Leadership Development Institute at APA

Build essential leadership skills, maximize your potential, and build a stronger, more diverse psychology.

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The challenges faced by women in leadership

Alice Eagly, PhD, an emeritus professor of psychology at Northwestern University, discusses her research on the psychology of gender, including sex differences and similarities in leadership and how the public’s views on women in leadership roles have changed over time.

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Alice Eagly, PhD


Early career leadership development

Do you find yourself newly appointed to a leadership position or looking to broaden your scope in your career in psychology and want some tips? We got you covered!

Leadership Tips

Group having a productive meeting

Get involved in APA boards and committees

Serving on APA boards and committees provides opportunities for leadership development and to impact the field and direction of psychology. You’ll work with a team of people at diverse levels of specialty and training, from different work settings, and at different stages in their careers.

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