
Arizona Revised Statutes

Chapter 1
Sec: 8-101-8-173
Article 1General Provisions
  • 8-105
  • Preadoption certification; investigation; central adoption registry
  • 8-105.01
  • Adoption; racial preferences; prohibition; exception
  • 8-105.02
  • Adoption by foster parents; removal of child
  • 8-105.03
  • Adoption information from local community organizations
  • 8-106
  • Consent to adoption; waiver; consent to the release of information; notification to potential fathers
  • 8-106.01
  • Putative fathers registry; claim of paternity; adoptive interest
  • 8-107
  • Time and contents of consent
  • 8-108
  • Petition for child's custody by noncertified party; hearing; exceptions
  • 8-109
  • Petition to adopt; contents
  • 8-110
  • Fictitious name for child
  • 8-111
  • Notice of hearing on petition to adopt; service
  • 8-112
  • Social studies; requirements
  • 8-113
  • Removal from home; expedited hearings; probationary period; rights and responsibilities; visitation limitations
  • 8-114
  • Monies paid to or for parent; court approval; attorney fees; accounting; disallowance; exception
  • 8-115
  • Hearing; procedure; record; evidence
  • 8-116
  • Court order; contents; form
  • 8-116.01
  • Agreements regarding communications
  • 8-117
  • Rights under adoption order
  • 8-118
  • Petition withdrawal or denial; custody
  • 8-119
  • Dismissal after death; exception
  • 8-120
  • Records; inspection; exception; destruction or transfer of certain records
  • 8-121
  • Confidentiality of information; exceptions
  • 8-122
  • Financial hardship; deferral, waiver or reduction of fees
  • 8-123
  • Irregularities; curative period
  • 8-124
  • Subsequent adoptions
  • 8-125
  • Adoption decrees of other states
  • 8-126
  • Licensure and regulation of agencies
  • 8-127
  • Services of county attorney; exception
  • 8-128
  • Violation; classification
  • 8-129
  • Health and genetic history; compilation; availability; costs
  • 8-130
  • Consent to licensed agency or division; attorneys; affidavits
  • 8-131
  • Exemption of division from licensure; compliance with standards
  • 8-132
  • Adoption agency information confidentiality; permissible disclosure; use; violation; classification; definitions
  • 8-133
  • Fees for division services
  • 8-134
  • Confidential intermediary
  • 8-135
  • Confidential intermediary and fiduciary fund
  • 8-136
  • Prospective adoptive parent's blindness; certification; grant of adoption; burden of proof; specific written findings; definitions
Article 2Adoption Subsidies
  • 8-141
  • Definitions; exception
  • 8-142
  • Adoption subsidy program; funding; claims; limitation
  • 8-142.01
  • Adoption subsidy program; hospital reimbursement
  • 8-143
  • Eligibility for subsidies; rate
  • 8-144
  • Subsidy agreement; duration; amount; periodic review; confidentiality
Article 3Nonrecurring Adoption Expenses
  • 8-162
  • Nonrecurring adoption expense program; funding; use of other resources; payment
  • 8-164
  • Nonrecurring expenses; limitation
Article 4Interstate Adoption Assistance Compacts
  • 8-172
  • Interstate compacts; requirements; optional contents
  • 8-173
  • Adoption assistance agreements; reciprocity conditions; violation; classification
Chapter 2
Sec: 8-201-8-291.11
Article 1General Provisions
  • 8-202
  • Jurisdiction of juvenile court
  • 8-203
  • Court employees; appointment; certification; qualifications; salary; bond
  • 8-203.01
  • Fingerprinting juvenile probation officers; affidavit
  • 8-204
  • Juvenile court employees; merit system; annual report
  • 8-205
  • Powers and duties of juvenile court personnel
  • 8-207
  • Order of adjudication; noncriminal; use as evidence
  • 8-208
  • Juvenile court records; public inspection; exceptions
  • 8-209
  • Juvenile court facilities; juvenile shelters; treatment services
Article 2General Procedure
  • 8-221
  • Counsel right of juvenile, parent or guardian; appointment; guardian ad litem
  • 8-222
  • Subpoenas; issuance
Article 3Juvenile Hearings
