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Will it be on mobile


great game really fun but i am wondering if there will be able to have multi pregnacy?

Hey there, it's already in the game ^^. The chance is % based and only available to certain pregnancy types.

what are the % and the types?

Types involving multiple pregnancies include both spawnies (grey guys) and the beastmen. Normal spawnie pregnancy and beastmen pregnancy can cause multiple fetuses to be generated. When it comes to the % however, well, let it be my small secret ^^  

fair thanks for this info though it will be helpful and i was wondering if once you have a fetus can you get more is what i meant  or in other words once your pregnant can you get pregnant again?


Great game but for some reason i have to rebind the block button after death, it does the animation but won't actually block. pls tell me if im doing something wrong

hey there friend,

Do you mean that your block gets immediately canceled? Blocking is treated as a stance so, as long as you hold it, you should be able to block.

Try resetting the binding settings if your issue is different.


Good stuff. Just saying. Keep it up dev!

Will this be on android?

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It keeps freezing on the loading screen.  I'm stuck in the spider cave, and if I try to warp out, either by using the warp point or by getting captured, it won't finish loading.

EDIT: From what I can tell, it looks like I'll have to completely restart the file.

Hello friend.
I profusely apologize for the issue you encountered, Have you had a save file from an earlier version of the game and tried to continue playing it while on the newest version? If you have the time, please do consider joining the discord and sending me the old save file, I can take a look at it and try fixing it.

I hadn't played a prior version, and I wish I could say exactly what I did prior to getting stuck.  I started a new game before seeing your reply, and it didn't happen again.

I'll try to keep an eye out for any future bugs, and hopefully I'll remember what I do that causes them.

Thank you, it would help a lot ^^

(1 edit)

Made an account just to say the game is awesome. It's definitely a top contender in its style, and something I would buy if it were sold. I see the monthly patreon pledges and may do that soon to show support. Are there any plans to have an uncensored version of the game on other platforms? If not, its not a big deal and still great. The only issue I've come across (it's likely my system at fault for this) but there's an input lag after moving when attempting to attack, which made the first boss fight a tad annoying, but it was still manageable nonetheless. Overall, the game is awesome and keep up the good work!

Hey there friend!

I thank you for your kind words, when it comes to censorship issue it will still be there, but from the newest 0.2.3 version I'm taking a sort of different approach to it, and replacing the censorship box with something less aggressive ^^

When it comes to the input lag you mentioned, It has not been reported to me before, if you have the time could you please make a short clip and send it over via my Discord server? I would love to take a look at it and maybe double-check the code if necessary ^^


It's all right. I'm pretty sure it's my laptop. Game plays flawlessly and the issue does not occur when I use a mouse, but does with the touchpad. I am excited to see future updates to this game and look forward to more games.

it seems like the child counter is completely non-functional, but i don't know if its a bug or if it just hasn't been implement yet

Hey there!

The offspring system is currently being overhauled, the newest version of the game (available for the time only to supporters) saves the offspring data in a different way and there, the counter works correctly. Apologies for the issues you encountered but, at least that issue, will soon be nonexistent ^^

Thanks for playing the game and take care!


Will this be playable in mobile or android phones soon?

Hey there friend!

I planning to put out an android version around 0.3.0, it will still take a couple updates.

And hello again.(Again, I am writing through a translator, and I apologize if he distorts some of the information). 

I wanted to report some visual bugs that I managed to find (perhaps you, the author, have already fixed them in version 0.22, but maybe you haven't):

1. There is a room with 2 chests in the spider cave location, and I still have an "e" in one of them even after opening i

2. Already in the third location, if you go the lower way and pass the house underground, there is an exit to the surface where a new opponent is waiting for the player. While I was trying to get on his platform, he hit me and I was teleported to the textures above. 

