Hi @snipsnip,
Regarding WebP:
You seem to be using Cloudflare for your site. Unfortunately, Cloudflare [does not support Vary: Accept
](https://serverfault.com/questions/780882/impossible-to-serve-webp-images-using-cloudflare), so sending WebP via Cloudflare can cause browsers that don’t support WebP to download the wrong image type. You can try using [Cloudflare Polish](https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000607372-Using-Cloudflare-Polish-to-compress-images) instead.
I’m considering changing the logic to only serve WebP images. But this will break images on [old browsers](https://caniuse.com/webp) so I’m not sure yet.
Regarding CSS:
You don’t seem to have PhastPress enabled right now. Therefore I can’t check what’s happening. If you re-enable PhastPress or set up a testing copy of your site with PhastPress enabled, I can investigate further.
Hello, thanks for the answer.
So Polish is Pro feature.
What about using both logics with another button to switch between one another so the user can choose?
Hi @snipsnip,
That would be great. It’s on my wishlist to work on when I have time. Right now, I don’t expect it to be soon.