  • 8-231
  • Juvenile court commissioners; appointment; powers and duties; compensation; qualifications
  • 8-233
  • Record of proceeding
  • 8-234
  • Treatment, community restitution, restraining and protective orders
  • 8-237
  • Statement or conduct of minor; hearsay exception
  • 8-238
  • Advisory hearing; DNA
Article 4Disposition and Commitment
  • 8-242
  • Evaluation and disposition of a child with developmental disabilities
  • 8-243
  • Expenses of child services; parent liability prohibited
  • 8-243.02
  • Assignment of right to support; priority
  • 8-244
  • Removal of child from state
  • 8-245
  • Physical and mental care
  • 8-246
  • Jurisdiction; length of commitment; placement; assessment; definition
  • 8-248
  • Hearing; service providers; definition
  • 8-249
  • Restoration of civil rights; persons adjudicated delinquent
Article 5Family Counseling Programs
  • 8-262
  • Establishing voluntary programs
  • 8-263
  • Order for counseling; administration
  • 8-264
  • Participation by county; certification
  • 8-265
  • County's share of matching funds; appropriation by legislature
Article 6Children's Mental Health Services
  • 8-272
  • Psychiatric acute care services; outpatient and inpatient assessments; definitions
  • 8-273
  • Residential treatment services; definition
Article 8Juvenile Competency
  • 8-291.01
  • Effect of incompetency; request for examination
  • 8-291.02
  • Expert appointment; costs; immunity
  • 8-291.04
  • Examination; competency to stand trial
  • 8-291.05
  • Misdemeanor charges; dismissal; notice
  • 8-291.06
  • Privilege against self-incrimination; sealed reports
  • 8-291.08
  • Competency hearings; restoration orders
Chapter 3
Sec: 8-301-8-422
Article 1General Procedures for Delinquency and Incorrigibility Proceedings
  • 8-301
  • Commencement of proceedings
  • 8-302
  • Transfer between juvenile and criminal courts
  • 8-303
  • Taking into temporary custody; interference; release; separate custody; violation; classification
  • 8-304
  • Investigation of alleged acts of delinquency, dependency and incorrigibility
  • 8-305
  • Detention center; jail; separate custody; definition
  • 8-306
  • Supervision and inspection of juvenile detention center and shelter care facilities
  • 8-307
  • Delinquency hearings; required attendance of cited child; referring to youth service bureau; notification of parents
  • 8-308
  • Required attendance of parent, legal guardian or custodian in court; contempt
  • 8-309
  • Unlawful use of an electronic communication device by a minor; classification; definitions
Article 2Delinquency and Alcohol Offense Complaints and Hearings
  • 8-321
  • Referrals; diversions; conditions; community based alternative programs
  • 8-322
  • Juvenile probation services fund; program and contract requirements
  • 8-323
  • Juvenile hearing officer; appointment; term; compensation; hearings; required attendance; contempt
  • 8-325
  • Appeal from an order of a juvenile hearing officer; procedures
  • 8-328
  • Juvenile diversion programs; reporting
Article 3Disposition and Commitment
  • 8-341
  • Disposition and commitment; definitions
  • 8-341.01
  • Residential treatment services; definition
  • 8-341.02
  • Prohibited fees, fines and costs
  • 8-342
  • Commitment of child; medical examination; definition
  • 8-343
  • Disposition of offenses involving driving or in actual physical control of a motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs
  • 8-344
  • Restitution payments
  • 8-345
  • Restitution lien; definition
  • 8-346
  • Restitution fund; restitution contracts
  • 8-347
  • Disposition document or minute order; fingerprints
  • 8-348
  • Setting aside adjudication; application; release from disabilities; exceptions
  • 8-349
  • Destruction of juvenile records; electronic research records; definition
  • 8-350
  • Dangerous offenders; sex offenders; notification to schools; definition
  • 8-350.01
  • Youth sex offenders; treatment; definition
  • 8-350.02
