• I have encountered an untreated bug in your plugin that appears when no free shipping is predefined. I’m working on a new site where I activated this plugin before I set all shipping options. The error appeared the moment I tried to add the product to the cart.
    Here is the description of the error:
    Uncaught DivisionByZeroError: division by zero in /volume1/web/wp1/wp-content/plugins/wpc-free-shipping-bar/wpc-free-shipping-bar.php:523
    Additional context
    "error": {
    "line": 523

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  • Plugin Support Janilyn T


    Hi @tomase ,

    It seems that no shipping zones or shipping methods have been configured so our plugin can’t determine the calculation of the shipping fee.

    Please make sure you add the free shippping method and define the order value for the free shipping line so tha tour plugin will know how to show the bar properly: https://prnt.sc/Zq8wj8g3K4FQ.

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter TomasE


    Yes, thank you for the explanation, as I already wrote, I know what the problem was, I just think that it is not such a big problem to fix this error in the plugin code, so that a fatal error does not occur unnecessarily. For less experienced users such an error is an unnecessary complication.

    how if the free shipping method is not using minimum spend but using a valid coupon?

    I got same error message

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