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Bill Adams
University of Kentucky, United States

Making the switch and reducing costs with Apple.

33K Students Receive iPad and Apple Pencil for Digital Equity
60% Reduction in Total Cost of Ownership

Like many senior IT professionals, Bill Adams strongly identified as a PC guy. That changed when he launched a multi-year study to take a holistic look at the total cost of ownership of all 30,000+ devices hitting the university’s JAMF network. After two years, Adams came to a conclusion that surprised him. “The data showed us that Apple is easier and cheaper to support.”

Adams discovered that Macs are twice as efficient as PC-based computers to support, and iPads are strikingly 10x more efficient to manage than other tablets. “One employee managing 120 Surface tablets can keep over 1,200 iPads running over the same period of time,” Adams says. “And that shocked us! Most people only see the purchase price, but they don’t consider the total cost of ownership. Apple more than pays off during the life cycle of its devices.”

Thanks to zero-touch deployment and best-in-class performance and security, Apple technology has reduced the University of Kentucky’s IT labor costs by over 60%. Even Adams has personally made the switch. “I couldn’t be a hypocrite,” he says. “I’m a numbers guy, and the numbers said Apple is the way to go. At no point in my life did I think I would be switching to Apple technology. And I’m very glad that I did.”

MacBook Pro. From crunching numbers to visualization, Mac performance powers Adams’ analysis. Split View elegantly displays data in Excel alongside the University of Kentucky’s technology performance dashboard.


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