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Homepage of the LyX Wiki!

Welcome to the LyX Wiki, a community site where LyX users can share information about LyX ( and related software. If this is your first visit, take a look at the welcome page or read more about LyX.

At this site you can both edit pages and upload files, see the site help and site tips for help and tips on using this site. For help about finding your way around, look at navigation and the site overview. Also see the site FAQ for frequently asked questions about this site. These links can always be found in the menu on the left -- the sidebar.

The Wiki pages of this site are partitioned into groups, and you are currently in the group LyX/, on the page LyX. More groups of pages are listed in the sidebar. Some examples of groups:

  • LyX — this group, contains various pages about LyX, see the list further down.
  • Tips — tips about using and working with LyX
  • FAQ — frequently asked questions
  • Tools — additional tools that can be useful with LyX
  • LaTeX — information related to LaTeX
  • BibTeX — information related to BibTeX, i.e. producing bibliographies in your documents
  • Layouts — additional, user contributed, layouts and modules for LyX
  • Mac — using LyX on a Mac
  • Windows — using LyX on Windows
  • Examples — various examples of how you can use LyX
  • Devel — the developers' section
  • GSoC — Google Summer of Code projects

This group contains quite a lot of pages, you are probably interested in documentation, and links to some of those pages are also shown in the sidebar under the heading of LyX documentation.

Below you will find a list of pages in this group.

Tip: When you add a page to this group, first click here to edit PageList where you add an item to PageList. Then click on your newly created item in PageList (included below) to edit/create the new page!

Pages in this group:

  • Welcome: Welcome to the wiki-wiki of the LyX community
  • Homepage
  • About LyX
    • About LyX: What is LyX?
    • News: News related to LyX - primarily a redirection to the LyX web site.
    • NewInLyX25: About the new features in LyX 2.5.
    • NewInLyX24: About the new features in LyX 2.4.
    • NewInLyX23: About the new features in LyX 2.3.
    • NewInLyX22: About the new features in LyX 2.2.
    • NewInLyX21: About the new features in LyX 2.1.
    • NewInLyX20: About the new features in LyX 2.0.
    • NewInLyX16: About the new features in LyX 1.6
    • NewInLyX15: About the new features in LyX 1.5
    • NewInLyX14: About the new features in LyX 1.4
    • Press about LyX: Links to articles etc about LyX, the primary page is at the main LyX site []
    • Mascot: About the LyX mascot that is illustrated in e.g. the logotype.
  • Download: This page is outdated, go rather to our official pages.
  • Customization
  • Documentation
  • Presentations: A page about how you can use LyX to create presentations, and also presentation tools useful with LyX.
  • Troubleshooting: Troubleshooting your LyX installation
    • DebugFlags: How to start LyX with debug flags to produce diagnostic output.
  • Feature Poll:
  • LyX on different operating systems
    • Linux: LyX has been developed on Linux from the beginning, so it is already included in many distributions.
      • Creating LyX RPM: Notes on how to create a RPM for your Linux distribution.
      • Debian: (:toc:)
      • RedHat: Building/installing RPM-package on RedHat
      • Ubuntu: How to correctly install LyX on Ubuntu. (Debian users should check LyXOnDebian.)
    • Mac OS X: This is a HOWTO for LyX/Mac, a full-featured native implementation of LyX on the Mac OS X.
    • Windows: This group of pages contains information related to using LyX on Microsoft Windows systems.
    • Mac-X11: LyX/X11 on MacOSX
    • Cygwin: This page describes how to use LyX under Cygwin on Windows by building
  • Group map: Overview of the groups about (or related to) LyX
  • Live CDs: Live CDs with LyX
  • Logotype: About the LyX logo and some variants of it.
  • DocBook: DocBook is a comprehensive - if slightly bloated - file format for large, structured documents. There are SGML and XML variants. DocBook documents can be transformed into a wide variety of printed and electronic formats, including PDF, PS, HTML, CHM, and others.
  • Portable Installation: This page describes how to create a portable installation under Windows. This can then be used from a USB stick or a network drive without installing any software.
  • Version Control Installation and Usage: In this wiki page, I will deal with version control installation and usage on MS Windows and Linux (Fedora, Ubuntu and Centos). I will also deal with using a cloud storage with version control (dropbox, BOX, OneDrive,�..., etc.) Note that there is documentation covering the use of version control in Additional LyX manual, chapter "Version Control in LyX".


Here is an automatically generated list of pages in this group:

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Page last modified on 2020-03-29 16:04 UTC