Guidelines and supporting documents on Active Substances and Plant Protection Products

Document Title Listed * Endorsed * Category Author Type Website Noted by SCoPAFF Template Sections Sections Communication notes Public comments Further information
321 Guidance document on the efficacy composition of core dossier and national addenda submitted to support the authorization of plant protection products under regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 of the EU Parliament and Council on placing of plant protection products on the market SANCO/10055/2013 Yes Yes guidance document SANTE
PPP Part A (chemicals)
6: Efficacy data
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
6: Efficacy data
6: Efficacy data (284-A), 6: Efficacy data (284-B)
324 EU Guidance Document on Terrestrial Ecotoxicology (SANCO/10329/2002) Yes Yes guidance document SANTE
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
8.3: Effect on arthropods
8.4: Effects on non-target soil meso- and macrofauna
8.5: Effects on soil nitrogen transformation
8.6: Effects on terrestrial non-target higher plants
8.7: Effects on other terrestrial organisms (flora and fauna)
8.8: Effects on biological methods for sewage treatment
PPP Part A (chemicals)
10.3: Effects on arthropods
10.4: Effects on non-target soil meso- and macrofauna
10.5: Effects on soil nitrogen transformation
10.6: Effects on terrestrial non-target higher plants
10.7: Effects on other terrestrial organisms (flora and fauna)
8.3: Effect on arthropods (283-A), 8.4: Effects on non-target soil meso- and macrofauna (283-A), 8.5: Effects on soil nitrogen transformation (283-A), 8.6: Effects on terrestrial non-target higher plants (283-A), 8.7: Effects on other terrestrial organisms (flora and fauna) (283-A), 8.8: Effects on biological methods for sewage treatment (283-A), 10.3: Effects on arthropods (284-A), 10.4: Effects on non-target soil meso- and macrofauna (284-A), 10.5: Effects on soil nitrogen transformation (284-A), 10.6: Effects on terrestrial non-target higher plants (284-A), 10.7: Effects on other terrestrial organisms (flora and fauna) (284-A)
325 Pesticides in Air: Considerations for Exposure Assessment”. Report of the FOCUS Working Group on Pesticides in Air (SANCO/10553/2006) Yes Yes guidance document EFSA
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
7.3: Fate and behaviour in air
PPP Part A (chemicals)
9.2.5: Estimation of concentrations in surface water and sediment
9.3: Fate and behaviour in air
7.3: Fate and behaviour in air (283-A), 9.2.5: Estimation of concentrations in surface water and sediment (284-A), 9.3: Fate and behaviour in air (284-A)
327 EU Guidance Document on the assessment of the equivalence of technical materials of substances regulated under Regulation (EC) No. 1107/2009 (SANCO/10597/2003) Yes Yes guidance document SANTE
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
1: Identity of the active substance
PPP Part A (chemicals)
1: Identity of the plant protection product
1: Identity of the active substance (283-A), 1: Identity of the plant protection product (284-A)
328 Technical Guideline on the Evaluation of Extraction Efficiency of Residue Analytical Methods (SANTE/2017/10632) Yes Yes guidance document SANTE
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
4.1.2: Methods for risk assessment
4.2: Methods for post-approval control and monitoring purposes
PPP Part A (chemicals)
5.1.2: Methods for the determination of residues
5.2: Methods for post-authorisation control and monitoring purposes
4.1.2: Methods for risk assessment (283-A), 4.2: Methods for post-approval control and monitoring purposes (283-A), 5.1.2: Methods for the determination of residues (284-A), 5.2: Methods for post-authorisation control and monitoring purposes (284-A)
331 Guidance Document on the renewal of approval of active substances to be assessed in compliance with Regulation (EU) No 844/2012 (the Renewal Regulation) (SANCO/2012/11251) Yes Yes guidance document SANTE
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
3: Further information on the active substance
3: Further information on the active substance (283-A)
332 Guidance Document on botanical active substances used in plant protection products (SANCO/11470/2012) Yes Yes guidance document SANTE
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
PPP Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
0: General Guidance (283-A), 0: General Guidance (284-A)
333 EU guidance document “Technical guidelines for determining the magnitude of pesticide residues in honey and setting Maximum Residue Levels in honey” (SANTE/11956/2016 ) Yes Yes guidance document,
test method
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
6.10.1: Residue level in pollen and bee products
6.10.1: Residue level in pollen and bee products (283-A)
334 EFSA Panel on Plant Protection Products; Guidance for evaluating laboratory and field dissipation studies to obtain DegT 50 values of plant protection products in soil. EFSA Journal 2010;8(12):1936. No N/A supporting document EFSA
335 Generic Guidance for Estimating Persistence and Degradation Kinetics from Environmental Fate Studies in Pesticides in EU Registration (based on -among others- Guidance Document on Estimating Persistence and Degradation Kinetics from Environmental Fate Studies on Pesticides in EU Registration - Final Report of the Work Group on Degradation Kinetics of FOCUS (Sanco/10058/2005); Guidance Document for evaluating laboratory and field dissipation studies to obtain DegT50 values of active substances of plant protection products and transformation products of these active substances in soil (SANCO/12117/2014)) Yes Yes guidance document EFSA
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
7.1.2: Rate of degradation in soil Water/sediment study
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
7.2.1: Predicted environmental concentration
PPP Part A (chemicals)
9.1: Fate and behaviour in soil
9.2: Fate and behaviour in water and sediment
7.1.2: Rate of degradation in soil (283-A), Water/sediment study (283-A), 7.2.1: Predicted environmental concentration (283-B), 9.1: Fate and behaviour in soil (284-A), 9.2: Fate and behaviour in water and sediment (284-A) The generic FOCUS guidance documents that are based on the relevant, more specific guidance documents and regularly updated are listed.
338 Guidance document on semiochemical active substances and plant protection products (SANTE/12815/2014) Yes Yes guidance document SANTE
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
PPP Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
0: General Guidance (283-A), 0: General Guidance (284-A)
339 Guidance Document on Pesticide Analytical Methods for Risk Assessment and Post-approval Control and Monitoring Purposes (SANTE/2020/12830) Yes Yes guidance document SANTE
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
4.1.2: Methods for risk assessment
4.2: Methods for post-approval control and monitoring purposes
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
4.2: Methods to determine the density of the micro-organism and quantify residues
PPP Part A (chemicals)
5.1.2: Methods for the determination of residues
5.2: Methods for post-authorisation control and monitoring purposes
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
5.2: Methods to determine and quantify residues
4.1.2: Methods for risk assessment (283-A), 4.2: Methods for post-approval control and monitoring purposes (283-A), 4.2: Methods to determine the density of the micro-organism and quantify residues (283-B), 5.1.2: Methods for the determination of residues (284-A), 5.2: Methods for post-authorisation control and monitoring purposes (284-A), 5.2: Methods to determine and quantify residues (284-B) Part B of Communication 283/2013: if relevant for residues of metabolites of concern.
