This is still an issue with
Thank you for reporting this, I replied to your ticket regarding this issue. Will you please check and post a reply back on your ticket?
We found the problem with the shortcodes still showing in the online version on a specific link and we fixed this in our latest development. An update will be released soon.
I’m extremely disappointed that, despite the release notes acknowledging a fix and my help identifying the file causing the issue, this is still not resolved in 4.6.9. Had to revert again to Tested on 3 different browsers, wamp, development site and live site. Disabled all other plugins, cleared cache and tested with 2017 theme. Still the issue persists.
Where do you get the online link from that is still showing the shorcodes?
I discovered the problem. I always download the latest version and install it manually via ftp as I have an images folder that is overwritten if I do the automatic update. When I clicked on the ‘download latest version’ button it wasn’t linked to the latest 4.6.9 version but 4.8.6. I had to update automatically and restore my images folder from a backup. The shortcodes now work as expected. Thanks very much.