• The plugin appeared to function as expected with the TT3 theme in use. I created a child theme with the plugin to capture my style overrides and that appears to have worked as expected. Went to upload a font from local and the Manage Fonts screen is blank when it worked before creating the child theme.

    Reading the console, it appears a function is missing. This error does not appear in another WordPress.com site using TT3 theme. Not sure if this is a bug or an issue with my instance.

    Console Error
    [Error] TypeError: undefined is not a function (near ‘…(t.fontFace||[]).map…’)
    Nn (react-dom.min.js:1:32557)
    ml (react-dom.min.js:1:86096)
    (anonymous function) (react-dom.min.js:1:99385)
    ta (react-dom.min.js:1:99415)
    (anonymous function) (index.js:5:24115)

    Create Block Theme V1.13.0
    WordPress.com V6.2.2
    Safari V16.3

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Can you please check if there is a conflict on your site, by attempting to disable all plugins, if the problem goes away, enable them one by one to identify the source of your troubles?
    If you are worried about how your site will look when you deactivate the plugins, you can use the Health Check plugin to troubleshoot your site Health Check

    The link in your post is incomplete

    Thread Starter nickmurphy


    Ran Health Check and the only warning was an SEO change to comments from Yoast SEO. Switching back to the TT3 theme resolved the issue with Manage Fonts screen not displaying. However I cannot upload a font for that theme since it is hosted by WordPress.com.

    Full url: https://nickmurphy.net/wp-admin/themes.php?page=manage-fonts

    Switching to another wordpress.com site using TT3 theme I followed the steps in the below support post and received the same error as above.


    Moderator jordesign


    Hi @nickmdesign – that definitely sounds odd. So just to confirm – you’re getting the same error/issue when you try this on multiple different sites on WordPress.com?

    In terms of the ‘symlink’ factor mentioned in that other thread – there’s another thing you can try on WordPress.com. If you download a copy of TwentyTwentyThree from here you’d then be able to upload that ZIP file to use instead of WordPress.com’s symlinked version.

    That may allow you to add/manage fonts again. Could you please try that out?

    Thread Starter nickmurphy


    Yes, same error on 2 different WordPress.com sites.

    I downloaded TT3 from the link you provided and attempted the upload on both sites with each one failing:
    “The update cannot be installed because some files could not be copied. This is usually due to inconsistent file permissions.”

    When both sites were using the symlinked TT3 themes I could not upload a local font via Create Block Theme due to a file permissions issue. For this approach to work I would probably have to rename the theme to send it to another directory then recreate the child theme.

    To bypass the Create Block Theme plugin, I modified the child theme to add the local font to theme.json and font files to assets folder. To my surprise the font did not display as an option in the styles editor.

    Moderator jordesign


    Hey @nickmdesign – thanks for trying that out. At this stage my next best suggestion would be to reach out to the support at WordPress.com (I think you can use support@WordPress.com) to see if they can offer any suggestions for working with TT3 and the Create Block Theme plugin on their hosting.

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