  • Civil actions by victim or other persons
Article 4Juvenile Intensive Probation
  • 8-351
  • Definition of juvenile intensive probation
  • 8-352
  • Intensive probation; evaluation; criteria; limit; conditions
  • 8-353
  • Juvenile intensive probation teams; duties; caseload limit
  • 8-354
  • Modification of supervision
  • 8-355
  • School; employment; community restitution programs
  • 8-358
  • Juvenile intensive probation guidelines; report
Article 5Interstate Compact for Juveniles
  • 8-361
  • Adoption of interstate compact for juveniles
  • 8-362
  • Commission assessments
  • 8-363
  • Juvenile compact administrator, compact commissioner; authority to appoint deputy compact administrator; state council
  • 8-364
  • Financial arrangements
  • 8-365
  • Responsibilities of state departments, agencies and officers
Article 6Educational Rehabilitation
  • 8-371
  • Educational rehabilitation; definition
Article 7Victims' Rights for Juvenile Offenses
  • 8-383
  • Implementation of rights and duties
  • 8-383.01
  • Victims' rights; dismissed counts
  • 8-384
  • Inability to exercise rights; designation of others; notice; representative for a minor or vulnerable adult; definition
  • 8-385
  • Limited rights of a legal entity
  • 8-385.01
  • Victims' rights for neighborhood associations
  • 8-386
  • Information provided to victim by law enforcement agencies
  • 8-386.01
  • Issuance and execution of arrest warrants
  • 8-387
  • Notice of terms and conditions of release
  • 8-388
  • Notice of diversion
  • 8-389
  • Preliminary notice of rights
  • 8-390
  • Notice of proceedings
  • 8-391
  • Notice of adjudication; impact statement
  • 8-392
  • Notice of postadjudication review and appellate proceedings
  • 8-392.01
  • Notice of right to request not to receive committed youth mail
  • 8-393
  • Notice of release or escape
  • 8-394
  • Notice of delinquent's status
  • 8-395
  • Notice of postadjudication release; right to be heard; hearing; final decision; free electronic recording
  • 8-396
  • Notice of probation modification, termination or revocation disposition matters; notice of arrest
  • 8-397
  • Notice of release, discharge or escape from a mental health treatment agency or residential treatment
  • 8-398
  • Request for notice; forms; notice system
  • 8-399
  • Victim conference with prosecuting attorney
  • 8-400
  • Proceedings; right to be present
  • 8-402
  • Postarrest detention decisions
  • 8-404
  • Impact statement; predisposition report
  • 8-406
  • Probation modification, revocation disposition or termination proceedings
  • 8-407
  • Victim's discretion; form of statement
  • 8-408
  • Return of victim's property; release of evidence
  • 8-409
  • Consultation between crime victim advocate and victim; privileged information; exception
  • 8-410
  • Minimizing victim's contacts
  • 8-411
  • Motion to revoke release
  • 8-412
  • Victim's right to refuse an interview; applicability
  • 8-413
  • Victim's right to privacy; exception; definitions
  • 8-414
  • Speedy adjudication; continuance; notice
  • 8-415
  • Effect of failure to comply
  • 8-416
  • Standing to invoke rights; recovery of damages; right to counsel
  • 8-417
  • Construction of article
  • 8-419
  • Victim reconciliation services
  • 8-420
  • Right to leave work; scheduled proceedings; employment rights; nondiscrimination; confidentiality; definition
  • 8-421
  • Statement of rights
  • 8-422
  • Use of a facility dog in court proceedings; definition
Chapter 4
Sec: 8-451-8-892
Article 1General Provisions
  • 8-451
  • Department; purpose
  • 8-452
  • Director; appointment; qualifications; compensation
  • 8-454
  • Department organization
  • 8-455
  • Centralized intake hotline; purposes; report of possible crime; DCS report; standardized hotline assessment tools; access to information; public awareness; definitions
  • 8-456
  • Investigative function; training; voice stress analysis; recordings; criminal offenses; definitions
  • 8-457
  • Service coordination function