340 Assessing Potential for Movement of Active Substances and their Metabolites to Ground Water in the EU - Final Report of the Ground Water Work Group of FOCUS (Sanco/13144/2010) Yes Yes guidance document SANTE
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Lysimeter studies Field leaching studies
PPP Part A (chemicals)
9.1.2: Mobility in the soil
9.1.3: Estimation of concentrations in soil Lysimeter studies (283-A), Field leaching studies (283-A), 9.1.2: Mobility in the soil (284-A), 9.1.3: Estimation of concentrations in soil (284-A)
341 Guidance document on tiered risk assessment for plant protection products for aquatic organisms in edge of field surface waters in the context of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 (SANTE-2015-00080) Yes Yes guidance document EFSA
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
8.2.1: Acute toxicity to fish
8.2.2: Long-term and chronic toxicity to fish
8.2.4: Acute toxicity to aquatic invertebrates
8.2.5: Long-term and chronic toxicity to aquatic invertebrates
8.2.6: Effects on algal growth
8.2.7: Effects on aquatic macrophytes
8.2.8: Further testing on aquatic organisms
PPP Part A (chemicals)
10.2: Effects on aquatic organisms
8.2.1: Acute toxicity to fish (283-A), 8.2.2: Long-term and chronic toxicity to fish (283-A), 8.2.4: Acute toxicity to aquatic invertebrates (283-A), 8.2.5: Long-term and chronic toxicity to aquatic invertebrates (283-A), 8.2.6: Effects on algal growth (283-A), 8.2.7: Effects on aquatic macrophytes (283-A), 8.2.8: Further testing on aquatic organisms (283-A), 10.2: Effects on aquatic organisms (284-A)
373 European Commission draft guidance document Guidance for the setting of an acute reference dose (ARfD) (7199/VI/99) Yes Yes guidance document SANTE
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
5.5: Information and toxicity studies on metabolites
5.5: Information and toxicity studies on metabolites (283-B)
376 US EPA OCSPP 835.6100: Terrestrial field dissipation Yes N/A test method EPA
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Field studies Field studies (283-A)
378 ECHA Guidance on the Application of the CLP Criteria Yes Yes guidance document ECHA
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
2: Physical and chemical properties of the active substance
10: Classification and labelling
PPP Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
2: Physical, chemical and technical properties of the plant protection product
12: Classification and labelling
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
0: General Guidance
0: General Guidance (283-A), 2: Physical and chemical properties of the active substance (283-A), 10: Classification and labelling (283-A), 0: General Guidance (284-A), 2: Physical, chemical and technical properties of the plant protection product (284-A), 12: Classification and labelling (284-A), 0: General Guidance (284-B)
379 Alix et al, 2012. ESCORT 3 – linking non-target arthropod testing and risk assessment with protection goals. CRC SETAC Press, 1–151.
No N/A supporting document SETAC
380 European Commission. Scientific Committee on plants SCP/KOC/002-Final. Opinion of the Scientific Committee on Plants on methods for the determination of the organic carbon adsorption coefficient (Koc) for a plant protection product active substance in the context of Council Directive 91/414/EEC (18 July 2002)[3] Yes Yes guidance document SANTE
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Adsorption and desorption Adsorption and desorption (283-A)
382 FAO Guidelines for the packaging and storage of pesticides (FAO, Rome, 1985) Yes Yes guidance document FAO
PPP Part A (chemicals)
4: Further information on the plant protection product
4: Further information on the plant protection product (284-A)
383 DG SANCO Working Document on "Evidence Needed to Identify POP, PBT and vPvB Properties for Pesticides" Yes Yes guidance document SANTE
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
7.1.2: Rate of degradation in soil
7.2.2: Route and rate of biological degradation in aquatic systems
PPP Part A (chemicals) Laboratory studies
9.2.1: Aerobic mineralisation in surface water
9.2.2: Water/sediment study
7.1.2: Rate of degradation in soil (283-A), 7.2.2: Route and rate of biological degradation in aquatic systems (283-A), Laboratory studies (284-A), 9.2.1: Aerobic mineralisation in surface water (284-A), 9.2.2: Water/sediment study (284-A)
385 Schaeffer et al (2017): Semi-Field Methods for the Environmental Risk Assessment of Pesticides in Soil, CRC Press
No N/A supporting document CRC
400 Commission Notice of 10.10.2017: Guidance on monitoring and surveying of impacts of pesticide use on human health and the environment under Article 7(3) of Directive 2009/128/EC establishing a framework for Community action to achieve the sustainable use of pesticides (referred to as the Sustainable Use Directive) Yes Yes guidance document COMMISSION
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
PPP Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
0: General Guidance (283-A), 0: General Guidance (284-A)
401 WHO/FAO Pesticide Specifications. Manual on development and use of FAO and WHO specifications for chemical pesticides Yes Yes guidance document WHO/FAO
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
1: Identity of the active substance
PPP Part A (chemicals)
1: Identity of the plant protection product
2: Physical, chemical and technical properties of the plant protection product
1: Identity of the active substance (283-A), 1: Identity of the plant protection product (284-A), 2: Physical, chemical and technical properties of the plant protection product (284-A)
403 EPPO Global Database on Crops and Pests (EPPO, 2017) Yes Yes guidance document,
test method
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
3.5: Harmful organisms controlled and crops or products protected or treated
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
3.3: Crops or products protected or treated
PPP Part A (chemicals)
3: Data on application
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
3: Data on application
3.5: Harmful organisms controlled and crops or products protected or treated (283-A), 3.3: Crops or products protected or treated (283-B), 3: Data on application (284-A), 3: Data on application (284-B) Listed as guidance document in section 3.3 of Communication 283/2013 Part B and section 3 of Communication 284/2013 Part B and as test method in section 3.5 of Communication 283/2013 Part A and section 3 of Communication 284/2013 Part A
406 Guidance for the identification of endocrine disruptors in the context of Regulations (EU) No 528/2012 and (EC) No 1107/2009 (C/2018/6040, EFSA Journal 2018;16(6):5311) Yes Yes guidance document EFSA
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.8.3: Endocrine disrupting properties
8.1.5: Endocrine disrupting properties
8.2.3: Endocrine disrupting properties
5.8.3: Endocrine disrupting properties (283-A), 8.1.5: Endocrine disrupting properties (283-A), 8.2.3: Endocrine disrupting properties (283-A) This guidance document provides that the identification of endocrine disrupting properties should be performed on a weight-of-evidence approach, taking into account all the data available, regardless of the taxa used to generate these data.
407 EFSA Estimation of animal intakes and HR, STMR and MRL calculations for products of animal origin Yes Yes guidance document EFSA
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
6.4: Feeding studies
6.4: Feeding studies (283-A)
408 EFSA Spreadsheet for HR, STMR and MRL calculations for products of animal origin; EU Animal burden calculator - animals Yes Yes guidance document EFSA
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
6.4: Feeding studies
6.4: Feeding studies (283-A)
410 OECD MRL calculator : User guide Yes Yes guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
6.7.2: Proposed maximum residue levels (MRLs) and justification of the acceptability of the levels proposed
6.7.3: Proposed maximum residue levels (MRLs) and justification of the acceptability of the levels proposed for imported products (import tolerance)
6.7.2: Proposed maximum residue levels (MRLs) and justification of the acceptability of the levels proposed (283-A), 6.7.3: Proposed maximum residue levels (MRLs) and justification of the acceptability of the levels proposed for imported products (import tolerance) (283-A)
411 ECHA Guidance on information requirements and chemical safety assessment Chapter R 11: PBT Assessment No N/A supporting document ECHA
281 OECD Guidance Document on Overview of Residue Chemistry Studies . Series on Testing and Assessment, No. 64 and Series on Pesticides, No. 32 Yes Yes guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
6: Residues in or on treated products, food and feed
6: Residues in or on treated products, food and feed (283-A) This document is partially outdated.
