Hello @gamejump,
Are you doing this from admin Permalink settings ?
If yes, then May be it’s a issue of .htaccess file write permission.
Please check whether your htaccess has write permission ?
you will get an error when you save the permalinks setting from admin.
no i want to change it
so what htaccess code i need to be write to make that work with all the posts redirects correctly
Hi @gamejump,
You do not need to edit htaccess file. Once you change the settings in permalink, htaccess will be automatically updated(if you have proper file permission set).
You can change permalink setting as describe in this screen shot. https://prnt.sc/i84710
Also if you change the permalink your old post will be automatically redirected to the new URL. So it wont give you 404 error.
looks like i am not able to sort out to explain my problem
well i want that htaccess setting by that my post will get redirects easily after selecting that settings
so you have any idea on htaccess settings than post it rest i know
WordPress itself cannot redirect all of your changed permalinks for you. The one exception would be if you were changing from the default structure (which you are not). There are some plugins that might help but, eventually, you’re going to have to become comfortable with redirecting old links via .htaccess.
Hello ,
You need to add following code in htaccess. Replace “example.com” with actual site name.
RedirectMatch 301 ^/([0-9]{4})/([0-9]{2})/(?!page/)(.+)$ http://example.com/$3
You can generate the htaccess code using following URL.
Ref: https://yoast.com/change-wordpress-permalink-structure/