It’s working for me. The header background changes to a light blue on scroll. Maybe it’s your browser cache. Lmk if clearing that helps.
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I’m trying to change that light blue color but it’s not working. I tried with cache remove.
Fo you happen to have the plugin activated on more than 1 container? That can cause settings conflicts.
I can look into your site more tomorrow.
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No it’s not working, can you check again ?
I don’t see the plugin active on the page anymore.
I have this same issue. Background color does not change. I have set the section background color to white. and in the sticky settings to a different color. but it does not change on scroll. Also, blur on scroll does not work. Although I have seen the sticky post about that issue. Right now if I can get color to change on scroll, it will fine. Great plugin btw.
@bruno05 Hi, the moderators here would prefer that you start a new thread. They might say something about that. It’s easier to keep track of and better for others who might have a similar issue. Anyway, in the meantime, do you have a link to your site with the problem? I can take a look.