282 OECD Guidance Document on Pesticide Residue Analytical Methods. Environment, Health and Safety Publications. Series on Testing and Assessment No. 72. Series on Pesticides No. 39. Yes Yes guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
4.1.2: Methods for risk assessment
4.2: Methods for post-approval control and monitoring purposes
PPP Part A (chemicals)
5: Analytical methods
5.1.2: Methods for the determination of residues
5.2: Methods for post-authorisation control and monitoring purposes
4.1.2: Methods for risk assessment (283-A), 4.2: Methods for post-approval control and monitoring purposes (283-A), 5: Analytical methods (284-A), 5.1.2: Methods for the determination of residues (284-A), 5.2: Methods for post-authorisation control and monitoring purposes (284-A)
283 OECD Guidance Document on Residues in Livestock. Series on Pesticides, No. 73 Yes Yes guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
6.4: Feeding studies
6.4: Feeding studies (283-A)
284 OECD Guidance document on magnitude of pesticide residues in processed commodities. Environment, Health and Safety Publications. Series on Testing and Assessment No. 96. Yes Yes guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
6.5.3: Magnitude of residues in processed commodities
6.5.3: Magnitude of residues in processed commodities (283-A)
285 OECD Guidance document on residues in rotational crops. Series on Pesticides, No. 97. and Series on Testing and Assessment, No. 279. Yes Yes guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
6.6: Residues in rotational crops
6.6: Residues in rotational crops (283-A)
286 OECD Guidance for the Derivation of an Acute Reference Dose. Series on testing and assessment, No. 124 Yes Yes guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5: Toxicological and metabolism studies
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
5.5: Information and toxicity studies on metabolites
5: Toxicological and metabolism studies (283-A), 5.5: Information and toxicity studies on metabolites (283-B)
287 OECD Short guidance on the threshold approach for acute fish toxicity. Series on Testing and Aassessment, No 126 Yes Yes guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
8.2.1: Acute toxicity to fish
8.2.1: Acute toxicity to fish (283-A)
288 OECD Series on Testing and Assessment: No 148: Guidance document on the androgenised female stickleback screen No N/A supporting document OECD
290 OECD Guidance notes on dermal absorption (OECD, Series on Testing and Assessment No. 156, ENV/JM/MONO (2011)36, 2011) No N/A guidance document,
supporting document
291 OECD Guidance Document on Crop Field Trials. Series on Testing and Assessment, No. 164 and Series on Pesticides No. 66 Yes Yes guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
6.3: Magnitude of residue trials in plants
6.3: Magnitude of residue trials in plants (283-A)
292 OECD Guidance Document on Developing and Assessing Adverse Outcome Pathways. Series on Testing and Assessment No. 184 Yes Yes guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
PPP Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
0: General Guidance (283-A), 0: General Guidance (284-A)
293 OECD (2014) "Report on Statistical Issues Related to OECD test methods (TGs) on Genotoxicity", No. 198 (ENV/JM/MONO(2014)12)
No N/A supporting document OECD
294 OECD Guidance Document on an Integrated Approach on Testing and Assessment (IATA) for Skin Corrosion and Irritation. Series on Testing and Assessment, No. 203 Yes Yes guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.2.4: Skin irritation
PPP Part A (chemicals)
7.1.4: Skin irritation
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
7.3.4: Skin irritation
5.2.4: Skin irritation (283-A), 7.1.4: Skin irritation (284-A), 7.3.4: Skin irritation (284-B)
295 OECD Guidance Document for Describing Non-Guideline In-vitro Test Methods,. Series on Testing and Assessment, No. 211 Yes Yes guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
PPP Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
0: General Guidance (283-A), 0: General Guidance (284-A)
296 EU Guidance document on the assessment of the relevance of metabolites in groundwater of substances regulated under Council Directive 91/414/EEC (SANCO/221/2000) Yes Yes guidance document SANTE
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.8.1: Toxicity studies of metabolites
6.9: Estimation of the potential and actual exposure through diet and other sources
5.8.1: Toxicity studies of metabolites (283-A), 6.9: Estimation of the potential and actual exposure through diet and other sources (283-A)
297 WHO, 2006. Environmental Health Criteria, 235. Dermal Absorption No N/A supporting document WHO
298 OECD Guidance Document on Integrated Approaches to Testing and Assessment (IATA) for Serious Eye Damage and Eye Irritation. Series on Testing and Assessment, No 263 Yes Yes guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.2.5: Eye irritation
PPP Part A (chemicals)
7.1.5: Eye irritation
5.2.5: Eye irritation (283-A), 7.1.5: Eye irritation (284-A)
299 EFSA Guidance on Uncertainty Analysis in Scientific Assessments (EFSA Journal 2018;16(1):5123) Yes Yes guidance document EFSA
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
PPP Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
0: General Guidance (283-A), 0: General Guidance (284-A) Guidance of EFSA on uncertainty analysis 14 July 2022 (PAFF-PPL-July22-Doc.A.07.02):
302 EFSA (2017). Technical report on the outcome of the pesticides peer review meeting on the OECD 106 evaluators checklist. EFSA supporting publication 2017:EN-1326 No N/A supporting document EFSA
303 EFSA Application of systematic review methodology to food and feed safety assessments to support decision making (EFSA Journal 2010;8(6):1637) Yes Yes guidance document EFSA
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
9: Literature data
PPP Part A (chemicals)
11: Literature data
9: Literature data (283-A), 11: Literature data (284-A)
304 EFSA Guidance on submission of scientific peer-reviewed open literature for the approval of pesticide active substances under Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 (EFSA Journal 2011;9(2):2092) Yes Yes guidance document EFSA
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
9: Literature data
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
0: General Guidance
3.5: Literature data
PPP Part A (chemicals)
11: Literature data
9: Literature data (283-A), 0: General Guidance (283-B), 3.5: Literature data (283-B), 11: Literature data (284-A)
305 EFSA Scientific opinion on genotoxicity testing strategies applicable to food and feed safety assessment. (EFSA Journal 2011;9(9):2379) Yes Yes guidance document EFSA
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.4: Genotoxicity testing
5.4: Genotoxicity testing (283-A)
308 Technical Active Substance and Plant protection products: Guidance for generating and reporting methods of analysis in support of pre- and post-registration data requirements for Annex (Section 4) of Regulation (EU) No 283/2013 and Annex (Section 5) of Regulation (EU) No 284/2013. (SANCO/3030/99) Yes Yes guidance document SANTE
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
4.1.1: Methods for the analysis of the active substance as manufactured
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
4.1: Methods for the analysis of the MPCA as manufactured
PPP Part A (chemicals)
5.1.1: Methods for the analysis of the plant protection product
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
5.1: Methods for the analysis of the preparation
4.1.1: Methods for the analysis of the active substance as manufactured (283-A), 4.1: Methods for the analysis of the MPCA as manufactured (283-B), 5.1.1: Methods for the analysis of the plant protection product (284-A), 5.1: Methods for the analysis of the preparation (284-B)
310 EFSA Guidance on the use of the benchmark dose approach in risk assessment (EFSA Journal 2017;15(1):4658) Yes Yes guidance document EFSA
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
0: General Guidance (283-A)
311 Generic Guidance for Surface Water Scenarios (based on -among others- “FOCUS Surface Water Scenarios in the EU Evaluation Process under 91/414/EEC"". Report of the FOCUS Working Group on Surface Water Scenarios, EC Document Reference (SANCO/4802/2001); Generic Guidance for Estimating Persistence and Degradation Kinetics from Environmental Fate Studies in Pesticides in EU Registration (including Guidance Document on Estimating Persistence and Degradation Kinetics from Environmental Fate Studies on Pesticides in EU Registration - Final Report of the Work Group on Degradation Kinetics of FOCUS (Sanco/10058/2005); Guidance Document for evaluating laboratory and field dissipation studies to obtain DegT50 values of active substances of plant protection products and transformation products of these active substances in soil (SANCO/12117/2014)); Guidance Document on Tiered Risk Assessment for Plant Protection products for Aquatic Organisms in Edge-of-field Surface Waters in the Context of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 (SANTE-2015-00080); Landscape and Mitigation Factors in Aquatic Ecological Risk Assessment - Volume 1. Extended Summary and Recommendations - Final Report of the FOCUS Working Group on Landscape and Mitigation Factors in Ecological Risk Assessment (SANCO/10422/2005)) Yes Yes guidance document SANTE
PPP Part A (chemicals)
9.2.2: Water/sediment study
9.2.5: Estimation of concentrations in surface water and sediment
9.2.2: Water/sediment study (284-A), 9.2.5: Estimation of concentrations in surface water and sediment (284-A) The generic FOCUS guidance documents that are based on the relevant, more specific guidance documents and regularly updated are listed.