  • 8-458
  • Inspections bureau; monitoring and evaluation; quality assurance process
  • 8-459
  • Community advisory committee; duties; membership
  • 8-460
  • Acquisition of lands and buildings; lease-purchase agreements; lease or sublease of lands or buildings
  • 8-461
  • Child safety collections; fund; definition
  • 8-463
  • Department of child safety employees; employees of contractors; fingerprint requirement
  • 8-464
  • Electronic communication by department
  • 8-465
  • Auditor general; department audit team; duties
  • 8-466
  • Child and family advocacy center; requirements for funding; immunity; definition
  • 8-467
  • Child welfare licensing fees; fund; uses; trust; definition
  • 8-468
  • Federal benefits; dependent children; application; prohibition; accounting; notice; annual review
  • 8-469
  • Child safety fatality and near fatality review team; membership; duties; definition
  • 8-469.01
  • Child welfare agencies; group foster homes; proposed rate increases; expenditure review
  • 8-469.02
  • Foster youth permanency pilot project team; duties; confidentiality
Article 2Criminal Conduct Allegation Investigations
  • 8-471
  • Office of child welfare investigations; training; responsibilities; annual report
Article 3Healthy Families Program
  • 8-481
  • Healthy families program; administration; consent; access to records
Article 4Child Welfare and Placement
  • 8-502
  • Foster parent and child welfare agency information; confidentiality; permissible disclosure; use; violation; classification; definitions
  • 8-503.01
  • Children and family services training program fund; purposes; status report; exemption from lapsing
  • 8-504
  • Sanitation, fire and hazard inspection
  • 8-505
  • Issuance of licenses; application; investigation; renewal
  • 8-506
  • Denial, suspension or revocation of license; foster home; hearing; exception
  • 8-506.01
  • Denial, suspension, revocation or change of license; child welfare agency; appeal
  • 8-507
  • Operation without license
  • 8-508
  • Receipt of articles of incorporation
  • 8-509
  • Licensing of foster homes; fingerprint waiver; restricted license; renewal of license; provisional license; exemption from licensure; immunization requirements
  • 8-509.01
  • Prospective foster parent's blindness; burden of proof; specific written findings; definitions
  • 8-510
  • Acceptance of children by agency
  • 8-511
  • Short-term caregiver
  • 8-512
  • Comprehensive medical and dental care; guidelines
  • 8-512.01
  • Behavioral health services; urgent need; dependent and adopted children; definition
  • 8-512.02
  • Comprehensive health plan expenditure authority fund; reversion
  • 8-513
  • Participation in activities; contact with relatives; placement with siblings; independent living programs
  • 8-514
  • Placement in foster homes
  • 8-514.01
  • Placement of children with developmental disabilities
  • 8-514.03
  • Kinship foster care; requirements; investigation
  • 8-514.04
  • Kinship care program; requirements
  • 8-514.05
  • Foster care provider and department access to child health information; consent to treatment
  • 8-514.06
  • Out-of-home placement; documents; definition
  • 8-514.07
  • Kinship foster care; relative identification and notification; due diligence search
  • 8-514.08
  • Educational decisions; parent contact information; inability to locate
  • 8-515
  • Time limits on placement in receiving home; court orders
  • 8-515.01
  • Local foster care review boards; appointment; exclusions; terms; training; compensation; meetings
  • 8-515.02
  • Case assignment; distribution of records
  • 8-515.03
  • Duties of local foster care review boards
  • 8-515.04
  • State foster care review board; members; personnel; training programs; annual report; compensation
  • 8-515.05
  • Removal of child from foster parent's home; requirements; notification; review
  • 8-516
  • Supervision of foster homes; reports; review of file; progress report
  • 8-517
  • Withdrawal from foster home
