About Customs Regulations for Identity Documents

When you place an order for a product from Amazon.com, Identity Documents (ID information) may be required for customs clearance.

Customs regulations in certain countries require you to provide ID for customs clearance. Amazon safely & securely stores the ID information in order to transmit the information to the carrier and Customs officials. This process allows your packages to clear Customs without additional delay.

When you provide your ID information for an address, the ID information links to that delivery address. We use the information provided for that shipment as well as future shipments to that address. The name on the shipping address must match the name on the provided ID information. If you're shipping to someone other than yourself, add the ID information of the recipient. To edit the ID information linked to a delivery address, go to Your Addresses.

To delete the ID information from your Amazon account, go to Manage saved IDs. We immediately remove the ID information from your saved IDs page and all addresses in your address book. Permanent deletion from the Amazon database can take up to 30 days. If you don't use the ID information over a 90-day period, we automatically delete the ID from Your Account and Amazon systems.

Errors or missing information may cause delays beyond the original delivery date. The carrier may contact you for further information to complete those orders.

  • Customs offices in some countries and regions require the importer of record (IOR) to provide a particular form of identification (ID) before releasing a shipment. You may be required to provide an ID number (such as national ID), photograph of ID, or other document.
  • Countries, regions, and jurisdictions that can require an ID number include: Argentina, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bermuda, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Latvia, Lithuania, Mexico, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Peru, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay.
  • We collect this information for some countries. However, it may happen that these countries' Customs office may need additional information and you might be required to provide that data directly to the delivery carrier.
  • Taiwan: Effective January 16th, 2020, Taiwan customs requires real name authentication for individuals importing courier express shipments. To facilitate customs clearance, the recipient must register directly via the Taiwan Customs EZ WAY app on a mobile device to complete the real name authentication process. Shipments without real name authentication and verification may not be accepted for import clearance. For additional detail regarding the import clearance process, you can visit the Taiwan Customs information website at https://eweb.customs.gov.tw/.
  • South Korea: When importing products into Korea, a Personal Customs Clearance Code (PCCC), provided by the Korea Customs Service is required for the declaration of personal items. You can create or update your PCCC on the Korea Customs Service site or obtain further information at https://www.customs.go.kr/.

    Note, that when ordering on Amazon.com, Korean customers can use their Korean or non-Korean name. When using their Korean name, this name must be an identical match to the name used in their PCCC application (capitalization sensitive). If customers use their non-Korean name to order products on Amazon.com for shipping into Korea, the last 4 digits of the phone number in the Customs entry must match the last 4 digits of the phone number provided in their PCCC registration.

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