312 EFSA Guidance on the assessment of the biological relevance of data in scientific assessments (EFSA Journal 2017;15(8):4970) Yes Yes guidance document EFSA
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
PPP Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
0: General Guidance (283-A), 0: General Guidance (284-A) Guidance on the assessment of the biological relevance of data in scientific assessments. PAFF-PPL-July22-Doc.A.07.03:
313 EFSA Scientific Opinion on the guidance on the use of the weight of evidence approach in scientific assessments (EFSA Journal 2017;15(8):4971) Yes Yes guidance document EFSA
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
0: General Guidance
PPP Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
0: General Guidance
0: General Guidance (283-A), 0: General Guidance (283-B), 0: General Guidance (284-A), 0: General Guidance (284-B) Guidance on the use of the weight of evidence approach in scientific assessments. PAFF-PPL-July22-Doc.A.07.01:
314 EFSA Scientific Opinion, Clarification of some aspects related to genotoxicity assessment (EFSA Journal 2017;15(12):5113) Yes Yes guidance document EFSA
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.4: Genotoxicity testing
5.4: Genotoxicity testing (283-A)
315 Guidance Document on the assessment of new substances falling into the group of Straight Chain Lepidopteran Pheromones (SCLPs) included in Annex I of Council Directive 91/414/EEC, (SANCO 5272/2009) Yes Yes guidance document SANTE
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
0: General Guidance (283-A)
316 EU guidance document "Calculation of Maximum Residue Levels and Safety Intervals e.g. Pre-harvest Intervals" (SANCO 7039/VI/95) Yes Yes guidance document SANTE
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
6.8: Proposed safety intervals
6.8: Proposed safety intervals (283-A)
317 EU Working Document. Draft Guidance for the Setting and Application of Acceptable Operator Exposure Levels (AOEL’s) (SANCO/7531/2006) Yes Yes guidance document SANTE
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5: Toxicological and metabolism studies
5: Toxicological and metabolism studies (283-A)
318 Soil persistence models and EU registration, final report of the FOCUS Soil modelling workgroup, Sanco/7617/VI/96 Yes Yes guidance document SANTE
PPP Part A (chemicals)
9.1.3: Estimation of concentrations in soil
9.1.3: Estimation of concentrations in soil (284-A)
320 EU guidance document on data requirements on efficacy for the dossier to be submitted for the approval of new active substances contained in plant protection products. (SANCO/10054/2013) Yes Yes guidance document SANTE
PPP Part A (chemicals)
6: Efficacy data
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
6: Efficacy data
6: Efficacy data (284-A), 6: Efficacy data (284-B)
602 OECD Test Guideline 460: Fluorescein Leakage Test Method for Identifying Ocular Corrosives and Severe Irritants Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.2.5: Eye irritation
PPP Part A (chemicals)
7.1.5: Eye irritation
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
7.3.5: Eye irritation
5.2.5: Eye irritation (283-A), 7.1.5: Eye irritation (284-A), 7.3.5: Eye irritation (284-B)
603 OECD Test Guideline 491: Short Time Exposure In Vitro Test Method for Identifying i) Chemicals Inducing Serious Eye Damage and ii) Chemicals Not Requiring Classification for Eye Irritation or Serious Eye Damage Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.2.5: Eye irritation
PPP Part A (chemicals)
7.1.5: Eye irritation
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
7.3.5: Eye irritation
5.2.5: Eye irritation (283-A), 7.1.5: Eye irritation (284-A), 7.3.5: Eye irritation (284-B)
604 OECD Test Guideline 492: Reconstructed human Cornea-like Epithelium (RhCE) test method for identifying chemicals not requiring classification and labelling for eye irritation or serious eye damage Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.2.5: Eye irritation
PPP Part A (chemicals)
7.1.5: Eye irritation
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
7.3.5: Eye irritation
5.2.5: Eye irritation (283-A), 7.1.5: Eye irritation (284-A), 7.3.5: Eye irritation (284-B)
605 OECD Test Guideline 405: Acute eye irritation/corrosion Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.2.5: Eye irritation
PPP Part A (chemicals)
7.1.5: Eye irritation
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
7.3.5: Eye irritation
5.2.5: Eye irritation (283-A), 7.1.5: Eye irritation (284-A), 7.3.5: Eye irritation (284-B)
606 OECD Test Guideline 442B: Skin Sensitisation – Local Lymph Node Assay: BrdU-ELISA Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.2.6: Skin sensitisation
PPP Part A (chemicals)
7.1.6: Skin sensitisation
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
7.3.6: Skin sensitisation
5.2.6: Skin sensitisation (283-A), 7.1.6: Skin sensitisation (284-A), 7.3.6: Skin sensitisation (284-B)
419 Administrative guidance on submission of dossiers and assessment reports for the peer-review of pesticide active substances  (SANTE/10182/2021) No Yes guidance document EFSA Procedural guidance document- dossier and draft assessment report
423 Basic substances – Working document on the procedure for application of basic substances to be approved in compliance with Article 23 of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 (SANCO/10363/2012) No N/A supporting document Procedural guidance document- dossier and draft assessment report
425 ECHA (2017) "Guidance on Information Requirements and Chemical Safety Assessment - Chapter R.7a: Endpoint Specific Guidance" No N/A supporting document ECHA
429 OECD Revised Guidance Document No. 150 on Standardised test methods for Evaluating Chemicals for Endocrine Disruption. Yes Yes guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.8.3: Endocrine disrupting properties
8.1.5: Endocrine disrupting properties
8.2.3: Endocrine disrupting properties
5.8.3: Endocrine disrupting properties (283-A), 8.1.5: Endocrine disrupting properties (283-A), 8.2.3: Endocrine disrupting properties (283-A) This guidance contains information about the relevant test methods and is regularly updated.