3. If, after fertilization, you let some opponent finish his scene again, the heroine wakes up in the morning as if nothing had happened. (then I didn't lose control and she still had XP for 1-2 hitAnd now my suggestions for improving the game (There are only 2 of them so far) :

This way, the player can use the "Q" and "E" buttons (only when the inventory is open) instead of checking the status of the heroine through a game pause, but on a separate key.

And the second is to add more intermediate stages of development of non-humanoids, otherwise it looks as if I came home and slept and then I have to give birt(If it's convenient for you, maybe I'll write my comments in my native language? It's just that it's not very convenient for me to always transmit my observations through a translator) Thank you in advance for your reply.h.s)t.

(Всё же текст немного исказился, и если у вас есть возможность может я продолжу на родном языке писать свои комментарии?)

Hey there

1. It is most likely due to 2 triggers being too close to each other, if you open one, then retreat a bit and return the second chest should be interactable, sorry for that ^^

2. If I understand correctly it happened with a lurker after a sex scene in that spot, he was moved to another spot in the next patch.

3. This one, I sadly do not understand :(

When it comes to more stages of development, they are coming. I develop the game in a modular way and add more modules to it, step per step. Also, if you want to talk more in-depth, I invite you to my Discord server ^^ do feel free to dm me and then we can work something out.

Конечно был бы рад, но в России без vpn вообще не зайти в discord . Да и то он у меня на телефоне, из-за чего нормально я не смогу передать нужное сохранение из-за низкой скорости загрузки.( у нас в discord нельзя зайти из-за своего рода бана приложения на территории моей стороны с инициативой Роскомнадзора)


Я понимаю, мне очень жаль это слышать. На этот раз я использую переводчик. Я постараюсь действовать в соответствии с тем, что вы упомянули. Желаю вам удачи и скорейшего возвращения свободы слова в вашей стране.

(1 edit)

Похоже вы меня не поняли насчёт последнего. У нас в своеобразном плане Роскомнадзор должен в сети запрещать доступ к опасным сайтам, но с середины лета 2024 года по сути сам замедляет ( или просто  себе же репутацию уничтожает к очередному дну)то что хочет и руководство страны не исключение. Так то да он блокирует именно что прямой доступ к приложениям, но не как повлиять на vpn не может. У нас в стране рано или поздно проведут расследование о их самодеятельности мешающей жизни обычных граждан. Так что у нас дело времени когда тех идиотов уволят.

Hi, I've been watching what's going on with this project from time to time.(I apologize for the mistakes, as I am writing through a translator. Ну привет из России автор этого хорошего проэкта! And that's where my question comes from) Will other interface languages be added in the future? For now, I will wait for the translation into Russian. Thanks in advance for the answer

Hello friend!

I appreciate your reaching out, and I bid welcome to you as well ^^ the game will support several languages in the future, Russian is among them. It will take some time tho, and the help of people proficient in both English and Russian would be quite helpful in this endeavor. 

(1 edit)

Seemed promising, until I got my first "birthing" scene. Just a giant 'Censored' square. I understand if Dev wants to provide the uncensored version through their Patreon or whatever, but Dev could have at least made some mention in the description that the pregnancy content would be 90% censored.

Humanoid births are censored due to Payment Processor TOS, egg laying scenes and future parasitic ones are/will not (be). I understand your frustration and sorry for not informing about it directly. Adding information in the description right now + I will ponder changing the censorship to mosaics in the future ^^


That makes sense. I didn't intend to come across as rude or anything, I have just been particularly frustrated lately by the amount of games that censor the sexual stuff. Like, that's one of the primary reasons people play this kind of game, it shouldn't be censored unless due to TOS reasons like in your case. Whilst I wish there wasn't a need to censor the scene in question, I agree that mosaic censorship would be better, as it would be less jarring than a black box, and mosaic censoring would fit well with the games art-style. Also, I now realise that I shouldn't have dismissed this game right away. I'm going to play it some more before I truly make an opinion of this game. Best of luck to you, dev :) 

Thank you friend, I am currently expanding the pregnancy system as a whole, along with the conception one. If you are a fan of pregnancy content and want to see what it will look like pretty much finished, do wait until 0.2.5 releases. I'm currently adding additional steps to the whole process and the current supporter build has a new conception system ^^

Thanks for the faith and returning with another comment. If you have any in-depth questions, I also invite you cordially to the discord. When I'm available I might answer some questions for ya right there ^^

Will this be on android??


