Public Interest Directorate

Improving the status, health and well-being of women psychologists and consumers of psychological services, and addressing issues such as gender disparities, domestic violence, disabilities and depression.

WPO News, Publications, and Resources




CWP Webinar Series

  • Accessing APA Data

  • Changing Gender Composition of Psychology

  • Survivor-led and Survivor-informed Trafficking Research

  • Articles:
    Miles-Cohen, S.E. (2018). Gardening and women’s maternal health in the U.S. Capital: The unacceptable chasm. Women’s Reproductive Health, 5, 20-24, DOI: 10.1080/23293691.2018.1429377

    Miles-Cohen, S.E., Faye, C.; & Rutherford, A. (2018). I Am Psyched! Inspiring histories, inspiring lives: Women of color in psychology. In J. C. Ashton (Ed.). Feminism and Museums: Intervention, Disruption and Change, Vo. 2, (pp. 476-502). Edinburgh, UK: MuseumsEtc.

Last updated: June 2022Date created: June 2021