  • 8-518
  • Central registry; change of address; marital status
  • 8-519
  • Records and reports
  • 8-520
  • Violations; classification
  • 8-521
  • Independent living program; conditions; eligibility; rules; progress reports; educational case management unit
  • 8-521.01
  • Transitional independent living program
  • 8-521.02
  • Extended foster care program; requirements
  • 8-522
  • Dependency actions; special advocate; appointment; duties; immunity
  • 8-523
  • Special advocate program
  • 8-524
  • Court appointed special advocate and vulnerable persons fund
  • 8-525
  • Open court proceedings; closure; records
  • 8-526
  • Child welfare; reporting requirements
  • 8-526.01
  • Missing children; reporting requirements; definitions
  • 8-527
  • Children in out-of-home care; noninterference with regular school activities
  • 8-528
  • Newborn infants left with safe haven providers; placement protocol; definitions
  • 8-529
  • Children in foster care and kinship foster care; rights
  • 8-530
  • Foster parents and kinship foster care parents; rights
  • 8-530.01
  • Placement of a child returning to foster care; notification
  • 8-530.02
  • Child welfare; joint annual report
  • 8-530.04
  • Educational placement; best interest of child; transportation
  • 8-530.05
  • Transportation; dispute resolution
  • 8-530.06
  • Group foster homes; employees; random drug screening
  • 8-530.07
  • Leaving care of the department; safe and stable housing; report; definition
Article 5Termination of Parent-Child Relationship
  • 8-532
  • Jurisdiction; dependency based termination
  • 8-533
  • Petition; who may file; grounds
  • 8-534
  • Contents of petition
  • 8-535
  • Notice of initial hearing; waiver; guardian ad litem
  • 8-536
  • Social study before disposition; contents
  • 8-537
  • Termination adjudication hearing
  • 8-538
  • Court order; form; contents
  • 8-539
  • Effect of court order
  • 8-541
  • Records; disclosure; exception
  • 8-542
  • Confidentiality of information; violation; classification
  • 8-543
  • Sibling information exchange program; definition
  • 8-544
  • Termination decrees of other states
Article 5.1Restoration of Parent-Child Relationship
  • 8-547
  • Restoration of parent-child relationship; definitions
Article 6Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children
  • 8-548
  • Enactment of compact; terms
  • 8-548.02
  • Interstate compact administrator
  • 8-548.05
  • Visitation, inspection and supervision
  • 8-548.06
  • Responsibilities of state departments, agencies and officers
Article 7Funding of Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Programs
  • 8-550.01
  • Child abuse prevention fund; purpose; definition
Article 8Dependent Children
  • 8-802
  • Child safety worker; fingerprint clearance cards; interview requirements; temporary custody limit; cooperation and coordination; alteration of files; violation; classification
  • 8-803
  • Limitation of authority; duty to inform
  • 8-804
  • Central registry; notification; definition
  • 8-804.01
  • Maintenance of reports; records
  • 8-804.02
  • Tiered system for placement on central registry; rules
  • 8-805
  • Immunity of participants; nonprivileged communications
  • 8-806
  • Voluntary placement; conditions; notice of placement; time limit; rules
  • 8-807
  • DCS information; public record; use; confidentiality; violation; classification
  • 8-807.01
  • Incidents involving fatality or near fatality; definition
  • 8-808
  • Parent assistance program
  • 8-809
  • Parents' rights; information on website; rule changes
  • 8-809.01
  • Parent, guardian or custodian; rights
  • 8-810
  • Missing; abducted; runaway children; notification; training; audit
  • 8-811
  • Hearing process; definitions
  • 8-812
  • Child welfare agency; nonoperating identification license; photograph
  • 8-813
  • Preplacement investigation; medical examination; disposition
  • 8-814
  • Permanent guardianship subsidy; offsets; annual review; discontinuation; appeals; definition
