New Woo brand announcement v2 | Feb 4, 2025

Added by Mahrie -

Discount Rule – Buy X Get X

Buy 1 Get 1, Buy 2 Get 2, and More

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1. Filter (Buy) based on

  1. Category – Accessories

2. Discount –

  1. Minimum quantity – 1
  2. Free quantity – 1
  3. Discount type – Free
  4. Enable Recursive

Description –

  1. When you add any product from the ‘Accessories‘ category to your cart, you will receive one additional quantity of the same product for free. With recursive enabled, if you increase the quantity of the product in your cart, the free quantity will also increase accordingly.

Buy 2 Get 1, Buy 4 Get 2, and More

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1. Filter (Buy) based on

  1. Category – Accessories

2. Discount –

  1. Min qty – 2
  2. Free qty – 1
  3. Discount type – Free
  4. Enable ‘Recursive’

3. Description:

  1. When you add any product from the ‘Accessories‘ category to your cart, you will receive one additional quantity of the same product for free. With recursive enabled, if you increase the quantity of the product in your cart, the free quantity will also increase accordingly. With every 2 quantities, 1 additional quantity will be free.

Buy 1 and Get Next Quantity of the Same Item at 10% Off

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1. Filter (Buy) based on

  1. Category – Accessories

2. Discount

  1. Minimum quantity – 1
  2. Maximum quantity – 1
  3. Free quantity – 1
  4. Discount type – Percent discount
  5. Discount value – 10

3. Description

  1. When you add 1 product from the ‘Accessories’ category to your cart, you will receive one additional quantity of the same product at 10% discount.

Buy Product X and If Cart Subtotal > $100, Get 20% Off Next Quantity of Product X

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1. Filter (Buy) based on

  1. Category – Accessories

2. Discount

  1. Minimum quantity – 1
  2. Maximum quantity – 3
  3. Free quantity – 1
  4. Discount type – Percent
  5. Discount value – 20

3. Conditions

  1. Cart Subtotal is greater than $100
  2. Condition relationship – Match Any

4. Description:

  1. When you add 1 to 3 products from the ‘Accessories’ category to your cart, and the subtotal is greater than $100, 1 additional quantity of the same product will be added to cart with 20% discount.

Buy Product X and If Payment via Credit Card, Get New Product X at 10% Off

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  1. Filter (Buy) based on
    1. Category – Accessories
  2. Discount
    1. Minimum quantity – 1
    2. Maximum quantity – 3
    3. Free quantity – 1
    4. Discount type – Percent
    5. Discount value – 10
  3. Conditions
    1. Payment method is credit card
    2. Condition relationship – Match Any
  4. Description
    1. When you add 1 to 3 products from the ‘Accessories’ category to your cart, and the selected payment method is a credit card, then an additional quantity of same product will be added to cart at 10% discount.

Applying Multiple Rule Discounts

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Scenario 1- Highest Discount Applied

  1. Rule 1 –
    1. Filter (Buy) based on
      1. Products: Beanie
    2. Discount
      1. Minimum quantity – 1
      2. Maximum quantity – 2
      3. Free quantity – 1
      4. Discount type – Fixed
      5. Discount value – $10
  2. Rule 2 –
    1. Filter (Buy) based on
      1. Products: Beanie
    2. Discount –
      1. Minimum quantity – 1
      2. Maximum quantity – 3
      3. Free quantity – 1
      4. Discount type – Percent
      5. Discount value – $10
    3. Description: When you add 1 to 3 Beanies to your cart, the highest discount from the two rules will be applied. For example, if the price of a Beanie is $18, Rule 1 will be applied because a $10 discount is greater than a 10% discount ($1.80).

Scenario 2 – Combined Discounts

  1. Rule 1 –
    1. Filter (Buy) based on
      1. Products: Beanie
    2. Discount –
      1. Minimum quantity – 1
      2. Maximum quantity – 3
      3. Free quantity – 1
      4. Discount type – Free
  2. Rule 2 –
    1. Filter (Buy) based on
      1. Products: Beanie
    2. Discount –
      1. Minimum quantity – 1
      2. Maximum quantity – 3
      3. Free quantity – 1
      4. Discount type – Fixed
      5. Discount value – 10
    3. Description: When you add 1 to 3 Beanies to your cart, both discounts will be applied simultaneously. This means you will receive one additional Beanie for free and get a $10 discount on the Beanie purchase.