State Capital Improvement Program

Find the Statewide Capital Improvement Program (SCIP) lists for our state's airports.

Below are the Statewide Capital Improvement Program (SCIP) lists for our state's airports. These lists capture project requirements for airports that address both individual airport needs and FAA recommendations for National Plan of Integrated Airport System non-primary airports.

SCIP Login

WSDOT State Capital Improvement Plan: 2024 (PDF 901KB)

WSDOT State Capital Improvement Plan: 2025-2029 (PDF 1.4MB)

The list is based on the information airports provided during the CIP submission window (July 1, 2023 – August 31, 2023). The WSDOT Statewide Capital Improvement Plan is an unconstrained list that includes all 132 public-use airports and reflects all projects that airports entered in the CIP web application. The Recommended CIP for Non-Primary NPIAS Airports list is a constrained list for only NPIAS non-primary airports, reflects projects that the FAA deemed significant and essential to an airport’s overall plan, and includes projects likely to receive federal funding in future years. Projects are based on federal standards of eligibility and justification, and are dependent on the availability of funding.

Like the highway system, Washington’s system of public-use airports is a critical component of the state’s transportation system. And, also like the highway system, constant maintenance and improvements are necessary to meet the needs and demands of the traveling public. Simply put, current aviation system needs far outweigh available funding.

The State Capital Improvement Program (SCIP) tackles the challenge of targeting state and federal resources in a more strategic way by better identifying and prioritizing aviation-related projects. This process will help WSDOT Aviation and local governments communicate to decision-makers about the need for continued and increased investments into Washington’s airport system. The program is a continuous, multi-year funding program that will assess short-term (0-5 year) and long-term (5-20 year) airport improvement needs for the Washington state airport system. The SCIP helps agencies including WSDOT Aviation, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and local governments to better anticipate future airport development capital needs and to make strategic investments to maximize financial resources.

We implement the program on two fronts:

  • A program for airports eligible for FAA Airport Improvement Program (AIP) funds.
  • A program for airports only eligible for WSDOT Airport Aid Program funds.


  • Capture at the state level both the constrained and unconstrained needs of Washington state airports. This data will be used to demonstrate to state legislators and other local decision-makers the financial needs to maintain and enhance this critical component of the statewide transportation system.
  • Use the process developed in partnership with the FAA for federally funded airports for non-federally funded airports within Washington state.
  • Increase predictability, consistency, and efficiency amongst WSDOT, airport sponsors and FAA when prioritizing and distributing Washington airport capital improvement funds.
  • Eliminate duplication of efforts. WSDOT Aviation is responsible for the annual collection of CIPs from airport sponsors, which will alleviate airport sponsors from having to duplicate communication with both the FAA and WSDOT.
  • Maximize efficiency by designating WSDOT Aviation as the organizer of CIP submittals. WSDOT will then work with the FAA to provide a more timely response from the agencies back to airport sponsors regarding their CIP requests.
  • Joint coordination with FAA Project Managers as part of the five year SCIP development process will result in:
    • Increased resources for airport sponsors to discuss your individual airport CIP and airport needs.
    • The ability of Washington State to work with the FAA and airport sponsors to better incorporate statewide aviation needs into the FAA SCIP development process.
    • More efficient use of available AIP funds to Washington state airports as well as the potential for increased access to certain AIP funds as a result of better SCIP planning.
    • Create a proactive, continual planning process for years to come. This will result in a more sustainable airport system, enabling WSDOT Aviation, FAA and local governments to look ahead to determine how the system can continue to be improved and preserved.

Frequently asked questions

Q: What is the purpose of the CIP?
A: The CIP takes on the challenge of targeting state and federal resources in a more strategic way by better identifying and prioritizing aviation-related projects. It provides project lists based on airport needs to communicate with decision-makers, and sets the stage for future FAA and WSDOT grants.

Q: What is the time period for updating my CIP?
A: The period is a two-month window starting on July 1 through August 31 every year.

Q: How many projects do I need to input?
A: The program is intended to be a continuous, multi-year funding program that will assess short-term (0-5 year) and long-term (5-20 year) airport improvement needs for the Washington state airport system.

Q: Can I make changes to my CIP?
A: The first two years of the CIP are locked. This allows for programming of project funding and programming project execution.

Q: What is the outcome of the CIP?
A: The result of the CIP is a statewide five-year project list to the FAA and WSDOT.

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