430 Technical guidance on the interpretation of points 3.6.3. to 3.6.5, and 3.8.2 of Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009, in particular regarding the assessment of negligible exposure to an active substance in a plant protection product under realistic conditions of use (SANCO-2014-12096) No N/A guidance document COM Commission Notice
431 EFSA Guidance on the establishment of the residue definition for dietary risk assessment (EFSA Journal 2016;14(12):4549) Yes Yes guidance document EFSA
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
8: Residues in or on treated products, food and feed
8: Residues in or on treated products, food and feed (284-B)
433 Zonal (North) Guidance on risk assessment Birds and Mammals
No N/A guidance document zonal GD
346 Guidance document for the generation and evaluation of data on the physical, chemical and technical properties of plant protection products under Regulation (EC) No. 1107/2009 (SANCO/10473/2003) Yes Yes guidance document SANTE
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2: Physical, chemical and technical properties of the plant protection product
4: Further information on the plant protection product
2: Physical, chemical and technical properties of the plant protection product (284-A), 4: Further information on the plant protection product (284-A)
347 Guidance on dermal adsorption (SANTE/2018/10591) Yes Yes guidance document EFSA
PPP Part A (chemicals)
7.3: Dermal absorption
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
7.5: Data on exposure
7.3: Dermal absorption (284-A), 7.5: Data on exposure (284-B) referred as EFSA Guidance on dermal absorption (EFSA Journal 2017;15(6):4873) in Part B of 284/2013
348 Guidance document for environmental risk assessments of active substances used on rice in the EU for Annex 1 inclusion (SANCO/1090/2000) Yes Yes guidance document SANTE
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
PPP Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
0: General Guidance (283-A), 0: General Guidance (284-A)
349 Risk assessment for birds and mammals: Joint working group report on the birds and mammals guidance document - 31 July 2009 No N/A supporting document SANTE
351 EU Working document to the Environmental Safety Evaluation of Microbial Biocontrol Agents, section 3.1.2 (SANCO/12117/2012) Yes Yes guidance document SANTE
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms) Soil Water
8: Ecotoxicological studies Soil (283-B), Water (283-B), 8: Ecotoxicological studies (283-B)
352 Guidance Document on clustering and ranking of emissions of plant protection products and transformation products of these active substances from protected crops (greenhouses and crops grown under cover) to relevant environmental compartments (SANCO/12184/2014) Yes Yes guidance document EFSA
PPP Part A (chemicals)
9: Fate and behaviour in the environment
9: Fate and behaviour in the environment (284-A)
353 Guidance of EFSA on risk assessments for active substances of plant protection products that have stereoisomers as components or impurities and for transformation products of active substances that may have stereoisomers (SANTE/12278/2020) Yes Yes guidance document EFSA
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
0: General Guidance (283-A)
354 Guidance on how aged sorption studies for pesticides should be conducted, analysed and used in regulatory assessments EC Document Reference (SANTE/12586/2020) Yes Yes guidance document SANTE
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Aged sorption Aged sorption (283-A)
355 Short guidance on the threshold approach for acute fish toxicity (OECD. Series on testing and assessment No 126. ENV/JM/MONO(2010)17) No N/A supporting document OECD
356 EU Guidance document on significant and non-significant changes of the chemical composition of authorised plant protection products under Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 of the EU Parliament and Council on placing of plant protection products on the market and repealing Council Directives 79/117/EEC and 91/414/EEC (SANCO/12638/2011) Yes Yes guidance document SANTE
PPP Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
1.4: Detailed quantitative and qualitative information on the composition of the preparation
0: General Guidance (284-A), 1.4: Detailed quantitative and qualitative information on the composition of the preparation (284-B)
358 Technical guidelines on data requirements for setting maximum residue levels, comparability of residue trials and extrapolations of residue data on products from plant and animal origin (SANTE/2019/12752) Yes Yes guidance document SANTE
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
6.3: Magnitude of residue trials in plants
6.7.2: Proposed maximum residue levels (MRLs) and justification of the acceptability of the levels proposed
6.7.3: Proposed maximum residue levels (MRLs) and justification of the acceptability of the levels proposed for imported products (import tolerance)
6.3: Magnitude of residue trials in plants (283-A), 6.7.2: Proposed maximum residue levels (MRLs) and justification of the acceptability of the levels proposed (283-A), 6.7.3: Proposed maximum residue levels (MRLs) and justification of the acceptability of the levels proposed for imported products (import tolerance) (283-A)
359 EU Guidance document for the assessment of the equivalence of technical grade active ingredients for identical microbial strains or isolates approved under Regulation (EC) No. 1107/2009 (SANCO/12823/2012) Yes Yes guidance document SANTE
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
1: Identity of the applicant, identity of the active substance and manufacturing information
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
1: Identity of the applicant, identity of the plant protection product and manufacturing information
1: Identity of the applicant, identity of the active substance and manufacturing information (283-B), 1: Identity of the applicant, identity of the plant protection product and manufacturing information (284-B)
360 Guidance document on Risk assessment for Birds and Mammals (PAFF-PPL-3 October 2024-Doc.A.07.01 rev. 1.1) to be listed Yes guidance document EFSA
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
8.1: Effects on birds and other terrestrial vertebrates
PPP Part A (chemicals)
10.1: Effects on birds and other terrestrial vertebrates
8.1: Effects on birds and other terrestrial vertebrates (283-A), 10.1: Effects on birds and other terrestrial vertebrates (284-A) This version should apply to dossiers submitted from 1 October 2025 onwards, in the context of (renewal of) approval of active substances under Regulation (EC) No. 1107/2009 and in the context of (renewal of) authorisation of plant protection products under Regulation (EC) No. 1107/2009.
363 Risk assessment for birds and mammals - 25 September 2002 No N/A supporting document SANTE
364 OECD Guidance Document 116 on the Conduct and Design of Chronic Toxicity and Carcinogenicity Studies, Supporting test methods 451, 452 and 453 Yes Yes guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.5: Long-term toxicity and carcinogenicity
5.6: Reproductive toxicity
5.5: Long-term toxicity and carcinogenicity (283-A), 5.6: Reproductive toxicity (283-A)
365 Guidance document on the finalisation of the reference specification for technical active substances after the peer review (SANCO/6075/2009) No Yes guidance document SANTE
275 OECD Guidance Document for the Conduct of Studies of Occupational Exposure to Pesticides During Agricultural Application, Series on Testing and Assessment No. 9 Yes Yes guidance document OECD
PPP Part A (chemicals)
7.2.1: Operator exposure
7.2.3: Worker exposure
7.2.1: Operator exposure (284-A), 7.2.3: Worker exposure (284-A)
276 Technical Monograph N° 17. Guidelines for Specifying the Shelf Life of Plant Protection Products (2nd edition, CropLife International, 2009) No N/A supporting document Croplife
277 OECD Guidance document on aqueous-phase aquatic toxicity testing of difficult test chemicals. Testing and Assessment, No. 23. (Guidance Document on Aquatic Toxicity Testing of Difficult Substances and Mixtures) Yes Yes guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
8.2: Effects on aquatic organisms
PPP Part A (chemicals)
10.2: Effects on aquatic organisms
8.2: Effects on aquatic organisms (283-A), 10.2: Effects on aquatic organisms (284-A)
278 OECD Guidance Notes for Analysis and Evaluation of Repeat-Dose Toxicity Studies. Series on Testing and Assessment, No. 32 Yes Yes guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.3: Short-term toxicity
5.3: Short-term toxicity (283-A)
279 OECD Current approaches in the statistical analysis of ecotoxicity data: a guidance to application. Series of testing and assessment, No 54 Yes Yes guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
8: Ecotoxicological studies
PPP Part A (chemicals)
10: Ecotoxicological studies
8: Ecotoxicological studies (283-A), 10: Ecotoxicological studies (284-A)
280 OECD Guidance Document on the Definition of Residues. Environment, Health and Safety Publications. Series on Testing and Assessment, No. 63 and Series on Pesticides, No. 31 Yes N/A guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
6.7.1: Proposed residue definitions
6.7.1: Proposed residue definitions (283-A)
439 Guidance document for applicants on preparing dossiers for the approval of a chemical new active substance and for the renewal of approval of a chemical active substance according to Regulation (EU) No 283/2013 and Regulation (EU) No 284/2013 (SANCO/10181/2013) No Yes guidance document SANTE Procedural guidance document- dossier and draft assessment report word version can be found here:
