WordPress.org Forums » [Masteriyo LMS – eLearning and Online Course Builder for WordPress] Support https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/learning-management-system/feed/ Tue, 04 Feb 2025 03:36:01 +0000 https://bbpress.org/?v=2.7.0-alpha-2 en-US https://wordpress.org/support/topic/visualizationproblems-after-starting-the-course/ <![CDATA[Visualizationproblems after starting the course]]> https://wordpress.org/support/topic/visualizationproblems-after-starting-the-course/ Wed, 29 Jan 2025 14:53:22 +0000 asonic Replies: 1


i’ve got another issue, as you can see here https://awilan.de/learn/course/mein-wlan-geht-nicht-kein-internet/#/course/15249/lesson/15252 the Design is here also not working. Looks like it is regard to the accessiblilty-Plugin. Maybe someone could help me here, too?

Best regards,


https://wordpress.org/support/topic/allow-instructor-to-issue-certificate-to-student/ <![CDATA[<span class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>allow instructor to issue certificate to student]]> https://wordpress.org/support/topic/allow-instructor-to-issue-certificate-to-student/ Mon, 27 Jan 2025 04:52:55 +0000 mingewang Replies: 1


currently it seems students need to mark all chapters completed, then he/she can get certificate.

Can you allow instructor/admin to issue certificate to student? The reason is: there could some optional contents/chapters in the course, or the instructors want to review the performance of the student, then issue the certificate.


https://wordpress.org/support/topic/error-when-accessing-user-account/ <![CDATA[<span class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>Error when accessing user account]]> https://wordpress.org/support/topic/error-when-accessing-user-account/ Mon, 20 Jan 2025 16:02:37 +0000 Replies: 2

When a user tries to access his account, this error appears

https://wordpress.org/support/topic/visualizationproblems/ <![CDATA[<span class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>Visualizationproblems]]> https://wordpress.org/support/topic/visualizationproblems/ Tue, 14 Jan 2025 18:18:00 +0000 asonic Replies: 6

Hi there,

i’ve recently installed Masteriyo and i think this is the right plugin for my site. But for now, i can’t handle the design-issues. When you open up the link below, you can see the course. But i can’t start the course, maybe because of it is on the right side in an area where i can’t klick any buttons. So maybe you could help, outherwise please inform me too, then i have to place the issue to the theme-Team.

Best regards from bavaria,


https://wordpress.org/support/topic/rating-field-missing-on-course-review-form/ <![CDATA[<span class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>Rating Field Missing on Course Review Form]]> https://wordpress.org/support/topic/rating-field-missing-on-course-review-form/ Sun, 12 Jan 2025 16:28:36 +0000 mochamadys Replies: 2

I am currently experiencing an issue with the Masteriyo plugin on my WordPress website. Specifically, the rating field is not appearing on the course review form, and users are unable to submit reviews. Issue Details:

  • Error Message: “Sorry, rating cannot be zero or less.”
  • Problem Description:
    Despite enabling course reviews, the rating field is missing from the review form. As a result, students cannot submit their reviews successfully


https://wordpress.org/support/topic/need-a-trial-pro-plan/ <![CDATA[<span class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>Need a trial Pro Plan]]> https://wordpress.org/support/topic/need-a-trial-pro-plan/ Tue, 07 Jan 2025 06:46:20 +0000 ankur1411 Replies: 1

Dear Masteriyo LMS Support Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I have been exploring your plugin and am thoroughly impressed with its features and capabilities. However, I have encountered some limitations with the free version that are essential for the project I am working on.

Currently, I do not have the necessary funds to purchase the Pro plan outright. However, I am planning to present your plugin’s Pro features to my stakeholders to secure the required funding. To make this possible, I kindly request your assistance in providing me with a 1-month trial of the Pro plan.

This would greatly help me showcase the potential of your plugin and demonstrate how it aligns with our project needs. I assure you that this effort is geared toward securing the funds to transition into a paid plan in the near future.

