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Deliveries made easy
Spend less time
managing packages and buzzing in drivers, and more time keeping residents happy.
Smart and secure
Drivers are verified by Amazon Key, packages are delivered safely inside, and residents experience fewer missing deliveries.
Third-party deliveries
Allows trusted package, restaurant, and grocery delivery companies to
make deliveries using
Amazon Key.

Everyone benefits from Amazon Key

Delivery woman
Building owners & managers
✔️ Can increase staff efficiency
✔️ Helps reduce the time spent managing deliveries
✔️ May decrease deliveries left outside the building
✔️ Helps reduce delivery-related issues and resident complaints
✔️ Additional building amenity that's completely free of charge
✔️ No more buzzing in drivers
✔️ Receive packages safely anytime
✔️ Less planning your days around deliveries
✔️ Can reduce delayed, missing, and stolen packages
✔️ No need to share fobs or access codes with drivers

How it works

How it works: Step 1, driver arrives at designated entry door and requests access via Amazon Key. Step 2, Amazon Key verifies the driver, delivery address, and time of request. Step 3, once verified, the driver receives temporary, time-bound access to deliver packages. Step 4, the driver completes the delivery and leaves the building. The driver is unable to re-enter after the building access expires.


Amazon Key technology is compatible with over 95% of secure access systems.
Fob readers
Fob readers
Call boxes
Remote openers
Motorized gates
and doors

Free installation

The type of installation you receive depends on your property.
Contact us to find out which one is right for you.
Get started

What our customers are saying

Customer reviews
Our residents order a high volume of packages from Amazon, requiring frequent access delivery drivers to our communities. To help ensure that packages aren’t ever delayed in reaching our residents, we’ve enabled the key for Business technology at key doors and gates. This reduces work for our associates and provides a more secure digital verification of driver activity.
Karen Hollinger
Vice President, Corporate Initiatives
AvalonBay Communities, Inc.
Customer reviews
Key for Business provides a service that benefits our residents and our bottom line, especially as home delivery of goods becomes more important to our consumers and their personalization needs. The visibility of the driver’s entrance and the coordination with the fob system creates peace of mind for our residents, in being able to deliver packages securely to their homes. Additionally, this operational workflow creates time efficiencies for our on-site property staff.
Cindy Fisher
Chief Operating Officer

Frequently asked questions

1. How do I get Amazon Key technology for my building?
Submit a request here to receive information about Amazon Key. At the time of installation, a trained technician will survey your building and install the Amazon Key device to enable Amazon Key technology.

2. Is my property eligible for Amazon Key technology?
Most properties that receive deliveries directly from Amazon and have compatible electrical access systems are eligible for Amazon Key technology, though some smaller properties may not be eligible. Contact us to confirm your building's eligibility.

3. Do delivery drivers need to use an access code to get access to the building?
No. With Amazon Key technology, drivers request and receive entry via their delivery apps without the need for building access codes.

4. Can delivery drivers re-enter the building once they complete their delivery?
Delivery driver entry is time-limited. Drivers cannot re-enter once their time-limited access has expired.

5. Will Amazon Key change the existing access experience for my residents?
No, it does not disrupt the way residents access properties.

6. What kinds of systems work with Amazon Key technology?
It works with most call boxes, buzzers, key pads, and many other building access systems.

7. What is the third-party deliveries feature and how does it work?*
The third-party deliveries feature gives property managers the option to permit third-party delivery providers to use Amazon Key technology. This gives the third-party provider the ability to use Amazon Key to access the property and make deliveries or provide services without assistance from staff or residents. Property managers can add or remove third-party delivery providers at any time. Examples of approved third party providers include package, restaurant and grocery delivery companies.

* Available for eligible properties only.

8. How can I verify the legitimacy of an Amazon Key representative?
Call 1-844-589-6855 (tel: 18445896855) to verify if a representative is affiliated with Amazon.

9. Who can I contact if I need assistance or experience issues with the Amazon Key device or my access control system?
Email or call 877-728-1504 (tel: 8777281504) to speak to an Amazon customer service representative.