The official record of the proceedings of the Arizona State Senate

Document Name (PDF)Last Modified
2023 Senate Journal06/26/2024
2022 Senate Journal10/10/2023
2021 Senate Journal01/20/2023
2020 Senate Journal11/04/2021
2019 Senate Journal09/11/2020
2018 Senate Journal10/10/2019
2017 Senate Journal11/14/2018
2016 Senate Journal11/21/2017
2015 Senate Journal11/01/2016
2014 Senate Journal12/09/2015
2013 Senate Journal07/23/2014
2012 Senate Journal07/10/2014
2011 Senate Journal03/13/2013
2010 Senate Journal08/22/2012
2009 Senate Journal09/19/2011
2008 Senate Journal12/01/2010
2007 Senate Journal10/15/2019