Fantastic game so far! Looking forward to updates and seeing what direction you take, and what unique elements you put into the game!!

Is there a gallery or a way to see the scenes without dying

The gallery is planned for one of the future updates. Unlocking it will be connected to the plot.

Is the censored birth scenes just not implemented yet. Or is there a setting I don't see?


Nice Game but Having Some Issues

The game has a very nice aesthetic and well designed visuals, I also love hack-n-slash or metroidvania type platformer games.

However there are a few things that I have ran into issues/frustrations with when playing the game:

  • The jumping feels weird: The fall speed is really fast which seems very strange for a platformer. I think it would make sense for it to be slower to give the player time to choose their landing more easily, unless this was your intention.
  • The combat: I really don't understand the blocking mechanic, and this might be a "me" thing but toggling a block and not being able to cancel out of it with an attack feels very clunky and rigid. I also just couldn't figure out how to time the block properly. I ended up just strafing to dodge attacks instead of blocking. Perhaps some more tooltips or in the tutorial phase have the player practice it without punishment.
  • Button Tooltips: The tips to show you which button to press is inconsistent and makes for a confusing experience. There had been multiple times where I was pressing every key on my keyboard to try to advance something. Maybe include both buttons for keyboard and controller whenever showing the tooltip and ensure that it uses the current bind.
  • Button consistency: There are too many buttons that do too many different things. There are times when the interact button is for one thing but not another when you would expect it, there are multiple interact buttons, the inventory is difficult to use. I am trying not to complain too much and be helpful but I don't quite remember specific examples. If you want to fix this one let me know and I will go back in and find specific examples that left me frustrated. But I do think the button interaction needs to be a bit more intuitive.

Overall the game has lots of promise, I think without these few frustrating elements that it will blossom into a masterpiece.


Hi there friend,

Thank you for giving your feedback, do let me address it

The jumping feels weird:  This I believe is dependent on what platformers you played in the past. I'm sure it will feel moe snappy when I take another gander at redrawing the jumping animations but the overall effect I have now is what I intended. 

The combat: Blocking is more like a blocking stance, once you engage it you get the first couple of frames of an ability to make a perfect parry/counter attack. If you keep it engaged it helps you protect yourself from frontal and behind attacks. Your Idea of practicing blocking would actually be quite good, a training doll in the base could work for that I think.

Button Tooltips: You are indeed correct, while the instantiated tooltips (like those that are shown when you are using a set input method, say you turn on the controller and enter dialogue) work quite well, the stationary tooltips only instantiate at the beginning on the level and I have, unfortunately, not set them to detect input method changes. I will take care of those, moreover from the current Supporter build I have implemented mouse input method for inventory and dialogues so it should be overall easier for mouse/kb users in the next public patch.

Button consistency:  As per what I wrote above, the inventory and dialogue menus get the mouse input as a method. Multiple interact buttons (normal and alternate one) are mainly for the purpose of in-game choices (whether to get defeated after a h scene or stand up) must currently be this way. If you have the time then sure, do share the examples of button inputs that you found frustrating, will do my best to resolve those ^^

Thanks for taking the time to leave your feedback,



This might be a dumb question but is the uncencorship only for pateron members or am I missing something?


There is no uncensorship, Subscribestar/Patreon supporters get the newest build (currently 0.2.1). The rest is one update behind.


