
protesters demanding action

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Speak up. Support psychology. Improve lives.

Your voice matters in the fight to advance psychology to benefit society and improve lives. Join forces with us to maximize our impact on issues that affect psychologists, psychology and society at large.


Tips for maximizing your advocacy

Your grassroots voice is an essential part of our efforts to advocate for psychology and psychologists on Capitol Hill. View these videos to help maximize your advocacy on federal policy.

4 Steps for Effectively Emailing Your Member of Congress

In less than five minutes, you can join thousands of other psychologists around the country in influencing policy. These four steps will help you maximize the impact of your advocacy emails.

Seven Terms That Help Explain the Congressional Policymaking Process

Knowing a few key terms will help you understand how Congress works, and help you be a better advocate for issues and legislation that impact psychology.

Federal Advocacy for Psychology: The Basics

This one-hour Advocacy 101 session prepares participants to advocate effectively for psychology on federal policies affecting the profession and its clients, and the importance of becoming an advocate. Attendees learn how best to get involved on issues of concern to the psychology community and effective tips for communicating with policymakers.

Congressional champions

The APA Services Congressional Champion Award is given to Members of Congress who have prominently championed the goals of the discipline and profession of psychology.


Stay informed on important issues impacting psychology on Capitol Hill

Join our Psychology Advocacy Network to get the latest news and action alerts from APA Services.

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