  • 8-815
  • Indian child welfare act; inquiry
  • 8-816
  • Family builders program; services; definitions
  • 8-817
  • Initial screening and safety assessment and investigation protocols
  • 8-819
  • Determination of neglect
Article 9Removal of Child
  • 8-821
  • Taking into temporary custody; medical examination; forensic interview; placement; interference; violation; classification; definition
  • 8-822
  • Removal of child from home; rules and policies; approval; definition
  • 8-823
  • Notice of taking into temporary custody
  • 8-824
  • Preliminary protective hearing; probable cause; appointment of counsel
  • 8-825
  • Court determinations in preliminary protective hearing
  • 8-826
  • Further hearings and proceedings
  • 8-827
  • Background checks of adults residing in potential emergency placement homes; disqualifying criminal offenses; definitions
  • 8-829
  • Judicial determinations; timing; documentation
  • 8-831
  • Parent's blindness; burden of proof; specific written findings; definitions
Article 10Dependency Determination and Disposition
  • 8-841
  • Dependency petition; service; preliminary orders; hearing
  • 8-842
  • Initial dependency hearing; deadlines
  • 8-843
  • Initial dependency hearing; rights
  • 8-844
  • Dependency adjudication hearing; settlement conference or mediation
  • 8-844.01
  • Allegation of aggravating circumstance
  • 8-845
  • Disposition hearing
  • 8-846
  • Services provided to the child and family
  • 8-847
  • Periodic review hearings
Article 11Permanency Determination
  • 8-863
  • Hearing to terminate parental rights; notice; grounds
  • 8-864
  • Timing of motions and hearings; consolidation of hearings
Article 12Permanent Guardianship
  • 8-871
  • Permanent guardianship of a child
  • 8-872
  • Permanent guardianship; procedure
  • 8-873
  • Revocation of permanent guardianship
  • 8-873.01
  • Permanent guardianship dependency proceedings; reunification services
  • 8-874
  • Appointment of successor permanent guardian
Article 13Substance Abuse Treatment Assistance
  • 8-882
  • Program development
  • 8-883
  • Requirements for contractors
  • 8-884
  • Evaluation of community programs; annual report
Article 14In-Home Intervention
  • 8-891
  • In-home intervention
Chapter 5
Sec: 8-901
Article 1General Provisions
  • 8-901
  • Missing, kidnapped or runaway children; mandatory reporting
Chapter 6
Sec: 8-921
Article 1General Provisions
  • 8-921
  • Prohibition on religious discrimination; adoption services and foster care services; enforcement; remedies; definitions
Chapter 13
Sec: 8-1151-8-1195
Article 1General Provisions
  • 8-1151
  • Findings and declarations
Article 2Regional Partnerships
  • 8-1161
  • Responsibilities of regional partnership councils
  • 8-1162
  • Composition of regional partnership councils; reimbursement of expenses; immunity
  • 8-1163
  • Staff support for regional partnership councils
  • 8-1164
  • Designation of regions
Article 3Programs to Increase the Quality of and Access to Early Childhood Development and Health Services
  • 8-1171
  • Regional and statewide direct and grant program requirements; permitted objectives
  • 8-1172
  • Program and grant proposal requirements
  • 8-1173
  • Procedures for the award of regional grants
  • 8-1174
  • Program and grantee accountability
Article 4Funding Sources and Administration
  • 8-1181
  • Early childhood development and health fund
  • 8-1182
  • Acceptance of gifts and grants; acceptance of federal, state and local monies; use
  • 8-1183
  • Prohibition on supplantation of state funds; additional legislative appropriations
  • 8-1184
  • Budget and funding process
Article 5Early Childhood Development and Health Board
  • 8-1191
  • Members; appointment; terms; oath; immunity
  • 8-1193
  • Public record, open meeting, and conflict of interest laws
  • 8-1194
  • Meetings; travel expenses
  • 8-1195
  • Executive director compensation; duties; regional and board staff; central office; expenditure of funds