Oh okay. I was just wondering since in some birthing scenes it's censored. Like for the beastmen. I love this game btw. I wish there were more good sidescollers like this out there


Honestly, I really liked the game. The controls and combat are fun, I love the pixel art aesthetic, and I see ideas with a lot of potential. The only thing I found strange, is that the gravity is very high, and the character falls super fast, which is strange XD. Otherwise, congratulations for your work, well done, and keep it up!


Hey there, thank you for your comment!

It's actually a first time someone mentioned gravity, I will try to compare with other such titles and tweak it a little bit if there indeed is a need to do so ^^

Take care!

Any plans to release this game on Steam in the future?


I am pondering it but it is a far away future still, at the moment I am delighted with sharing the game to the public and getting the audience to help in the development by giving feedback ^^

I would like to see this come to steam too, take your time tho

I like this game so far, I'll buy it when it's released.

one complaint. autosaves. and no way to disable them from what i see. i do not like not being able to load from the actual space i was in before. which was why i saved in the first place :(

i lost the dwarf manual and my bone collection and was not able to go back to before i lost it :(

And when it comes to loosing your equipment on death, it will be addressed differently in the future, I'm thinking of a dark-souls'y method of giving the player an opportunity to return to the place of death and grab everything. The book can be found again in one of the chests in the forest (the one next to a teleporting pylon in the spawnie cave in that level) + it is a random drop from other chests

oh okay i was concerned i lost something important! and thank you for thinking of that for a future addition, that sounds very useful for someone *cough* like me *cough* who dies in very stupid manners and loses their loot lol

Hey there!
I have not had many complaints concerning that, however, I plan to add a separate (autosave) save slot and manual save slots in the future. I understand and recognize it as a... well my fault for coding it that way but it was a design choice to simplify this core element (saving system), so it is more robust.

oh yay! yea a separate autosave system would be great, i don't mind redoing certain parts of levels if it means i dont accidentally autosave over my previous stuff. also makes it easier to try stupid decisions without having the autosave keep me at the teleport thingy when i die from said stupid decisions. thank you for taking player input!

Hey, I may be being an idiot but where do you find the Imperial tools for our crabby friend?

I've checked down in the under the Shortcut and both Big Beastmen tents

Hey friend,

To get them you need to take the quest, go to the Glitterwald forest and go right. You are most likely using a shortcut straight away but the quest unfortunately requires you to go through dialogue which is activateable by going to specific coordinates. Should you still have problems with it, let me know through Discord ^^

(1 edit)

also i have yet to see the effects of lewdness to dialoge, i also cant seem to find the new npcs and where are these new defeat artsets may i ask how to get them?

Once you are finished with the quests from the shopkeeper Fizwiz should have a new quest, concerning finding a book for her. After you are done with that the NPC's will come soon after, as well as your ability to use the lewdness stat ^^

(1 edit)

okay thank you!

theres a bug in the tutorial where it tells you that you have to kill a few more spawnies but it never spawns any more spawnies softlocking you

Hello there!

Thanks for reporting it. I've overhauled the quest step in the 0.1.8 update so it should no longer occur. Nevertheless I invite you to join the Discord and send me your save game so I can double check it ^^

oh i am sorry to report that i just started a new game and now it works i will try to replecate it when i have time


Habra una version para android

Any indication on when 0.1.6 will arrive? Considering the amount of time between updates, this version gonna have way more new content added than previous ones.

Hey there, 0.1.6 is available in a form of an early access release. I am currently kinda finishing up 0.1.7. It will be posted publicly when 0.1.7 enters the Early access phase. You can access it by becoming a subscriber/patron on either Subscribestar or Patreon.

I can confirm it includes some cool new features indeed, mostly on the backend side of things but also we got some new cool parrying mechanics along with some other goodies ^^

Oh that's good, so it's soon

where are the repeatable quests? i can not seem to find the place to activate them

Hello, those are in the Early access version for paying subscribers. These quests are available after you rescue the merchant. After the initial quests for warmroots and rider silk are done, repeatable quests are activated in their stead. Those will be useful for farming money, which will be very crucial in the future :)


question, I have gotten the crafting bench but now all the quests i am getting are the collect silk and collect wormwood. Am I at the end of the current update? or do i just have to keep repeating those quests until something happens?

