nRF52832 Bluetooth Low Energy Module - MDBT42Q-512KV2

Product ID: 4077

Qty Discount
1-9 $9.95
10-99 $8.96
100+ $7.96


If you have a custom PCB design and you'd like to add a little Bluetooth Low Energy, this module is ultra-compact and easy to use. It contains a Nordic nRF52832 chip that comes integrated with BLE radio as well as most of the supporting circuitry and even a chip antenna. The whole thing comes with FCC, CE, and TELEC certifications.

Please note! The module comes with a blank chip - this is for people who are comfortable programming the chips themselves with a J-Link programmer and the Nordic SDK. We don't provide any firmware to go along with it!

This is the same module we use for the Adafruit nRF52832 Feather so if you'd like to see a possible reference design for this module, check out the PCB files here!

Of course, the best way to program these chips is with the Nordic SDK. This chip also has some basic Arduino support, some MicroPython support, and is well supported by MyNewt. Either way you go (SDK/MicroPython/Arduino) you'll still need to solder this onto a PCB and load code via an SWD programmer.

Play video: NRF52832 Teardown - Collin’s Lab Notes #adafruit #collinslabnotes

Play video: New Products 1/23/19 Featuring #Adafruit #RadioBonnet RFM96W @ 433MHz #RadioFruit @adafruit

Technical Details

  • 32-bit ARM® Cortex™ M4F CPU
  • Supply: 1.7V – 3.6V
  • Memory: 512KB Flash Memory
  • RAM: 64KB
  • Tx Power: +4 dBm @ 7.5mA, 0 dBm @ 5.3mA
  • Rx Sensitivity: -96 dBm @ 5.4mA
  • Flexible and configurable 32 GPIO (8 analog inputs)
  • Interfaces: UART / I2C / SPI / PWM / PDM / I2S / NFC
  • 3 x Hardware SPI controller ; 3 x Hardware SPI peripheralā€§2 x two-wire controller ; 2 x two-wire peripheral
    •  1 x UART (CTS / RTS)
    •  PDM for digital microphone
    •  I2S for audio
  • 12-bit / 200KSPS ADC
  • 128-bit AES ECB / CCM / AAR co-processor
  • Low cost external crystal 32MHz ± 40ppm for Bluetooth ; ± 50ppm for ANT Plus
  • Low power 32MHz crystal and RC oscillators
  • Operating Temp: -40°C to +85°C
  • Raytac's product page

Product Dimensions: 16.0mm x 10.0mm x 2.2mm / 0.6" x 0.4" x 0.1"

Product Weight: 0.6g / 0.0oz

RoHS 2 2011 65 EU Compliant
RoHS 2 2015 863 EU Compliant