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Forms—School Districts

Fiscal Year 2025 Final School District Annual Expenditure Budget Packet

The Final Budget Forms zip file contains forms and instructions for completing the school district annual expenditure budget. Extract the files to C:\SDFORMS\. The C:\SDFORMS\ folder should also include the most recently revised version of the district's fiscal year 2024 budget files. Read the Submission and Publication Instructions and Budget Hints for additional information. The Desegregation Budget Forms zip file contains the forms and instructions for districts that budget for desegregation.

All districts should use the final budget forms for budget revisions during the fiscal year. The Arizona Department of Education will not accept budget revisions submitted on the preliminary budget form.

Click here to view a video created to show a general overview of the Budget file's format to help form users understand how budget limit amounts are calculated and how the information pulls between the various file tabs. As we will use video for future fiscal years, we did not include information in the recording about the onetime supplements for district additional assistance and for free or reduced-price Group B weights, pursuant to Laws 2022, Ch. 313, §128, as amended by Laws 2024, Ch. 209, §4. Please refer to the Instructions tab in the expenditure budget file for information on those supplements (total time 18 minutes).   

Advice of Encumbrance

Advice of Encumbrance (Previously Issued as USFR Memorandum No. 188)

In accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes §15-906, districts must prepare a list of liabilities for levy funds for goods received or services rendered on or before June 30 that will not be paid by June 30. 

Districts not participating in the Accounting Responsibility Program must complete an Advice of Encumbrance from the list of liabilities and submit it to the County School Superintendent by July 18. The amounts from the list of liabilities should be reported by fund and program on the Advice of Encumbrance.

Procurement Compliance Questionnaire

Use this Procurement Compliance Questionnaire for the year ended June 30, 2023, and thereafter. 

USFR Compliance Questionnaire

Click here for the web-based USFR Compliance Questionnaire (CQ) for the year ended June 30, 2023. 

Click here for a short training video for the web-based USFR CQ.

Sample Audit Contract

Use this sample contract to document the agreement for audit services and submit the completed audit contract to the Arizona Auditor General for approval.

Sample Audit Request for Proposals

Use this sample RFP to procure audit services.


Fiscal Year 2022 COVID-19 Reporting Form

This form collects fiscal year 2022 information on how all Arizona school districts spent and plan to spend stimulus monies in the federal acts related to the COVID-19 pandemic. All districts must submit the completed form to the Arizona Department of Education (ADE) via the Common Logon no later than October 15, 2022.

The file contains detailed instructions for completing and submitting the forms. All districts should copy the accounting data from their completed FY 2022 AFR and paste it into the FY 2022 COVID-19 Reporting Form, as instructed.

Click here to view a short video describing the changes to the form for fiscal year 2022.

FY 2023 School District Annual Financial Report Package

The FY 2023 AFR Forms zip file contains forms and instructions for completing the school district AFR; Food service AFR; Classroom Site Fund (CSF) Narrative; Work Sheet for Determining the Appearance of Supplanting with CTED Monies; ADE’s Results-Based Funding Expenditure Report; and Desegregation AFR for districts that budget for desegregation monies. The school-level reporting (SLR) AFR zip file includes two SLR forms based on district size.

Open the FY 2023 AFR zip file and extract the applicable files to C:\SDFORMS\. In the SLR AFR zip file, choose the appropriate file based on the number of schools in your district and extract only that file to C:\SDFORMS. In addition to the extracted files, the C:\SDFORMS\ folder should also include the most recently revised versions of the district's FY 2023 budget and FY 2022 AFR files.

Read the Review, Submission, and Publication Instructions; Data Uploading Instructions; and FY 2023 AFR Formula Corrections file for additional information.

Click here to view a short video on the school-level reporting form that was issued with the draft forms in the Spring of 2020, that can be used to understand how to complete the final FY 2023 school-level reporting form.

Click here to view a short video describing the School-Level Reporting Form for districts with 1 school.