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Written Mantra

Mantras are the sacred sound vibrations to invoke the spiritual force. It also helps you connect with your higher self. Writing of Mantras is also effective if it is done clearly with a serene and calm mind while meditating about the Archetypal Being. There are mantras to fix problems of finance, profession, relationship or to guard ill effects of a planetary placement.

"I am thinking of multiple applications of this device for different human problems. You can fix a planet through this writing. You can attract a relationship or a job. You can pretty much do anything that you want through this proxy sound writing. I conceived of this sound writing for various reasons. It is basically a kind of outsourcing of a practice, outsourcing your personal chore to India. You both are benefited inwardly and materially. We are going to hire Indian people who are in need of money and living in villages. This writing will get them immediate money and also change their karma. For the sponsor, it gets the desired result. The sponsor also gets the good merit of supporting someone in India who needs a job. The service will be closely monitored by our Indian staff. They will daily inspect the writing work to ensure it is carried out exactly according to our instructions and the correct number of repetitions." -- Dr. Pillai

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Invoke Muruga through his beej sounds SA RA VA NA BHA VA, which is a combination of six syllables and is dedicated to the six faces of Muruga. This mantra can invoke the grace of Muruga to help attain complete life transformation and receive his blessings to overcome limiting negative thought patterns, bestow good health and prosperity, win over enemies, clear problems and destroy debt obligations.

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Gurave invokes the energy of the benefic planet Jupiter (Guru). When Jupiter's energy is functioning at its highest level, it can produce gains, good fortune, opportunity, prosperity, higher knowledge, wisdom, benefits from children, partner and professionalism.

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Book your Mantra Writing service where we will have a proxy person write the sound 'Om Gum Ganapataye Namah' 10008 times on your account. Mantra Writing is a simple but powerful approach for incorporating the energy of sacred sounds into writing which can help you overcome hurdles in your life and achieve success in your pursuits. This is believed to invite the power of Ganesha, the obstacle-removing archetype.

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A proxy will repeat the mantra 1008 times on your behalf to invoke Rama's powerful energy in your life. This proxy mantra writing requires dedication, focus, and concentration to completely transform a sponsor's consciousness.

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Read below for the accurate remedy measures suggested by Dr. Pillai: The above list is by no means exhaustive; you can probably add a dozen or more reasons to the list. But Dr. Pillai states a spiritual reason for having a bad relationship or not having a good relationship. Basically relationship is karmic.

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Read below for the accurate remedy measures suggested by Dr. Pillai: The above list is by no means exhaustive; you can probably add a dozen or more reasons to the list. But Dr. Pillai states a spiritual reason for having a bad relationship or not having a good relationship. Basically relationship is karmic.

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On your behalf, a proxy person will write the mantra ‘Om Dattatreya Siva Baba’ 10,008 times. 'Om' is a tremendous cosmic sound and brings in energies of purity. ‘Dattatriya Siva Baba’ accesses the energy of Dr. Pillai’s spiritual name.and accelerates your spiritual evolution.

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On your behalf, a proxy person will write the mantra ‘Om Suryaya Dattatreya Siva Baba’ 10,008 times. 'Suryaya' invokes the energy of planet Sun (Surya), and ‘Dattatreya Siva Baba’ accesses the energy of Dr. Pillai’s spiritual name. Writing mantras involves focus, and the constant repetition is known to transform the sponsor's consciousness. The sponsor receives the good merit of supporting the livelihood of proxy mantra writers.

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On your behalf, a proxy person will write the mantra ‘Om Chandraya Dattatreya Siva Baba’ 10,008 times. 'Chandraya' invokes the energy of planet Moon (Chandra), and ‘Dattatreya Siva Baba’ accesses the energy of Dr. Pillai’s spiritual name.

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On your behalf, a proxy person will write the mantra ‘Om Mangalaya Dattatreya Siva Baba’ 10,008 times. ‘Mangalaya’ invokes the energy of planet Mars (Mangala), and ‘Dattatreya Siva Baba’ accesses the energy of Dr. Pillai’s spiritual name.

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On your behalf, a proxy person will write the mantra ‘Om Budhaya Dattatreya Siva Baba’ 10,008 times. 'Budhaya' invokes the energy of planet Mercury (Budh), and ‘Dattatreya Siva Baba’ accesses the energy of Dr. Pillai’s spiritual name.

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On your behalf, a proxy person will write the mantra ‘Om Gurave Dattatreya Siva Baba’ 10,008 times. 'Gurave' invokes the energy of planet Jupiter (Guru), and ‘Dattatriya Siva Baba’ accesses the energy of Dr. Pillai’s spiritual name.

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On your behalf, a proxy person will write the mantra ‘Om Shukraya Dattatreya Siva Baba’ 10,008 times. 'Shukraya' invokes the energy of planet Venus (Shukra), and ‘Dattatreya Siva Baba’ accesses the energy of Dr. Pillai’s spiritual name.

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On your behalf, a proxy person will write the mantra ‘Om Sanischaraya Dattatreya Siva Baba’ 10,008 times. 'Sanischaraya' invokes the energy of planet Saturn (Sani), and ‘Dattatreya Siva Baba’ accesses the energy of Dr. Pillai’s spiritual name.

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On your behalf, a proxy person will write the mantra ‘Om Rahave Dattatreya Siva Baba’ 10,008 times. 'Rahave' invokes the energy of planet Rahu, and ‘Dattatreya Siva Baba’ accesses the energy of Dr. Pillai’s spiritual name.

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On your behalf, a proxy person will write the mantra ‘Om Ketave Dattatreya Siva Baba’ 10,008 times. 'Ketave' invokes the energy of planet Ketu, and ‘Dattatreya Siva Baba’ accesses the energy of Dr. Pillai’s spiritual name.

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This quantum sound frequency invokes the energies of Siva, in the form of a blue light. The mantra literally means 'Blue-throated One' referring to the legend of Siva drinking the poison and his throat becoming blue. This mantra invokes the energies of Siva in the form of a blue light, which removes karma and repetitive negative patterns.

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Invoke Muruga through his beej sounds SA RA VA NA BHA VA, which is a combination of six syllables and is dedicated to the six faces of Muruga. This mantra can invoke the grace of Muruga to help attain complete life transformation and receive his blessings to overcome limiting negative thought patterns, bestow good health and prosperity, win over enemies, clear problems and destroy debt obligations.

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On this sacred day, writing or chanting the mantra “Om Gurave Namaha” is very auspicious. Get the powerful Guru mantra written by proxy 10008 times that will transform you spiritually and lift your consciousness to help you reach your goal or fulfil your desires without hindrance.

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Dr. Pillai says, "The sound 'Rama' can transform yourself. While chanting the 'Rama' mantra, you are unconsciously making an offering to the supreme cosmic consciousness."

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