Thank you for considering my request. I appreciate your time and support and hope to hear back from you soon.

https://wordpress.org/support/topic/les-cours-cree-apparaissent-en-double/ <![CDATA[<span class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>Les cours crée apparaissent en double]]> https://wordpress.org/support/topic/les-cours-cree-apparaissent-en-double/ Fri, 03 Jan 2025 14:17:08 +0000 medlue Replies: 2

bonjour, je viens d’avoir le LMS MASTERIYO sur mon wordpress sur un nouveau site, le soucis que j’ai est comme suite: les cours publiés sur ma page https://medlue.com/courses/ que ca soit de ma création ou ceux par defaut du LMS sont affichés à chaque fois en deux exemplaires. j’ai essayé toutes méthodes possibles, j’ai désactivé MATSERIYO et puis l’activer, aussi pour les autres extensions, j ai aussi réinstaller la page https://medlue.com/courses/ avec le shortcode……ETC mais malheureusement je n’arrive pas à régler ce problème.

Merci de m’aider

https://wordpress.org/support/topic/checkout-page-not-working-22/ <![CDATA[<span class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>Checkout page not working]]> https://wordpress.org/support/topic/checkout-page-not-working-22/ Sun, 29 Dec 2024 21:37:01 +0000 gremosokolaad Replies: 3

I’m trying out Masteriyo lms plugin and when I clikc on the course to enroll, it goes t cart page, but when I click to pay /checkout), then it automatically goes to courses site.

There seems to some kind of bug with the enroll botton too. Even if I have bought it and I’m logged in, then it shows still to enroll and buy.

https://wordpress.org/support/topic/sure-cart/ <![CDATA[<span class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>Sure Cart]]> https://wordpress.org/support/topic/sure-cart/ Fri, 20 Dec 2024 13:00:54 +0000 simeonokwo Replies: 2

How do I complete sales of a course using Surecart. I want to complete sales without using woocommerce

https://wordpress.org/support/topic/single-course-page-issue-2/ <![CDATA[<span class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>Single Course Page Issue 2]]> https://wordpress.org/support/topic/single-course-page-issue-2/ Fri, 20 Dec 2024 12:19:32 +0000 Tano Replies: 2

I’m reopening my previous topic here: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/single-course-page-issue/

Here is the info you requested:

  1. Masteriyo v1.7.2 website
  2. Masteriyo v1.14.3 website

Identical setups, except the Masteriyo version. So, somewhere between v1.7.2 and v1.14.3, you broke the sidebox scrolling.

https://wordpress.org/support/topic/quiz-attempts-not-working/ <![CDATA[<span class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>Quiz Bug – attempts not working]]> https://wordpress.org/support/topic/quiz-attempts-not-working/ Mon, 16 Dec 2024 20:10:38 +0000 toolstfw Replies: 4

We have setup a course and setup a quiz for the course with 21 questions.

When students finish the course material and try to attempt the quiz, it’s not recording the quiz attempt by the student. This results in the course not being able to complete and masteriyo is not triggering the completion email that we have configured.

This blocking us.

  • This topic was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by toolstfw.
  • This topic was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by toolstfw.
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/english-issues/ <![CDATA[<span class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>English issues]]> https://wordpress.org/support/topic/english-issues/ Wed, 11 Dec 2024 13:11:23 +0000 Tano Replies: 1

Please note that in v1.14.2 there are some wording issues, as you can see in the attached screenshot:

  1. Missing space
  2. Advance – Should be Advanced
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/single-course-page-issue/ <![CDATA[<span class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>Single Course Page Issue]]> https://wordpress.org/support/topic/single-course-page-issue/ Wed, 11 Dec 2024 12:47:06 +0000 Tano Replies: 3

In Masteriyo v1.14.2 and DIVI v4.27.4, the Single Course Page layout has an issue as it follows:

  1. When using the Default layout, the .masteriyo-single-course–aside element doesn’t scroll anymore with the page. It used to work before, now it’s static: Screenshot1
  2. When using Layout 1, the .masteriyo-single-course–aside element scrolls with the page but gets cut off: Screenshot2
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/assignment-add-on-with-need-to-write-in-text-box/ <![CDATA[<span class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>Assignment Add On with need to write in text box]]> https://wordpress.org/support/topic/assignment-add-on-with-need-to-write-in-text-box/ Tue, 03 Dec 2024 18:17:31 +0000 nikijacob Replies: 2

Many of my assignments are strictly upload assignments. Is there a way to NOT have to type in the assignment box as a MUST. I get this after I upload a assignment but do not write in the text box.