Hi there!

Thank you for playing the game!

That is the end of the current content I'm afraid, there should have been a dialogue indicator but it might have misfired in your case (I will make sure to make a proper quest entry or something indicating that you are caught up with the story ^^).


can you make a mobile or browser version for those who dont have a computor to play it on?

Hey there, thank you for your comment! While I would love to do that sooner than later the game still has a controls system which is not yet set in stone. When the systems and controls are more or less stable (around version 0.3.0) I will start developing the apk version of the game ^^

if you need a tester for when you start working on the apk version give me a heads up id be more than happy to help

Thank you kindly, I will keep that in mind ^^


Would a skill/level up system work in this game? Or will you keep it the way it is, I'm fine with it so far but to think the extra incentives of defeating enemies can go a ways to keep players an potentially bring in new ones.

enemies don't need to have levels per se but any skills added to Wegilds moveset or combat capabilities or even fertility / lactate chance could be interesting.

If Wegild lactates during pregnancy the milk could probably be sold to the vendor for extra coins if the player chooses or used to heal during runs.

This does sound wild but if the player gets creampied then allow for a chance to introduce multiple pregnancy increasing the chances of lactation.

Still waiting for new updates but I've been following. 


Hey there ^^

New update will most likely drop next week, I will release version 0.1.5 to meet the goals from my roadmap. It will be considerably bigger that the previous 0.1.3 patch.

Skills such as dash, heavy attack and double jump will be unlockable by doing quests/objectives, similarly to how the crafting system was introduced.

When it comes to multiple pregnancy, this will come with one of the future patches. I have the groundwork done for that but need a clever way to do a couple calculations in the backend ^^



i currently stuck on the mission to find the merchant for the shop does someone know where he is in game ?

Go left and enter the Spawnie Cave, merchant will be in one of the rooms. Also, make sure to join the discord in the future, got a nice little community that helps themselves out ^^

Se ve interesante desgraciadamente no cuento con pc


Oooo looks cool! Can it be ported to android?


Find out if it could be?


Apk version will be released when all the controls are set in stone and when the development process will be a little more advanced. At the moment I am still fiddling with the movement still, redoing block, attack mechanics will be next I think. After those are done, I will announce key rebinding function + apk release.


Alright and thank you for replying so quickly!


No problem at all, I cordially invite you to the Discord server (link in the main menu of the game) to be always up to date when it comes to game news ^^

(1 edit)

Only some misc. issues like zoom, ladders and key remapping. The current build looks good and I look forward to more. Are other weapons planned, or just the axe?

Hey there, thank you for playing ^^ There will be a ranged option in the future along with a seduction mechanic. Not planning on more melee weapons, at least for now.

I like the game so far, can I ask what maybe your future plans for this game? The story I also find good too so far. Hoping to see more animations and updates.


Hi there!
Glad that you liked the premise of the game. We are in a veeery early point in the development and I've got a lot of ideas I want to implement. However, my main focus will always be pregnancy content. Check my subscribestar/patreon or discord for some more updates. You will also find a roadmap there.

That is fantastic to hear, I would personally like to see an animation involving Fizwiz at some point if that’s even possible. Maybe have her as a skin for the player that is if making her a new playable character is that problematic. 

Regardless looking forward to the new content.

Character moves really fast.

Controls aren't fully clear.

Definitely needs some work, but I like the bones that are there so far. :)

I agree for the fast movement. But I just started the game and like what I'm seeing so far also.

Hi there, 

Thank you for trying the game out in this early stage of development ^^ 

Character movement is being a little bit toned each patch, so it will soon be acceptable to most I think ;)

Controls are still WIP, as I am adding new systems and interactions each patch. Once that is all stable and settled, I will implement an option to remap the keys + easy access to the currently chosen scheme.