Major leaps.
No bounds.

Leading faculty and staff are using Apple technology to power advancements across every field.


Any breakthrough has the power to change the world.

Helping the world breathe easier. And cleaner.

Dr. John Volckens builds solutions to measure air pollution and improve global health.

“Apple technology helps us miniaturize our innovations, making them user friendly and affordable for everyone.”

Dr. John Volckens(he/him)Director, Center for Energy Development and HealthProfessor, Mechanical EngineeringColorado State University

MacBook Pro. All the power Dr. Volckens needs to analyze massive air quality datasets and render stunning visualizations of his findings on interactive dashboards. All at the same time.

iPhone. Dr. Volckens and his team develop custom iOS apps that serve as the user interface for his air sensors on iPhone. The apps collect hundreds of measurements, like temperature, humidity, and air quality, from anywhere in the world in real time.

”My vision is to help everyone everywhere know what’s in the air they breathe. Apple technology makes that vision a reality.”
Dr. John Volckens, Colorado State University

Forging a new, sustainable future for farming.

Brad Bergsma discovers innovative agricultural solutions that advance the global food industry.

“From controlling equipment to field management — the Apple ecosystem is at the heart of everything we do.”

Brad Bergsma(he/him)Instructor, Researcher, and Chief Information OfficerNorthwest Kansas Technical College

iPad Pro. Bergsma uses apps on iPad Pro like Climate FieldView to capture, monitor, and measure all of his agriculture research data — like water irrigation and crop nutrition — from seeding to harvest.

iPhone. From the greenhouse to the field, Bergsma uses iPhone wherever he goes. The convenience and flexibility allow him to check the weather, capture images, and measure soil moisture on the fly.

Pushing the boundaries of creative expression.

Dr. Youngmoo Kim builds music technology that’s shaping the future of live performance and entertainment.

“I seek a world that places no limits or barriers on human creativity.”

Dr. Youngmoo Kim(he/him)Director, ExCITe CenterProfessor, Electrical and Computer EngineeringDrexel University

MacBook Pro. Mac easily handles pro music and visualization apps — like Logic Pro and MATLAB — to push the boundaries of Dr. Kim’s machine listening research using instruments and robots he builds himself.

iPad Pro. Dr. Kim develops iPadOS apps that bring people together to collaborate and feel connected. His Virtual‑Chorister app captures individual recordings and performances from musicians around the world to create virtual music ensembles.


Inspiration can lead to a lifetime of purpose.


a new era

of modern architects.

Raymundo Magos Hernández inspires and empowers the next generation of modern architects to build positive impact in Mexico and beyond.

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iPad Pro and Apple Pencil. Magos chooses iPad and its ecosystem of apps as the all-in-one powerhouse solution to teach and mentor architecture students. iPad with the Voxel Max app makes it simple to create and render 3D models, while the Morpholio Trace app and Apple Pencil provide endless tools to sketch and design details.

“Our mission is to educate men and women so they can develop projects that benefit society, making a real difference in problems we’re facing right now.”
Raymundo Magos Hernández, Director and Professor, School of Architecture at Anáhuac Cancún - International University

Fostering diversity and representation through art.

Ajuan Mance uses Apple technology to create artwork that breaks down stereotypes and amplifies inclusion for all.

“iPad has made access to digital art and animation a reality for creators and artists to play, explore, and find their voice.”

Ajuan Mance(they/she)Mills College, Dean of Digital Learning and Professor of African American LiteratureCalifornia College of the Arts, Adjunct Professor, Illustration Program and Comics MFA

iPad Pro and Apple Pencil. Apple technology powers Mance’s digital art canvas. iPad’s versatility makes it perfect for illustrating, presenting, and teaching — while Apple Pencil’s precision and natural feel enable Mance to seamlessly instruct how to draw and paint inspirational characters with the Adobe Fresco app.

“All people have beauty, value, and power. My art, and my students’ art, is a way of saying ‘I see you.’”
Ajuan Mance, California College of the Arts

Impacting society, one innovation at a time.

Dr. Ichiro Iimura is providing new opportunities for social science students to leave a positive mark on the world.

“My goal is to build career readiness for my students by empowering them with cutting-edge tools and knowledge that help them create solutions to make a difference.”

Dr. Ichiro Iimura(he/him)Professor, Faculty of Administrative StudiesChair, Division of InformaticsPrefectural University of Kumamoto

iPad Pro. Dr. Iimura and his students use iPad, Apple Pencil, and Adobe Illustrator to sketch out and storyboard ideas for an accessibility app that helps teachers communicate with non‑verbal students.

MacBook Pro. Xcode and Swift on Mac with HealthKit empower them to build a solution — an iOS app and a watchOS app that work together to capture and record students’ real-time heart rates and physical reactions during activities.

iPhone and Apple Watch. Video footage and heart rate graphs on iPhone and Apple Watch* enable teachers to instantly read a student’s reaction, better understand how they’re feeling, and adjust teaching methods.

Shifting human behavior to save the planet.

Dr. Sathya Gopalakrishnan inspires students to lead environmental change for a sustainable future.

“iPad has transformed the way I lead my classes. It gives me the freedom to engage with my students in a way I could not before.”

Dr. Sathya Gopalakrishnan(she/her)Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development EconomicsThe Ohio State University

iPad Pro and Apple Pencil. Dr. Gopalakrishnan uses Explain Everything Whiteboard on iPad to record and capture her environmental economics lessons, break down abstract charts and graphs, and show her students how to solve complex mathematical problems in real time.

See more faculty in action.


Where there’s a will, there’s a way to win.

Powering performance from practice to game day.

The University of Nebraska–Lincoln uses Apple technology to give its student athletes a competitive edge.

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MacBook Pro. A pro tool for competing at the pro level. Leading athletic departments, like the one at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, use Mac to analyze performance and train at the cutting edge. Coaches use the Hudl Sportscode app to analyze video, study player stats, review training sessions, and help teams improve for the next game.

“We rely on Apple to run our entire athletic department because we want our staff, students, and coaches using great technology. It’s one of the things that gives us an edge.”
Bill Moos, Athletic Director, University of Nebraska–Lincoln

iPad Pro. Leading college basketball teams use HomeCourt on iPad Pro to push their progress and drills to the next level. The app uses augmented reality to capture student athletes’ moves and stats as they train and breaks down in-depth data like shooting accuracy, vertical jump, and speed after every session.