Back to Support Design Your Site Widgets


Widget areas are special places on a classic theme that can accept blocks — typically areas like your sidebar or footer. This guide will explain how to use widgets on your website.

Theme Support

The information in this guide applies to classic themes. Sites using modern block themes do not use widgets, so you won’t find Appearance → Widgets in your dashboard.

Instead, you can edit all of your website in one place at Appearance → Editor, including the footer and sidebar. Refer to our Site Editor guide to learn how to edit all aspects of your website.

Add Widgets

The most common widget areas are the footer and sidebar, but you may see others depending on the theme you are using.

To add a widget to your site:

  1. Visit your dashboard.
  2. Navigate to AppearanceWidgets.


If you choose to go to Customize → Widgets, please note that the controls may look different from the guide below.

The Appearance menu expanded to display the Widgets sub-menu option.
  1. Click either of the + block inserter buttons to add a widget.
  2. Use the search box at the top to find a block, or scroll down to browse all the blocks by category.
  3. Click any block to add it to your widget area.
  4. Click the “Update” button when you’re ready to save your changes to the site.

Adjust Block Widget Settings

After adding a block, click on it once, and a toolbar will appear with several options specific to that block:

The Widget Editor with a Map Widget inserted and a highlight around the toolbar that appears above the widget.

For even more options, click the … (three dots) to choose from additional options:

After clicking on a block, there may be additional options specific to the block in the Block Settings sidebar menu.

If you do not have the sidebar on the right, click the Settings icon in the top-right corner to bring up the settings. This icon looks like a square with two uneven columns:

An arrow pointing to the "Settings" icon in the top right of the WordPress Editor.
The Widget Editor with a Map Widget inserted and a highlight around the Block Settings sidebar.

Move Blocks Between Widget Areas

If you added a widget to one area but later decide to move it to a different area, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the block to select it.
  2. In the toolbar that appears, click the Move to widget area icon (it looks like a squiggly arrow.)
  3. Select the widget area to move the block to.
The Widget Editor with a Map Widget inserted and an arrow pointing to the Move To icon in the block toolbar.
Moving a block to a different widget area.

Access Widget Visibility Settings

You can set widgets to appear only on certain pages or to be hidden on certain pages.

You can access the Visibility settings for legacy widgets by clicking the Visibility button at the bottom of the widget.

To access the Visibility settings for blocks used as widgets:

  1. Click on the block to select it.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the Block Settings sidebar. If you do not see the Block Settings sidebar menu click the Settings cog icon ⚙️ at the top of the screen.
    • If you’re using Customize → Widgets to edit your widgets, click on the (three dots) on the right side of the block toolbar and select Show more settings.
  3. Expand the Advanced tab and click Add new rule under “Visibility,” as shown below.
The Advanced section of the Block Settings sidebar with the Add New Rule option open under Visibility.

Set Up Visibility Rules

Visibility is controlled by six aspects:

For example, if you want a widget to only appear on category archives and error pages, choose Show from the first dropdown and then add the rules “Page is 404 Error Page” and “Category is All Category Pages,” as shown here:

Widget visibility settings

You can also hide widgets based on the current page. For example, if you don’t want a widget to appear on search results pages, choose Hide and add the rule “Page is Search Results” like this:

The Widget Visibility settings set to hide a widget if the page is the search results page.

If you have multiple visibility rules, you can choose whether visibility rules are handled separately or simultaneously by toggling “Match all rules” in block widgets or “Match all conditions” in legacy widgets.

For example, you can display a widget only on posts that are categorized as “Summer” and also tagged with “Picnic” by setting the visibility conditions to match the rules for the category and the tag. If “Match all rules” (or conditions) is on, all rules must be passed (“AND”) to hide or display the widget, while if it’s off, any rule matching (“OR”) will fulfill the conditions.

The Visibility settings with "Match all Rules" turned on.
Multiple rules in the block widget.
The Visibility settings with "Match all Conditions" turned on.
Multiple rules in the legacy widget.

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