National Veterans Creative Arts Festival

May 11 – 18, 2025 | Indianapolis, Indiana
This event is by invitation only.

Nationwide, Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical facilities use the creative arts as one form of rehabilitative treatment to help Veterans recover from and cope with physical and emotional disabilities.

Across the country each year, Veterans enrolled at VA health care facilities compete in a local creative arts competition. The competition includes categories in the visual arts division that range from oil painting to leatherwork to paint-by-number kits. In addition, there are categories in writing as well as the performing arts of dance, drama, and music. Local creative arts competition top winning entries advance to a national judging process and first, second and third place entries are determined at the national level. First place winning Veterans are invited to attend the National Veterans Creative Arts Festival hosted by a different VA facility each year.

The Festival

Co-presented by the Department of Veterans Affairs and the American Legion Auxiliary, the National Veterans Creative Arts Festival is the culmination of VA facility competitions in art, creative writing, dance, drama and music for Veterans enrolled in the Department of Veterans Affairs national health care system. Veterans exhibit their artwork and original writings or perform musical, dance or dramatic selections in a live stage show performance. All Veterans invited to participate are selected winners of a national creative arts competition in which thousands of Veterans enter from VA medical facilities across the nation.

VA medical facilities incorporate creative arts into their therapy programs to further the rehabilitation goals for both inpatients and outpatients. This annual competition recognizes the progress and recovery made through that therapy and raises the visibility of the creative achievements of our nation’s Veterans.


Art Division – 2024 NVCA Competition Handbook

Creative Writing Division – 2024 NVCA Competition Handbook

Dance Division – 2024 NVCA Competition Handbook

Drama Division – 2024 NVCA Competition Handbook

Music Division – 2024 NVCA Competition Handbook

Each VA facility determines their own local competition deadline dates. Most VA facilities hold their local competitions between May and August. Veterans must work with the local VA staff contact person to submit entries into the competition at the VA facility where they are enrolled. Be sure to check with your VA facility as soon as possible to find out the deadline dates for submission of entries into the local VA competitions. If you need assistance identifying the local VA staff contact person at the VA facility where you are enrolled, please email

The top 3 finalist entries in each category of the local competitions will advance to the national level of judging via digital submission. National competition results will be announced in January 2025. First place winners at the national level of the competition will be invited to attend the 44th National Veterans Creative Arts Festival in the spring of 2025 in Indianapolis, Indiana.

How do I make it to the Festival?

Following the national judging, first place winners invited to attend the National Veterans Creative Arts Festival will be notified by their VA staff contact person. The festival culminates with a stage performance, writing exhibition and gallery-style showcase of artwork. Art workshops and writing seminars are offered to Veterans during the festival week, with education in a variety of artistic modalities.


This competition is open to Veterans who are eligible to receive care through the Department of Veterans Affairs AND are enrolled at a VA Medical Center, Outpatient Clinic, or Vets Center BEFORE entering the local competition. An eligible Veteran can enter the local competition at only one VA facility per year. They can submit an entry in creative writing, dance, drama or music categories with a Veteran or group from another VA facility, but still represents and must work through their originating facility to enter the competition. This facility should be the site where they receive their primary treatment.


The National Veterans Creative Arts Festival originated as two separate competitions. Muriel Barbour, then chief of recreation therapy at the McGuire VA Medical Center in Richmond, Va., created the visual arts competition, VET ARTS, in 1981, as an observance of the International Year of Disabled Persons. Shirley Jefferies, a recreation therapist at the Waco, Texas, VA Medical Center, initiated the performing arts competition, The National Music Competition for Veterans, in 1981. The premier live winners’ stage show was held in 1981 at the VA Medical Center in Tuskegee, Ala. The second show was staged in 1982 at the Coatesville, Pa., VA Medical Center.

In 1984, the live stage show was presented in Washington, D.C., and the music competition was renamed “The Music Festival.” The following year, the stage show took place in the historic Constitution Hall.

The Music Festival and VET ARTS merged and drama and dance divisions were added, to create the National Veterans Creative Arts Festival in 1989. Designed to spotlight the four creative arts therapies of art, music, dance, and drama, this landmark Festival was performed to an audience of 4,000 in the Fox Theater in St. Louis, Mo. In 2005, a fifth creative arts division, creative writing, was added to the Festival roster.

The National Veterans Creative Arts Festival continues to evolve each year as it showcases the artistic achievements of Veterans from across the country in each of the five artistic divisions. Each Festival features an art exhibit showing the first-place artwork from 51 categories. A live stage show, complete with orchestral accompaniment generously provided by the Music Performance Fund, is performed by Veterans who have achieved medal-winning status in a variety of categories from the performing arts divisions of music, drama, and dance, as well as creative writing. Workshops are offered during the Festival week for participants and staff, educating them in a variety of artistic modalities by utilizing the talents of local community artists. There is no competition at the Festival itself, as it is a showcase for previously judged medal winners.

The Department of Veterans Affairs and the American Legion Auxiliary present the National Veterans Creative Arts Competition and Festival in a new city annually to raise the visibility of the creative achievements of our nation’s Veterans. The program is also supported by many other organizations both locally and nationally.

Social Media:


Director: Amy Kimbler
Media: Brian Pegouske



Logo for the American Legion Auxilliary

Since 2000, the Auxiliary has co-presented NVCAF, alongside the Department of Veterans Affairs. Carrying out the Auxiliary’s mission of Service Not Self, members, units, and departments support the local competitions, the Festival, and make generous monetary donations to help carry out this event.

Creative Arts Festival