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FREE and Paid Reports

Getting Started – FREE Reports

Daily/Monthly/Yearly Horoscopes

Get your accurate moon sign predictions View Details

Birthstar Astrology Report

Find out what star the Moon was in when you were born. This is your birthstar. View Details

Moon Sign Report

The Moon controls your mind and emotions. View Details

Birth Chart Astrology Report

Learn where your planets are located in a Vedic Birth Chart (this can be different from your Western Birth Chart). View Details

Planetary Influence Report

Know which planets are most impacting you right now. Their influence is known as your current “Dasha-Bukti” or current. View Details

Daily Panchangam Report

The 5 Elements of Time. The ancients measured time in terms of 5 specific measures. View Details

Numerology Astrology Report

Are You Aware of Your Psychic Number? View Details

Planetary Watch / Hora Astrology Report

A tool you can use daily to track hour-by-hour changes to “hora” and the planet governing time. View Details

Custom Astrology Reports


Identify Your Good and Bad Planets

Identifying your good and bad planets will give an idea about your ongoing and upcoming period. View Details

Year-Long Predictions Report

Horoscope – Uncover the Mystery of Your Up and Down Times. View Details

Ask Any 3 Questions

Ask your important questions and get helpful answers by our expert Vedic astrologers. View Details

Live Astrologer Consultations

Schedule an appointment to speak one on one. View Details

Astrological Remedies for Your Problems

Solve issues related to your finance, romance, career or health with appropriate astrological remedies.View Details

Prasna Astrology

Prasna means “Question”. A unique 5 minute response service we call “Instant Insight”. View Details

Lucky Name

Suggestions on alternative spellings or your name to change the course of your life. View Details

Electional Astrology – General Report

Technique to find the opportune time when the favorable planetary energies will be supportive. View Details

Electional Astrology: Marriage and Family

Ensure maximum success and satisfaction for the important and memorable occasions in one’s life. View Details

Rectify Your Horoscope When Birthtime Is Unknown

Find Your Birth Time (Rectification of Horoscope) is designed for those users who are uncertain of their exact time of birth. View Details

Identify your Favorable Deity
Identify your Favorable Deity- Special Report

Identify your favorable deity is a special report that will let you know about the deity that is favorable. View Details

Compatibility / Match Making

Horoscope Match Making Report

Our Vedic Astrologers will analyze the compatibility of both the intended partners. View Details

Overcome Relationship & Marital Problems

Performing remedies will help in getting rid of negative elements in relationships. View Details

Is This Your Season of Love?

Give a try to your burning love & romance, and figure out the right sizzling time for your love!. View Details

Soul Mate Compatibility

Vedic Astrology will help you analyze your relationship or soul mate compatibility level. View Details

Patch Up Your Break Up

Our Experts will suggest sure shot remedies which will walk you through the process of “Patch Up”. View Details

End Your Problematic Relationship

Vedic assistance to help you get off your problematic relationship. View Details

Are You Meant for Each Other?

Understand the different ways in which you and lover are compatible. View Details

360 Degree Love Profile

Discover the dynamics of your relationship at every stage in your life. View Details

Future of Marital Life – 2 Years Report

Astrological analysis and prediction for various aspects of your marital life and love life. View Details

Romance Compatibility Forecast – Detailed

Vedic Astrology has a unique method for determining love compatibility between two individuals. View Details

Career and Money

Financial Forecast

Get your detailed month to month money forecasts on what to expect for the year ahead. View Details

Career Forecast

Are you doubtful about your career status for the year ahead?. View Details

SWOT Analysis of your Career Horoscope
SWOT Analysis of your Career Horoscope

Product description: It’s not what you achieve, it’s what you overcome. View Details

Know your Career Fortune Abroad report
Know your Career Fortune Abroad report

A successful career requires skillful planning and know your career fortune abroad is a special repor. View Details


Health Outlook Forecast

An accurate and precise insight of what the year ahead has in store for your health. View Details


Student and Educational Assessment

Know your or your children’s chart for intelligence and learning strengths and impediments. View Details

Know your Education Fortune Abroad report
Know your Education Fortune Abroad report

Education is an important aspect of life that can make you competent. Know your. View Details