440 Guidance document on zonal evaluation and mutual recognition, withdrawal and amendment of authorisations under Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 (SANCO/13169/2010) No No guidance document SANTE Procedural guidance document- post approval issues
441 Guidance document on the preparation and submission of dossiers for plant protection products according to the “risk envelope approach” (SANCO/11244/2011) No Yes guidance document,
supporting document
SANTE Procedural guidance document- dossier and draft assessment report
444 Good Laboratory Practice - detailed requirements for Part A, Annexes II and III - 7109/VI/94 - July 1995 No N/A supporting document COM Procedural guidance document- dossier and draft assessment report
445 Candolfi et al (2001). Guidance Document on Regulatory Testing and Risk Assessment Procedures for Plant Protection Products With Non-Target Arthropods: From the Escort 2 Workshop (European Standard Characteristics of Non-Target Arthropod Regulatory Testing). SETAC press, pp 46. ISBN 1-880611-52-x Yes Yes guidance document SETAC
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
8.3.2: Effects on non-target arthropods other than bees
PPP Part A (chemicals)
10.3.2: Effects on non-target arthropods other than bees
8.3.2: Effects on non-target arthropods other than bees (283-A), 10.3.2: Effects on non-target arthropods other than bees (284-A) website is not accesible for reading the document
446 SETAC 1995 – Procedures for assessing the environmental fate and ecotoxicity of pesticides Yes Yes guidance document SETAC
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Soil photolysis Soil photolysis (283-A)
452 OECD Guidance Document for Conducting Pesticide Terrestrial Field Dissipation Studies. Series on Pesticides, No. 82 / Series on Testing and Assessment, No. 232. Yes Yes guidance document,
test method
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Field studies
PPP Part A (chemicals) Field studies Field leaching studies Additional field tests Field studies (283-A), Field studies (284-A), Field leaching studies (284-A), Additional field tests (284-A)
454 OECD Guidance Documents on the Validation of (Quantitative) Structure-Activity Relationship [(Q)SAR] Models. Series on Testing and Assessment No. 69. Yes Yes guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
PPP Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
0: General Guidance (283-A), 0: General Guidance (284-A)
455 OECD Guidance on Grouping of Chemicals, Second Edition. Series on Testing and Assessment, No. 194 Yes Yes guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
PPP Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
0: General Guidance (283-A), 0: General Guidance (284-A)
458 De Jong et al. (2010) Guidance for summarising and evaluating field studies with non-target arthropods Yes Yes guidance document RIVM
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
8.3.2: Effects on non-target arthropods other than bees
PPP Part A (chemicals)
10.3.2: Effects on non-target arthropods other than bees
8.3.2: Effects on non-target arthropods other than bees (283-A), 10.3.2: Effects on non-target arthropods other than bees (284-A)
459 EFSA European Food Safety Authority 2020. Scientific report of EFSA on the ‘repair action’ of the FOCUS surface water scenarios. EFSA Journal 2020;18(5):6119, 294 No N/A supporting document EFSA
460 OECD Guidance Document for flammability testing of plant protection and biocidal products, Series on Testing and Assessment, No. 330 Yes Yes guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
2.9: Flammability and self-heating
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.3: Flammability and self-heating
2.9: Flammability and self-heating (283-A), 2.3: Flammability and self-heating (284-A)
461 OECD Guidance Document for the Use of Adverse Outcome Pathways in Developing Integrated Approaches to Testing and Assessment (IATA) No. 260 Yes Yes guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
PPP Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
0: General Guidance
0: General Guidance (283-A), 0: General Guidance (284-A), 0: General Guidance (284-B)
462 EFSA Scientific Committee, 2019. Statement on the genotoxicity assessment of chemical mixtures. EFSA Journal 2019;17(1):5519 No N/A supporting document EFSA
463 OECD Consideration for assessing the risk of combined exposure to multiple chemicals. Series on Testing and Assessment No. 296 Yes Yes guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
PPP Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
0: General Guidance (283-A), 0: General Guidance (284-A)
464 EFSA Guidance on harmonised methodologies for human health, animal health and ecological risk assessment of combined exposure to multiple chemicals (EFSA Journal 2019;17(3):5634) Yes Yes guidance document EFSA
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
PPP Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
0: General Guidance (283-A), 0: General Guidance (284-A)
465 OECD Guidance document on the characterisation, validation and reporting of Physiologically Based Kinetic (PBK) models for regulatory purposes. Series on Testing and Assessment, No. 331 Yes Yes guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.1: Studies on absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion in mammals
5.1: Studies on absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion in mammals (283-A)
467 OECD Guidance Document on Considerations for Waiving or Bridging of Mammalian Acute Toxicity Tests. Series on Testing & Assessment, No. 237 Yes Yes guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
PPP Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
7.3: Acute toxicity
0: General Guidance (283-A), 0: General Guidance (284-A), 7.3: Acute toxicity (284-B)
468 OECD Guidance Document for Neurotoxicity Testing. OECD Series on Testing and Assessment, No 20 Yes Yes guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.7: Neurotoxicity studies
5.7: Neurotoxicity studies (283-A)
469 OECD Guidance document on acute oral toxicity testing. Series on Testing and Assessment, No. 24 Yes Yes guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.2.1: Oral
PPP Part A (chemicals)
7.1.1: Oral toxicity
5.2.1: Oral (283-A), 7.1.1: Oral toxicity (284-A)
470 OECD Guidance Document on using Cytotoxicity Tests to Estimate Starting Doses for Acute Oral Systemic Toxicity Tests. Series on Testing and Assessment, No. 129 Yes Yes guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.2.1: Oral
PPP Part A (chemicals)
7.1.1: Oral toxicity
5.2.1: Oral (283-A), 7.1.1: Oral toxicity (284-A)
471 OECD Guidance Document on the Bovine Corneal Opacity (BCOP) and Isolated Chicken Eye (ICE) Test Methods: Collection of Tissues for Histological Evaluation and Collection of Data on Non-severe Irritants. Series on Testing and Assessment, No. 160 Yes Yes guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.2.5: Eye irritation
PPP Part A (chemicals)
7.1.5: Eye irritation
5.2.5: Eye irritation (283-A), 7.1.5: Eye irritation (284-A)
472 OECD. The Adverse Outcome Pathway for Skin Sensitisation Initiated by Covalent Binding to Proteins. Series on Testing and Assessment No. 168. No N/A supporting document OECD
473 OECD. Guidance Document on the Reporting of Defined Approaches and Individual Information Sources to be used within Integrated Approaches to Testing and Assessment (IATA) for Skin Sensitisation. Series on Testing and Assessment No. 256 No N/A guidance document OECD
474 OECD Guidance Document on Histopathology for Inhalation Toxicity Studies, Supporting TG 412 (Subacute Inhalation Toxicity: 28-Day Study) and TG 413 (Subchronic Inhalation Toxicity: 90-Day Study). Series on Testing and Assessment, No. 125 Yes Yes guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.3.3: Other routes
5.3.3: Other routes (283-A)
475 OECD Guidance Document for Histologic Evaluation of Endocrine and Reproductive Tests in Rodents. Series on Testing and Assessment No. 106 Yes Yes guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.6: Reproductive toxicity
5.6: Reproductive toxicity (283-A)
476 OECD Guidance Document on Mammalian Reproductive Toxicity Testing and Assessment. Series on Testing and Assessment, No 43 Yes Yes guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.6: Reproductive toxicity
5.6: Reproductive toxicity (283-A)
477 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Technical Working Group on Pesticides (TWG) Developmental Neurotoxicity Study Guidance Document Yes Yes guidance document NAFTA
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.6.2: Developmental toxicity studies
5.6.2: Developmental toxicity studies (283-A)
478 OECD Developmental Neurotoxicity Study (OECD TG 426), Chapter.3.8 in Revised Guidance Document 150 on Standardised test methods for Evaluating Chemicals for Endocrine Disruption Yes Yes guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.6.2: Developmental toxicity studies
5.6.2: Developmental toxicity studies (283-A)
479 EFSA Literature review and appraisal on alternative neurotoxicity testing methods, doi:10.2903/sp.efsa.2018.EN-1410 No N/A supporting document EFSA
480 Outcome of the pesticides peer review meeting on general recurring issues in mammalian toxicology No N/A supporting document EFSA
484 ICH Safety Guidelines S10 Photosafety Evaluation of Pharmacetuticals Yes Yes guidance document ICH
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.2.7: Phototoxicity
5.4: Genotoxicity testing
5.2.7: Phototoxicity (283-A), 5.4: Genotoxicity testing (283-A)
485 ICH Safety Guidelines S8 Immunotoxicity studies for Human Pharmaceuticals Yes N/A test method ICH,immunosuppression%20and%20immunoenhancement%2C%20excluding%20allergenicity%20or%20drug-specific%20autoimmunity.
