Federal Office for Agriculture and Food

International research cooperation for global food security

To contribute to improving the global food and nutrition situation, the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) encourages the development of partnerships between research institutions for agricultural and food sciences in Germany and in countries of the Global South.

Within the framework of international research cooperation for global food security, the BMEL encourages research cooperation between research institutions in Germany, Sub-Saharan Africa and South- and South East Asia, aiming to develop needs-oriented solutions for the multi-faceted topic of food and nutrition security worldwide. In addition, interregional cooperation and transnational knowledge exchange aim at strengthening the development of scientific networks, establishing long-term partnerships and contributing to capacity development. Fundamental to this is the use of participatory, practice- and application-oriented, as well as inter- and transdisciplinary research approaches.

On behalf of the BMEL, the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE), being the project-managing agency, handles administrative matters and provides technical support for the international research projects.

The funding instrument is based on the "Directive on the funding of international research cooperation for global food security (PDF, 800 KB, File does not meet accessibility standards.)". On its basis, the BMEL has funded three research calls since 2013, which contribute to improving the food and nutrition situation in the target regions along the value chain. In the context of discussions around sustainable food systems, the fourth call of the BMEL focusses on research for development of innovative, sustainable production systems in countries of the Global South.

Research announcements and funded projects

The following overview refers to the previous research announcements and funded projects:

  1. Nutrition – Diversified agriculture for balanced nutrition (2013)
  2. Processing – Innovative approaches to processing local food in Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia that contribute to improved nutrition and reduce qualitative and quantitative losses (2016)
  3. Food Environments – Food environments for improved nutrition (2019)
  4. Production Systems – Innovative and sustainable production systems (2022)
  5. New Call for Proposals: "Agroecological innovations across territorial markets"

Funding of separate initiatives

In addition to regular calls, the BMEL also provides targeted funding for research cooperations on current topics and supports international conferences in order to strengthen the international knowledge exchange.

Further information: Funding of separate initiatives.

Legal Basis

Directive on the funding of international research cooperation for global food security