Gerentes de desenvolvimento versus scrum masters

It's a fight to the death! (Just kidding. These two roles actually co-exist quite nicely.)

Dan Radigan Por Dan Radigan
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Agile teams are structurally different than their waterfall counterparts. Waterfall teams follow the structure of the organization and scheduling is often “top down,” meaning that management sets the pace and schedule. In agile development, the team is self-organizing. It sets its own schedule based on priorities from the product owner and the available capacity of the team.

Os mestres de Scrum e os gerentes de desenvolvimento preenchem a lacuna organizacional entre o gerenciamento sênior e as equipes de desenvolvimento. Eles trabalham para otimizar as equipes e os indivíduos de modo a fornecer o melhor software que promova as metas da empresa. O mestre de Scrum e o gerente de desenvolvimento também protegem as equipes de distrações externas, como deslizamento do funções, antipadrões de cascata, problemas multifuncionais e projetos paralelos que distraem a equipe das verdadeiras metas.

Both scrum masters and development managers typically work with multiple agile teams. Let's see how they work with each team in larger agile portfolios.

O que é um gerente de desenvolvimento?

Development managers are key participants in agile organizations and their role is substantial. They're responsible for the quality of the product, from code architecture to end-user quality. They engage in code reviews to ensure team members are contributing code that meets the short and long-term goals of the program, and because they're so close to the team they're usually influential in the technology choices for the program. Combined, this proximity to the process and product allows dev managers to communicate context internally for the team and to the larger organization.

Great development managers are team builders, and that starts with hiring. Development managers drive the hiring process and are well positioned to do so because:

  • A contratação consome muito tempo e distrai a equipe
  • A procura por candidatos tira o foco da criação de ótimos produtos
  • Um gerente de desenvolvimento pode ajudar a reduzir alguns dos efeitos da integração à medida que novos funcionários entram para a equipe

Simplificando: quando o gerente de desenvolvimento assume as tarefas de recrutamento e contratação, a equipe consegue se focar apenas no produto.

Development managers also act as a partner and mentor because they are adept at the fundamentals of management: one-on-one meetings, giving feedback, and coaching. Successful development managers mentor engineers to bring greatness to the table: ideas, code, tests, and culture. At times, the team will struggle with decisions ranging from architectural design to branching strategy. Adept development managers know when to intervene, or let the team continue to struggle in order to learn.

Uma das grandes diferenças entre as equipes ágeis e em cascata é que o gerente de desenvolvimento é um parceiro no processo de estimativa. Em uma equipe em cascata, uma conversa como esta não seria estranha:

  • "Quanto tempo vai levar para entregar essa função?" – gerente
  • "Seis semanas. A gente precisa fazer A, B, C para levar essa função para o mercado". – engenheiro
  • "Hmm. Entendi, mas você precisa encontrar uma forma de dar conta disso em quatro semanas". – gerente

Mas um gerente de desenvolvimento ágil sabe como contratar ótimos funcionários e confiar neles. Um princípio do processo ágil: as pessoas mais próximas ao trabalho são as melhores para definir o escopo e entregar o trabalho. A equipe define o cronograma. O gerente de desenvolvimento dá o diferencial com perguntas e verificação de suposições feitas no exercício de estimativa, sendo um parceiro, e não um ditador, no processo.

Você não vai ouvir "encontre uma forma de dar conta disso em quatro semanas" em organizações ágeis. (E, se ouvir, é um pouco estranho, não?)

O que é um scrum master?

Scrum masters are project leaders in an agile team who focus on optimizing performance, working between the product owner and the team to ensure consistent, successful sprints. Scrum masters also own cross-team coordination so that the core team can focus on product development.

The goal of the scrum master is to keep everyone efficient and on the same page. As a result, the scrum master coordinates most of the inputs and outputs required for an agile program. He or she drives the agile ceremonies of sprint kickoff, daily stand-ups, sprint review, sprint retrospective, and works with the team and development managers to estimate larger items like epics and individual user stories in the backlog. The scrum master may not be as technical as the rest of the team, so the development manager can step in to lend valuable context between the scrum master and the team when a knowledge gap appears. As the team matures in it's application of agile, the scrum master focuses less on estimation and more on optimizing the velocity of delivery.

The scrum master also acts as an agile coach for the larger organization, helping the team adopt and own agile practices throughout the product life cycle: story point estimation, sprint planning, and continuous delivery. The coaching aspect of the scrum master’s job is critical. As agile experts, they know why agile is right for the project and the company, and can be an advocate for agile when a company is working through the growing pains of adopting it

Scrum masters e gerentes de desenvolvimento fazem parcerias em portfólios ágeis

Most waterfall teams are manager-centric. They look to managers to set priorities, track progress, and evaluate performance. By contrast, agile teams are self-organizing teams that own their roadmap and delivery. To make this work for larger organizations, scrum masters and development managers work together to build an agile culture throughout the organization and act as a buffer between teams and C-level management. Since both roles work across multiple agile teams, they are key members of the agile portfolio.

Focus the scrum master on the team's adoption and implementation of agile, and the development manager on hiring the right individuals, mentoring existing team members, and ensuring good development culture in every team. Both roles, working together, will foster high-functioning agile teams.

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