employees, mining, diversity

Diversity and inclusion

Inclusion and diversity promotes safety, productivity and the wellbeing of our workforce.

Our inclusion and diversity story

We’re committed to providing a safe, inclusive and diverse workplace. It’s a commitment that’s embedded in Our Charter and is critical to our success. In 2016, we set an aspirational goal to achieve gender balance globally by 2025. At the time, the mining industry had 16 per cent female representation. While BHP was slightly better at 17.6 per cent, it was simply not good enough. We knew we needed to do something different to improve. If we continued doing what we were doing, it would take us 30 years to get to 30 per cent female representation.

With more than 80,000 employees and contractors working across 90 locations worldwide, we knew we could create a big impact because inclusive and diverse teams are good for our business. Our numbers prove it – these teams are safer, more productive and have a better culture. Our aspiration is about harnessing the enormous potential that a more inclusive and diverse workplace will deliver at BHP, so we can leave a positive legacy for generations to come.

Partnering for Change

We’ve documented our inclusion and diversity progress in a collection of open and honest stories that recognise what’s possible when like-minded companies come together to create change for the better. There’s no better way to tell these stories than through the eyes of our trusted partners and our people.

Our approach to inclusion and diversity

Our strategy to achieve a more diverse and inclusive workplace is focused on four areas:


International Day of People with Disability 2023

We celebrated the International Day of People with Disability 2023 joining Kelly Ferguson, Group Technology Officer, Lesley Brown from our Health team and employee disability network, Amber, for a Q&A with Kenny Singh, Director of Cyber Security & Privacy Customer Access at Microsoft, to learn more about inclusive and accessible design.

We also heard from some of our team mates about their lived experience with disability in the workplace.

RainbowEmployeesWalk 2021

Our Global Inclusion and Diversity Council

Driving inclusion and diversity at BHP.

Our Global I&D Council defines our global inclusion and diversity strategy and priority actions and is supported by many local councils who are leading change on the ground.

Achieving gender balance

Our aspirational goal is to achieve gender balance globally by C2025. To date, we have increased the representation of women working at BHP to 35.2 per cent. There are over 10,000 more women now working at BHP than when we set our aspirational goal in 2016.

Our journey to gender balance


2016 - 17.6% female - 82.4% male 2017 - 20.5% female - 79.5% male 2018 - 22.4% female - 77.6% male 2019 - 24.5% female - 75.5% male 2020 - 26.5% female - 73.5% male 2021 - 29.8% female – 70.2% male 2022 - 32.3% female – 67.7% male 2023 - 35.2% female – 64.8% male
  • 2016 17.6% female - 82.4% male
  • 2017 20.5% female - 79.5% male
  • 2018 22.4% female - 77.6% male
  • 2019 24.5% female - 75.5% male
  • 2020 26.5% female - 73.5% male
  • 2021 29.8% female – 70.2% male
  • 2022 32.3% female – 67.7% male
  • 2023 35.2% female – 64.8% male



BHP's LGBT+ employee inclusion group

Jasper is our employee inclusion group for our LGBT+ community and its allies.

The aim of Jasper is to drive a safe, inclusive and supportive work environment for everyone by providing advice on ways to reduce bias and make sure LGBT+ people are respected and valued irrespective of their sexual or gender identity. It was formed to strengthen our culture through inclusion and diversity for all.

Flexible working