• Resolved egocefalo



    Getting: “Failed to initialize plugin: wplink” warning.

    Admin side on pages, products editor, products list, etc. causing problems as disappearing, non-responsive fields and text areas.

    After troubleshooting plugins I found it’s caused by Yoast.

    Thanks for any help

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter egocefalo


    Also Yoast SEO pages (admin.php?page=wpseo_page_settings, integration, academy) are totally blank.

    Plugin Support Maybellyne


    Hello @egocefalo

    Please provide us with screenshots that highlight the issue you are experiencing. You can use any image-sharing service like https://pasteboard.co/, https://snag.gy/, https://imgur.com/, https://snipboard.io/, or even upload the screenshot to your own website. Once you upload it to an image-sharing service, please share the link to the image here.

    Thread Starter egocefalo


    Hi @maybellyne

    On woocommerce single product edit page the metabox is empty: https://ibb.co/wM7WgXQ

    This is Yoast SEO Settings page https://ibb.co/BTZq1mp (totally blank)

    If I click on “Quick Edit” button (product list) the item dissapear from the list instead of opening the quick edit box.

    Many errors of that kind.

    I did troubleshoot (just yoast + theme 2023 + woocommerce) and it is caused by Yoast plugin 100% sure about it.

    It happens just on pages with woocommerce installed, all my other (non-woocommerce) wordpress installations are working correctly. I have Yoast installed on all of them.

    Thank you

    Plugin Support Maybellyne


    Thanks for the screenshots, @egocefalo. I’m sorry you’re experiencing a blank meta box on WooCommerce pages while running Yoast SEO 23.0, WordPress 6.6 & WooCommerce 9.1.2.

    Often, we see problems occur in combination with another plugin or theme. The fastest way to rule out any conflict is to deactivate all non-Yoast plugins and switch to a standard theme like Twenty Twenty-Two.

    Please test this on your development or staging site if you have one. If not, we recommend using the Health Check & Troubleshooting plugin. This plugin has a troubleshooting mode, which does not affect normal visitors to your site.

    If you’re unfamiliar with checking for conflicts, we’d like to point you to a step-by-step guide that will walk you through the process: How to check for plugin conflicts

    Thread Starter egocefalo


    Hi @maybellyne

    Yes, since the first message I let you know that I have already done that, with Health Check.

    I did troubleshoot (just yoast + theme 2023 + woocommerce) and all errors disappear when disabling Yoast and appear when enabling Yoast so it is caused by Yoast plugin (with only a default theme and woocommerce). Yoast is conflicting with Woocommerce.

    So, this means you’re not reading my messages, which is a pity because you’re representing the plugin’s team.

    Anyway, any help?


    Plugin Support Mushrit Shabnam


    Hi @egocefalo

    You are facing Yoast SEO metabox is empty on woocommerce single product edit page, the quick edit from the product overview page is empty and also you are seeing Yoast SEO pages (admin.php?page=wpseo_page_settings, integration, academy) are totally blank. I am sorry for the issues you are facing.

    While checking from my test site using Yoast SEO 23.0 and WooCommerce 9.1.2, I could not face blank area in product overview: please check the screenshot. The quick edit is showing settings, please check the screenshot. Also, I noticed the metabox is loading, kindly check the screenshot.

    What’s next?

    Please check the browser console for errors where you are facing blank areas i.e on the edit page where Yoast SEO metabox is empty and where you see blank areas.

    You can follow the article How to find JavaScript errors with your browser’s console? If you see error, please provide us with screenshots from the console. You can use any image-sharing service like https://pasteboard.co/, https://snag.gy/, https://imgur.com/, https://snipboard.io/, or even upload the screenshot to your own website. Once you upload it to an image-sharing service, please share the link to the image here.

    Thread Starter egocefalo


    Hi @611shabnam

    This is the console screenprint of a Single Product Edit Page with Yoast disabled (everything else enabled).

    https://ibb.co/sqYRJBG (Yoast disabled)

    This is is the console screenprint of the same Single Product Edit Page but with Yoast Enabled (everything including Yoast).

    https://ibb.co/WKg5HBj (Yoast enabled)

    This is the console screenprint of the Single Product Edit Page on Health Check Troubleshooting mode only Default theme 2023 + Woocommerce:

    https://ibb.co/Ht7cTB8 (Health Check Troubleshooting mode Default theme + Woocommerce)

    This is the console screenprint of the Single Product Edit Page on Health Check Troubleshooting mode only Default theme 2023 + Woocommerce + Yoast Plugin:

    https://ibb.co/3YYFJ4Z (Health Check Troubleshooting mode Default theme + Woocommerce + Yoast Plugin)

    I’m using Yoast SEO 23.0 and WooCommerce 9.1.2 on Worpdress 6.6 on PHP version 8.1

    Thanks a lot for your help!

    Plugin Support Mushrit Shabnam


    Hi @egocefalo

    Thank you for the screenshots on console error.

    I noticed a lot of errors are generated from your core files. From the screenshot (where Health Check Troubleshooting mode Default theme + Woocommerce + Yoast Plugin was activated), we see a ERR_ABORTED 429 so you or your hosting provider needs to find out what’s going wrong.

    Another step you can take is, kindly install and activate Health Check & Troubleshooting plugin and run the file Integrity check. If you notice any changes reported on the Integrity check, kindly fix it or you can contact your hosting provider to have it fixed for you.

    Thread Starter egocefalo


    Hi, did you notice that all those errors are generated only when Yoast SEO is enabled?

    I have 60+ plugins, everything is ok (no errors) until Yoast SEO is enabled. And that ERR_ABORTED 429 is to many requests. Which I insist, appears when Yoast SEO is enabled.

    Thats why I included screenshots with and without Yoast SEO enabled.

    By the way integrity check is clean.

    I changed to SEO Press on my Woocommerce sites (which by the way gives no errors without changing anything else)

    Thank you!

    Plugin Support Mushrit Shabnam


    Hi @egocefalo

    I am sorry for the situation you are facing. We have taken a closer look.

    Please know that the ‘undefined’ errors can happen for many reasons including for a missing or corrupt files in Yoast plugin. So kindly delete the existing Yoast SEO on your site, download a fresh copy of Yoast SEO and then install and activate it. This will ensure the files are correct.

    We also noticed there’s also a MIME error which means one or more files has the wrong file type. That’s set at the server level. In this case, it could also be the cause. The file is a JS file but the MIME type is '' (empty) and cannot run. Yoast uses JS a lot so fixing that could resolve undefined errors.

    So once you install and activate Yoast SEO plugin on your site, then fix the invalid MIME type so JS files are  text/javascript . Then check if the issues exist.

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