Beats support: International numbers

Need purchasing help or have a question about a recent order? Find the number for support in your country or region below.

The United States and Canada

Canada: 1-800-442-4000

United States: 1-800-442-4000

Latin America

Brazil: 0800-047-4404

Mexico: 001-800-442-4000


Austria: 0800 080031

Belgium: 0800 81 387

Czechia: 800 500451

Denmark: 80601814

Finland: 0800 94465

France: 0805 540 903

Germany: 0800 7235 272

Greece: 00800 4414 3903

Ireland: 1800 946 531

Italy: 800906952

Luxembourg: 800 22603

Netherlands: 0800 0200174

Norway: 240 55167

Portugal: 800209170

Spain: 800900591

Sweden: 020 980 754

Switzerland: 0800 00 0344

Türkiye: 00800 4488 27707

United Arab Emirates: 8000 444 1849

United Kingdom: 0800 028 2329


Australia: 1-800-005-608

China mainland (local): 400-882-2763

Hong Kong: 3077-4818

Japan: 0120-435-500

New Zealand: 0508 5 47012

Singapore: 1-800-415-5533

South Korea: 080 646 0880

Taiwan: 0800-666-144

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