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.8.2: Supplementary studies on the active substance
5.8.2: Supplementary studies on the active substance (283-A)
489 Statement of the PPR Panel on a framework for conducting the environmental exposure and risk assessment for transition metals when used as active substances in plant protec-tion products (PPP)´ (EFSA Journal 2021;19(3):6498) No N/A supporting document EFSA
547 Guidance document on the procedures relating to the authorisation of plant protection products following inclusion of an existing active substance in Annex I of Council Directive 91/414/EEC (Sanco/10796/2003) No No guidance document SANTE Procedural guidance document- post approval issues
549 Guidance document concerning the parallel trade of plant protection products (SANCO/10524/2012) No No guidance document SANTE Procedural guidance document- post approval issues
550 Renewal Guidance on implementation of Regulation (EU) No 1141/2010 (SANCO/10387/2010) No Yes guidance document SANTE Procedural guidance document- post approval issues
551 Guidance document on data matching for applications for plant protection product authorisations according to Articles 33 and 43 of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 (SANTE/2016/11449) No No guidance document SANTE Procedural guidance document- post approval issues
552 Template for Submission Demonstrating Access to a Complete Package According to Regulation (EU) 283/2013 and for the Data Matching Step (SANTE/2016/11449) No N/A supporting document SANTE Procedural guidance document- post approval issues
553 Technical Guidelines on Data Protection according to Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 No N/A supporting document SANTE Procedural guidance document- other
556 WHO Guidelines for drinking water quality Yes Yes guidance document WHO
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
6.9: Estimation of the potential and actual exposure through diet and other sources
6.9: Estimation of the potential and actual exposure through diet and other sources (283-A)
557 EFSA guidance document on soil phototransformation products in groundwater – consideration, parameterisation and simulation in the exposure assessment of plant protection products (PAFF-PPL-Dec 22-Doc.A.07.02) Yes Yes guidance document EFSA
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Soil photolysis
PPP Part A (chemicals)
9.2.4: Estimation of concentrations in groundwater Soil photolysis (283-A), 9.2.4: Estimation of concentrations in groundwater (284-A)
558 OECD Test Guideline 102: Melting Point/ Melting Range Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
2.1: Melting point and boiling point
2.1: Melting point and boiling point (283-A)
559 OECD Test Guideline 103: Boiling point Yes N/A test method OECD,pressure%20equals%20the%20standard%20atmospheric%20pressure%20101.325%20kPa.
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
2.1: Melting point and boiling point
2.1: Melting point and boiling point (283-A)
560 OECD Test Guideline 104: Vapour Pressure Yes N/A test method OECD,and%20is%20determined%20at%20various%20temperatures%20%28in%20Kelvin%29.
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
2.2: Vapour pressure, volatility
2.2: Vapour pressure, volatility (283-A)
562 OECD Test Guideline 101: UV-VIS Absorption Spectra Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
2.4: Spectra (UV/VIS, IR, NMR, MS), molar extinction at relevant wavelengths, optical purity
5.2.7: Phototoxicity
2.4: Spectra (UV/VIS, IR, NMR, MS), molar extinction at relevant wavelengths, optical purity (283-A), 5.2.7: Phototoxicity (283-A)
563 CIPAC Method MT 181: Solubility in organic solvents Yes N/A test method CIPAC,determine%20the%20approximate%20solubility%20of%20the%20test%20substance.
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
2.6: Solubility in organic solvents
2.6: Solubility in organic solvents (283-A)
564 CIPAC Method MT 157: Water solubility Yes N/A test method CIPAC
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
2.6: Solubility in organic solvents
2.6: Solubility in organic solvents (283-A) may be adapted in some circumstances
566 OECD Test Guideline 117: Partition Coefficient (n-octanol/water), HPLC method Yes N/A test method OECD,containing%20long%20hydrocarbon%20chains%20chemically%20bound%20onto%20silica.
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
2.7: Partition coefficient n-octanol/water
2.7: Partition coefficient n-octanol/water (283-A)
567 OECD Test Guideline 123: Partition coefficient (1-octanol/water): slow-stirring method Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
2.7: Partition coefficient n-octanol/water
2.7: Partition coefficient n-octanol/water (283-A)
568 OECD Test Guideline 112: Dissociation Constants in Water. Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
2.8: Dissociation in water
2.8: Dissociation in water (283-A)
569 Test N.1: test method for flammable solids, Part III of UN RTDG Manual of Tests and Criteria Yes N/A test method UN RTDG
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
2.9: Flammability and self-heating
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.3: Flammability and self-heating
2.9: Flammability and self-heating (283-A), 2.3: Flammability and self-heating (284-A)
570 Method A.15 Auto-ignition temperature (liquids and gases), Part A of Commission Regulation (EC) No. 440/2008 Yes N/A test method -
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
2.9: Flammability and self-heating
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.3: Flammability and self-heating
2.9: Flammability and self-heating (283-A), 2.3: Flammability and self-heating (284-A) title of the method for the section 2.9 Flammability and self-heating- self-heating in the Communication 283/2013: Method A.15(Annex of Regulation (EC) No. 440/2008) for liquids and Gases (liquids and gases)
571 Method A.16 Relative self-ignition temperature for solids, Part A of Commission Regulation (EC) No. 440/2008) Yes N/A test method -
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
2.9: Flammability and self-heating
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.3: Flammability and self-heating
2.9: Flammability and self-heating (283-A), 2.3: Flammability and self-heating (284-A) title of the method for the section 2.9 Flammability and self-heating- self-heating in the Communication 283/2013: Method A.16(Annex of Regulation (EC) No. 440/2008) for solids (solids)
572 Test N.4: test method for self-heating substances Part III of of UN RTDG Manual of Tests and Criteria Yes N/A test method UN RTDG
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
2.9: Flammability and self-heating
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.3: Flammability and self-heating
2.9: Flammability and self-heating (283-A), 2.3: Flammability and self-heating (284-A)
573 Method A.9 Flash-point (Annex to Regulation (EC) No 440/2008) Yes N/A test method -
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
2.10: Flash point
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.3: Flammability and self-heating
2.10: Flash point (283-A), 2.3: Flammability and self-heating (284-A) Only closed cup methods should be used.
