Hello Mika,
As far as I see, the latest version still available for download is 1.7.1 published “about 5 years ago”.
Is there a zip with the latest version from October ‘18?
I’m also interested in this plugin and quite sad to see it’s gone. I think that not a lot of people read about it so they don’t even know it exists.
Currently there is no other option for us to let users register accounts on main website and also make them available across all the sub sites within the multisite network. Except editing the core files (and I’m not comfortable doing so).
If I may, I think this plugin was adding a great feature that should have been built in.
It’s the same code. But I have no idea where you got 5 years since the page says the last update on master was 7 months ago.
Latest version, same as was on here.
I just don’t have the time or energy to support a plugin like this, so you’re free to fork it or do what you want. Barely 100 people used it.
We use this plugin and we love it. Thanks for creating it.
I love it too! It’s a must-have! Glad to see it’s still on git hub. Thank you Ipstenu!