Our agency
The Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) is the German Federal Government’s central authority for national and international nature conservation. We cover a range of policy areas such as biodiversity conservation and sustainable resource use to conserve nature and the landscape in Germany and worldwide. BfN has its headquarters in Bonn. Additional offices are located in Leipzig and on the Isle of Vilm near Rügen on the Baltic Sea coast.
Our staff
In total, BfN has a staff of around 430. The agency is divided into six policy directorates, each of which is responsible for a different nature conservation policy area. Our staff contribute expertise here in all nature conservation disciplines, including biology, geography, agricultural, forestry and environmental sciences, economics and law. A seventh directorate, Administration, provides the policy directorates with support functions such as budget, procurement, staffing and organisation.
For a detailed view of our directorates and divisions, please see our organisational chart.