My Requests and Art Trades list. as people seem to have such a problem finding it. The requests are closed until further notice.
And if I make you a birthday gift, I would really appreciate it, if you would leave a comment. It is only fair, after all the time and effort I put into making the damn thing for you.
Art currently upcoming to me, by request, art trade or commission.
(March 2017) I was to draw Nana Jojo comic… and in return, she is to draw Dal comic -> <-
The commissioned art piece >… <
(July 2017) Her to draw the two headed Megan of 2008 and 2013 > < . My half to draw her character of a two headed Sonic 'Sora and Nicky' >… <… Requests and Art trades list… Characters Birthdays list. line art adoption getting featured commission of summer. Lovers Lane… The 113 Art Piece Challenge… Big & Beautiful and Statuesque & Sexy
Current Residence: England, now the 52nd State since 1/4/08
Favourite genre of music: rock and roll and retro
Favourite photographer: myself
Favourite style of art: oil paint and pencil
Operating System: PC and Playstation
MP3 player of choice: is there a difference?
Skin of choice: tanned.
Favourite cartoon character: Statler and Waldorf from the Muppets
Personal Quote: "Whatever happens. Have fun." "Fudge it/biscuits/cake"
Hello, thank you for liking my [ Octi the Octopus ]
Hello and no problem at all.
Wuff wuff.
u busy
I am better or more free now.
As I was heading to bed.
Finally gave Yvette color. What do you think?