector.

Being the major economic power in the world and one of the leading nations in importing and exporting agricultural goods, the USA is an important trading and cooperation partner for the German agri-food sector. The USA boasts a highly productive agricultural sector that is primarily characterised by large-scale industrialised animal and plant production. As a key driver of technological development and innovation in agriculture, the USA is of vital interest for the German agri-food sector.

With its innovative and advanced food and agricultural industry, Canada is also an important trading partner. A Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between the European Union and Canada has been in force since 2017. Germany’s relations with Canada particularly focus on the exchange of knowledge between agricultural researchers in the field of sustainable and innovative agriculture.

With its increasing population, Mexico is not only an important agricultural producer, but also an essential agricultural trading partner. A Global Agreement between the European Union and Mexico, which contains a part on free trade, has been in force since 2000.

In addition to close cooperation in research, the main objectives of cooperation with partner countries in North America include promoting bilateral and multilateral trade and economic cooperation, tackling issues related to food safety and preventive consumer health protection as well as ensuring global food security.

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