Risk Model Development & Risk Analytics

Enhance your risk models and reduce costs

Our team of specialists can help you to develop your risk models

We have worked with a host of financial institutions to transform their risk models, helping them to save large amounts in Regulatory Capital charges and assisting them with compliance of complex regulatory requirements.

Risk Model Development & Risk Analytics

Setup & Information

What is ORE?

In this video, we give an overview
of what is Open-source Risk Engine (ORE):

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How to install ORE?

In this video, we explain how to
install and test Open source Risk Engine

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Files Configuration

Trades XML Files

In this video, we walk you through
the ORE XML trade detail specification

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How to change the reporting currency?

In this video we explain how to change
the reporting currency when pricing a trade

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General Configuration & Master File

In this video, we explain the general setup
of ORE , how the master file contains
all information regarding the other input files

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Trades & Analytics

Interest Rate Swap

In this video, we explain how to setup
ORE to price an interest rate swap.

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Equity Option with Implied Volatility Surface

In this video, we explain how to setup ORE
to price an equity option with implied volatility.

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Technical Finance

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Risk Model Development & Risk Analytics Case Studies

Counterparty Credit model development - Swiss-based Tier 1 Bank

Engagement Goal:

A bank hired Quaternion Quant Services to help with the renewal and re-approval of Counterparty Credit Models that were to be used for regulatory capital under the Basel III Internal Model Method. They also requested that this be extended across multiple regulatory regimes.

Project Description:

Quaternion was engaged as the lead consulting firm in a long-term program to renew and seek approval for a modern, cross asset class, post-crisis suite of CCR IMM models. The resulting models have been submitted and gained regulatory approval in multiple EU and non-EU regulatory regimes. The overall program of work involved research, development (including prototyping), documentation and submission assistance for a comprehensive suite of models. The work was done to the SR 11-7 standard mandated by the Federal Reserve bank. The regulatory submissions have been successful in multiple regulatory regimes.

IBOR replacement at Tier 1 Global Investment Bank

Market Risk and IFRS reporting support for a German Bank

Introduction to the Open Source Risk Project

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