Returns Policy

Your satisfaction is our absolute priority!

However, it may happen that you are not completely satisfied with your purchase.

In this case, you can return it to the seller within ten days from the delivery of your order. You can create a return request from your account on the site AWALEBIZ, or if you do not have an account, notify by e-mail to customer service.

Returned products must be in their original condition.

Unless the goods are faulty, some products of our categories Fashion & Beauty and Jewelry & Accessories are final sale, no possibility of exchange or refund. Please contact our customer service to have further informations.

Please indicate code and quantity for each item you wish to return and the reason for the return.

We recommend that you ship the items via a carrier with a tracking system. Otherwise, we are not responsible for packages not received.

Return costs will be borne by the buyer.

The buyer can choose other products to the price level of his purchase to alternatives (excluding shipping costs) or the product can be replaced.

He can also choose to be refunded.

In this case, once the parcel received, please give us a period of 10 business days to process your refund.