Thanks for your note. This is the first time such a failure is signaled. This error is too generic. Can you tell us what other plugins are activated ? Have you tested other multilingual plugin before activating xili-language ?
Is your database cleaned and repaired (via php admin)
Thanks for your contribution.
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When all plugins are deactivated, activation of xili crashes the site. Among all plugins, xili is the only one listed as not compatible with a current version of WordPress.
I had to downgrade to WP 4.5.3 for the site to keep working.
Xili is the only multilanguage plugin that I use.
Recently, a support exchange was done with this site working with WP 4.7.3 and XILI-LANGUAGE 2.21.2 and TwentySeventeen-xili theme.
What is your theme ?
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Michael, now everything is fine. I am still using Moesia.
I suspect that incompatibility was not with WP, but with a learning plugin Lifter LMS while running WP 4.7.x. I moved the school to Namaste! LMS, and everything works just fine. Except neither of the two plugins want to exist in a bilingual environment 🙂
This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by irakly.