The BMEL’s “Sustainable Renewable Resources” funding programme

The “Sustainable Renewable Resources” funding programme forms the foundation for the support provided by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) in the area of sustainable renewable resources and in particular sustainable raw materials.

The “Sustainable Renewable Resources” funding programme (website available in German only) forms the foundation for the support provided by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) in the area of sustainable renewable resources and in particular sustainable raw materials.

The goal of the programme is to promote a sustainable bio-based economy. The focus thus lies on obtaining and using biomass from the agricultural, forestry and waste management industries in an environmentally sound manner. The programme aims particularly at underpinning the development of innovative, internationally competitive products made from renewable resources and the procedures and technologies to produce them. Moreover, the programme supports the development of concepts aiming for improved sustainability of the bio-based economy.

The “Sustainable Renewable Resources” funding programme supports research, development and demonstration projects in the following areas:

  • Sustainable renewable resources – obtaining, producing and providing them
  • Processing of resources
  • Products sourced from sustainable renewable resources
  • Challenges in the context of change
  • Dialogues in society

The BMEL has commissioned the Agency for Renewable Resources (FNR) to run the project. You will find further information and the current calls for funding on the website of the funding programme.


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