Assignment Submission Failed
Missing parameter(s): answer

https://wordpress.org/support/topic/classic-editor-is-not-parsing-properly/ <![CDATA[<span class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>Classic editor is not parsing properly]]> https://wordpress.org/support/topic/classic-editor-is-not-parsing-properly/ Tue, 03 Dec 2024 01:06:19 +0000 pkjane Replies: 2

The fields keep showing up as an html field, do not allow editing, and with no option to toggle back to the normal text fields

Affected fields: course description, lesson description etc.

https://wordpress.org/support/topic/problema-con-el-certificado/ <![CDATA[<span class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>Problema con el certificado]]> https://wordpress.org/support/topic/problema-con-el-certificado/ Sun, 01 Dec 2024 23:32:48 +0000 edsonllenque0811 Replies: 2

Hola tengo un problema con los certificados, no puedo previasualizar me sale ese mensaje. Además los que resuelven los Quizz no obtienen, aparece para descargar pero en la sección de certificados no sale

El mensaje de error es ” Ha habido un error crítico en esta web” cuando quiero previsualizar el certificado.

https://wordpress.org/support/topic/translation-issues-since-update/ <![CDATA[<span class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>Translation issues since update]]> https://wordpress.org/support/topic/translation-issues-since-update/ Wed, 20 Nov 2024 12:12:29 +0000 Replies: 7


I have made custom translations into Dutch (using Loco Translate) for a client. Since the last Masteriyo update it was messed up quite a bit. I followed the instructions to create a new language file and update it with the translated strings. When I add a new translated string, it shows up front-end. So now, on the part of Loco, it all seems to work again.

But the strange thing is that some strings remain un-translated, such as the ‘Completed’ and ‘Continue’ button texts on courses on the Courses page.

I have checked whether those strings have been replaced in the .pot file, but that seems not the case. For example, when I search in Loco for ‘Completed’ all instances have a translation. But they do not show up in Dutch front-end.

So I am very puzzled what is going on. Masteriyo uses the right translation files, but seems to leave out random strings. Can you help fixing this?


https://wordpress.org/support/topic/boton-para-examen/ <![CDATA[<span class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>Boton para examen]]> https://wordpress.org/support/topic/boton-para-examen/ Tue, 19 Nov 2024 16:25:37 +0000 edsonllenque0811 Replies: 3

Hola, gracias por la atención,
al parecer el plugin tiene fallas cuanto intentan realizar la evaluación, se marca las opciones y cuando se presiona en submit quiz no pasa nada, no carga se que allí.

https://wordpress.org/support/topic/start-course-button-dose-not-do-anything/ <![CDATA[<span class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>Start Course Button dose not do anything]]> https://wordpress.org/support/topic/start-course-button-dose-not-do-anything/ Mon, 18 Nov 2024 05:27:18 +0000 abdullahamer86 Replies: 2

Hi When I press on start Course, the button open a new page similar to the same page, what do I miss? and also how can the students create account to purchase the course and watch it. ?

https://wordpress.org/support/topic/need-course-variant/ <![CDATA[<span class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>Need course variant]]> https://wordpress.org/support/topic/need-course-variant/ Mon, 18 Nov 2024 03:14:14 +0000 surloch Replies: 1


I’ve been trying out the plugin for a while and it seems great. Thanks for the generous free version.

One thing I need though: Could you consider adding tiered pricing to the course? For example:

Course A priced at $9 only includes the course, while Course A priced at $19 includes the course and ebook/PDF

I need this feature to make it all work. Thanks!

https://wordpress.org/support/topic/course-edit-button-throws-the-following-error-typeerror-cannot-read-properties/ <![CDATA[<span class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>Course Edit button throws the following error: TypeError: Cannot read properties]]> https://wordpress.org/support/topic/course-edit-button-throws-the-following-error-typeerror-cannot-read-properties/ Thu, 14 Nov 2024 07:17:59 +0000 marniderr Replies: 2

When we click the Edit button to edit a course we get the following error on all admin pages for Masteriyo:

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'selectors')

If we don’t try and edit a course, we can navigate all other Masteriyo pages.

We have tried all your troubleshooting suggestions, it isn’t a permission issue, including deactivating the plugin and then reactivating.

This happened after WordPress updated to 6.7…

Any ideas?

