1-877-EDR-DATA (1-877-337-3282) info@BlackboxEDR.com

Vehicle Data Agreement

BlackboxEDR agrees to perform the necessary services to image the data on the modules of the described vehicle or on its aftermarket devices where applicable. We do not warrant or predict the development or outcome of the type-of or lack-of data imaged and our fees are not contingent on the results. You agree to provide access to the subject vehicle (if applicable), allow us adequate time to perform our work, and promptly pay our invoices when received. We reserve the right to discontinue our services if the terms of this agreement are not met. 

Limitation of Liability: You agree to hold BlackboxEDR, its owners, employees and agents (collectively “BlackboxEDR”) harmless for any and all liabilities, losses, costs and expenses relating to this engagement, as well as losses or expenses incurred by reason of any action taken or committed to be taken by us in good faith. The foregoing sentence shall not apply to any matter which results from our gross negligence or willful misconduct. In any case, however, our total liability and that of our owners, employees and agents for all claims of any kind arising out of, relating to or connected with this engagement shall be limited to the total fees paid to us under this engagement.

 In case suit or action is instituted to collect any sums due to us under this agreement, you agree to pay such additional sum over and above the amount(s) due to cover reasonable attorney fees incurred by us in such suit or action.

By submitting this assignment I agree that I have read the entirety of this EDR Data Imaging Agreement and by completing and returning this form with my signature I am agreeing to the above and authorizing BlackboxEDR to perform services on my behalf.  I further agree that I am the owner or lessee, or am now the appointed administrator, or personal representative of the estate, or legal representative of such an owner, or a law enforcement officer with the appropriate documentation, of the described vehicle that may have stored electronic event related data on it’s modules or on aftermarket devices. I acknowledge the vehicle owners rights under the “Driver Privacy Act of 2015,” and I am hereby authorizing BlackboxEDR to recover any data available from the described vehicle.

Thank you for your interest in retaining BlackboxEDR, we look forward to working with you.