  • This topic was modified 2 months, 3 weeks ago by marniderr.
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/loco-translate-problems/ <![CDATA[<span class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>Loco translate problems]]> https://wordpress.org/support/topic/loco-translate-problems/ Wed, 13 Nov 2024 18:22:06 +0000 vaslegas Replies: 5

I am uising Loco and everything was good but now half of the website is translated and hlf is not. My account is good but courses strings are not, like the price tag (FREE), Completed, Duration, Students….
MAybe you had experience withit?

https://wordpress.org/support/topic/please-help-me-for-this-case-2/ <![CDATA[<span class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>please help me for this case 2]]> https://wordpress.org/support/topic/please-help-me-for-this-case-2/ Tue, 12 Nov 2024 15:05:01 +0000 superguruman Replies: 2


how i can remove SUB MAIN>blog

https://wordpress.org/support/topic/please-help-me-for-this-case-1/ <![CDATA[<span class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>please help me for this case 1]]> https://wordpress.org/support/topic/please-help-me-for-this-case-1/ Tue, 12 Nov 2024 15:02:42 +0000 superguruman Replies: 1


main search (big) can use thai language ?

how i can modify ?

https://wordpress.org/support/topic/courses-page-sort-by-enrolled-users-version-1-13-4/ <![CDATA[<span class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>Courses Page sort by enrolled users (Version 1.13.4 )]]> https://wordpress.org/support/topic/courses-page-sort-by-enrolled-users-version-1-13-4/ Tue, 12 Nov 2024 04:53:39 +0000 mingewang Replies: 3


In the coures page it only allows sort courses by date/title, would be nice to be able to sort by enrolled students or able to combined sort condition: like sort by enrolled students, then sort by date, then sort by title etc.


https://wordpress.org/support/topic/can-not-create-certficate-version-1-13-4/ <![CDATA[<span class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>can not create certficate (Version 1.13.4)]]> https://wordpress.org/support/topic/can-not-create-certficate-version-1-13-4/ Tue, 12 Nov 2024 04:49:13 +0000 mingewang Replies: 10


I enabled the certficate builder, and tried to create a certifcate as admin, however I got this

Could not create a certificate

Sorry, you are not allowed to create resources.

please help.


https://wordpress.org/support/topic/gamipress-can-not-be-triggered-after-a-course-completed/ <![CDATA[<span class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>Gamipress can not be triggered after a course completed]]> https://wordpress.org/support/topic/gamipress-can-not-be-triggered-after-a-course-completed/ Fri, 08 Nov 2024 07:13:58 +0000 jerry0204 Replies: 1

Hi Masteriyo,

I have download your testing scorm course, I find a error about the integration with gamipress, I set a auto points award in gamipress, when i have completed a course, my point in the dashboard should increase 20 points for each users, I have even tested your scorm course, but can not trigger the auto point award, can help to test and take a look? thanks.

Best Regards,


https://wordpress.org/support/topic/course-completed-number-is-max-10/ <![CDATA[<span class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>Course completed number is max 10]]> https://wordpress.org/support/topic/course-completed-number-is-max-10/ Fri, 08 Nov 2024 07:09:10 +0000 jerry0204 Replies: 1

Hi Masteriyo,

we are lauching our production soon, while we are doing some testings , find the completed number of the courses is max 10 even we have completed more than 10 courses, but the completed number remains 10, can help to check about this ? thanks.

Best Regards,


https://wordpress.org/support/topic/scorm-reporting-option/ <![CDATA[<span class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>Scorm reporting option]]> https://wordpress.org/support/topic/scorm-reporting-option/ Tue, 22 Oct 2024 03:36:18 +0000 jerry0204 Replies: 5

Hi Masteriyo,

can i check how is your reporting option for scorm courses to be checked? is there any standard for your side? then i can export my scorm setting same as your standard, cos i my published scorm courses can not be detected as completed when user pass the course, and can not trigger the gamification point event when complete a course, many thanks.

Best Regards,


https://wordpress.org/support/topic/scorm-file-can-not-be-detected-after-completed/ <![CDATA[<span class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>Scorm file can not be detected after completed]]> https://wordpress.org/support/topic/scorm-file-can-not-be-detected-after-completed/ Mon, 21 Oct 2024 14:09:46 +0000 jerry0204 Replies: 3

Hi Masteriyo,

We got a big and important project to launch next month, now we got some issues for the scorm courses.

  1. if the scorm course and the inside quiz can be passed at the first time enrolled the course, then the masteriyo system can detect it as a completed course, it will update in the dashboard accordingly, but if during I take the quiz , I had one question incorrect, then even I pass the question again, after finish the course, the system will not detect it as a completed course. is there anything wrong with masteriyo or any settings in my scorm building tool ?
  2. the scorm course progress percentage will not update in dashboard under ‘my courses’. can help to take a look? the progress bar will only update for the native courses.

Best Regards,