574 Test methods according to Table 2.6.3 of Part 2 of Annex I, Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 (liquids) Yes N/A test method -
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
2.10: Flash point
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.3: Flammability and self-heating
2.10: Flash point (283-A), 2.3: Flammability and self-heating (284-A)
575 Test methods according to Test series 1-3, Part I of the UN RTDG Manual of Tests and Criteria Yes N/A test method UN RTDG
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
2.11: Explosive properties
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.2: Explosive and oxidising properties
2.11: Explosive properties (283-A), 2.2: Explosive and oxidising properties (284-A)
576 OECD Test Guideline 115: Surface tension of aqueous solutions Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
2.12: Surface tension
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.5: Viscosity and surface tension
2.12: Surface tension (283-A), 2.5: Viscosity and surface tension (284-A)
578 Test O.1: Test for oxidizing solids , Part III of UN RTDG Manual of Tests and Criteria Yes N/A test method UN RTDG
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
2.13: Oxidising properties
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.2: Explosive and oxidising properties
2.13: Oxidising properties (283-A), 2.2: Explosive and oxidising properties (284-A)
579 Test O.2: Test for oxidizing liquids , Part III of UN RTDG Manual of Tests and Criteria Yes N/A test method UN RTDG
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
2.13: Oxidising properties
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.2: Explosive and oxidising properties
2.13: Oxidising properties (283-A), 2.2: Explosive and oxidising properties (284-A)
581 EPPO standard PP1/213: Resistance risk analysis Yes Yes guidance document,
test method
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
3.7: Information on the occurrence or possible occurrence of the development of resistance and appropriate management strategies
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
3.4: Information on possible development of resistance in the target organism(s)
3.7: Information on the occurrence or possible occurrence of the development of resistance and appropriate management strategies (283-A), 3.4: Information on possible development of resistance in the target organism(s) (283-B) listed as guidance document in section 3.7 of Communication 283/2013 Part B and as test method in section 3.4 of Communication 283/2013 Part A
582 OECD Test Guideline 417: Toxicokinetics Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.1: Studies on absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion in mammals
5.1: Studies on absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion in mammals (283-A)
583 OECD Test Guideline 420: Acute oral toxicity: fixed dose procedure Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.2.1: Oral
PPP Part A (chemicals)
7.1.1: Oral toxicity
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
7.3.1: Acute oral toxicity
5.2.1: Oral (283-A), 7.1.1: Oral toxicity (284-A), 7.3.1: Acute oral toxicity (284-B)
584 OECD Test Guideline 423: Acute oral toxicity: acute toxic class method Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.2.1: Oral
PPP Part A (chemicals)
7.1.1: Oral toxicity
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
7.3.1: Acute oral toxicity
5.2.1: Oral (283-A), 7.1.1: Oral toxicity (284-A), 7.3.1: Acute oral toxicity (284-B)
585 OECD Test Guideline 425: Acute oral toxicity: up-and-down procedure Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.2.1: Oral
PPP Part A (chemicals)
7.1.1: Oral toxicity
5.2.1: Oral (283-A), 7.1.1: Oral toxicity (284-A)
586 OECD Test Guideline No 401: Acute oral toxicity Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.2.1: Oral
PPP Part A (chemicals)
7.1.1: Oral toxicity
5.2.1: Oral (283-A), 7.1.1: Oral toxicity (284-A) only acceptable, if performed before December 2002
587 OECD Test Guideline 402: Acute Dermal Toxicity Yes N/A test method OECD,402%3A%20Acute%20Dermal%20Toxicity,corrosive%20or%20severely%20irritant%20actions.
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.2.2: Dermal
PPP Part A (chemicals)
7.1.2: Dermal toxicity
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
7.3.2: Acute dermal toxicity
5.2.2: Dermal (283-A), 7.1.2: Dermal toxicity (284-A), 7.3.2: Acute dermal toxicity (284-B)
588 OECD Test Guideline 436: Acute Inhalation Toxicity – Acute Toxic Class Method Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.2.3: Inhalation
PPP Part A (chemicals)
7.1.3: Inhalation toxicity
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
7.3.3: Acute inhalation toxicity
5.2.3: Inhalation (283-A), 7.1.3: Inhalation toxicity (284-A), 7.3.3: Acute inhalation toxicity (284-B)
589 OECD Test Guideline 403: Acute Inhalation Toxicity Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.2.3: Inhalation
PPP Part A (chemicals)
7.1.3: Inhalation toxicity
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
7.3.3: Acute inhalation toxicity
5.2.3: Inhalation (283-A), 7.1.3: Inhalation toxicity (284-A), 7.3.3: Acute inhalation toxicity (284-B) Part A of Communication 283/2013: Existing tests are acceptable, but if new test is to be carried out, preference should be given to OECD Test Guidelines 433 as fewer test animals are needed and/or this method is associated with less severe suffering of the test animals.
591 OECD Test Guideline 431: In vitro Skin Corrosion: reconstructed human epidermis (RHE) test method Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.2.4: Skin irritation
PPP Part A (chemicals)
7.1.4: Skin irritation
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
7.3.4: Skin irritation
5.2.4: Skin irritation (283-A), 7.1.4: Skin irritation (284-A), 7.3.4: Skin irritation (284-B)
592 OECD Test Guideline 435: In vitro Membrane Barrier Test Method for Skin Corrosion Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.2.4: Skin irritation
PPP Part A (chemicals)
7.1.4: Skin irritation
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
7.3.4: Skin irritation
5.2.4: Skin irritation (283-A), 7.1.4: Skin irritation (284-A), 7.3.4: Skin irritation (284-B)
593 OECD Test Guideline 439: In vitro Skin Irritation: Reconstructed Human Epidermis Test Method Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.2.4: Skin irritation
PPP Part A (chemicals)
7.1.4: Skin irritation
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
7.3.4: Skin irritation
5.2.4: Skin irritation (283-A), 7.1.4: Skin irritation (284-A), 7.3.4: Skin irritation (284-B)
594 OECD Test Guideline 430: In Vitro Skin Corrosion: Transcutaneous Electrical Resistance Test (TER) Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.2.4: Skin irritation
PPP Part A (chemicals)
7.1.4: Skin irritation
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
7.3.4: Skin irritation
5.2.4: Skin irritation (283-A), 7.1.4: Skin irritation (284-A), 7.3.4: Skin irritation (284-B)
595 OECD Test Guideline 404: Acute Dermal Irritation/Corrosion Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.2.4: Skin irritation
PPP Part A (chemicals)
7.1.4: Skin irritation
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
7.3.4: Skin irritation
5.2.4: Skin irritation (283-A), 7.1.4: Skin irritation (284-A), 7.3.4: Skin irritation (284-B)
596 OECD Test Guideline 492B. Reconstructed Human Cornea-like Epithelium (RHCE) Test Method for Eye Hazard Identification Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.2.5: Eye irritation
PPP Part A (chemicals)
7.1.5: Eye irritation
5.2.5: Eye irritation (283-A), 7.1.5: Eye irritation (284-A)
597 OECD Test Guideline 467. Defined Approaches for Serious Eye Damage and Eye Irritation Yes N/A test method OECD,methods%2C%20with%20information%20sources%20such%20as%20physicochemical%20properties.
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.2.5: Eye irritation
PPP Part A (chemicals)
7.1.5: Eye irritation
5.2.5: Eye irritation (283-A), 7.1.5: Eye irritation (284-A)
598 OECD Test Guideline 496: In vitro Macromolecular Test Method for Identifying Chemicals Inducing Serious Eye Damage and Chemicals Not Requiring Classification for Eye Irritation or Serious Eye Damage Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.2.5: Eye irritation
PPP Part A (chemicals)
7.1.5: Eye irritation
5.2.5: Eye irritation (283-A), 7.1.5: Eye irritation (284-A)
599 OECD Test No. 494: Vitrigel-Eye Irritancy Test Method for Identifying Chemicals Not Requiring Classification and Labelling for Eye Irritation or Serious Eye Damage Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.2.5: Eye irritation
PPP Part A (chemicals)
7.1.5: Eye irritation
5.2.5: Eye irritation (283-A), 7.1.5: Eye irritation (284-A)
600 OECD Test Guideline 437: Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability Test Method for Identifying i) Chemicals Inducing Serious Eye Damage and ii) Chemicals Not Requiring Classification for Eye Irritation or Serious Eye Damage Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.2.5: Eye irritation
PPP Part A (chemicals)
7.1.5: Eye irritation
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
7.3.5: Eye irritation
5.2.5: Eye irritation (283-A), 7.1.5: Eye irritation (284-A), 7.3.5: Eye irritation (284-B)
601 OECD Test Guideline 438: Isolated Chicken Eye Test Method for Identifying i) Chemicals Inducing Serious Eye Damage and ii) Chemicals Not Requiring Classification for Eye Irritation or Serious Eye Damage Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.2.5: Eye irritation
PPP Part A (chemicals)
7.1.5: Eye irritation
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
7.3.5: Eye irritation
5.2.5: Eye irritation (283-A), 7.1.5: Eye irritation (284-A), 7.3.5: Eye irritation (284-B)
626 OECD 470 Test Guideline on the Mammalian Erythrocyte Pig-a Gene Mutation Assay Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.4.2: In vivo studies in somatic cells
5.4.2: In vivo studies in somatic cells (283-A) The possibility of integrating in vivo genotoxicity testing with repeated dose toxicity studies should be explored to reduce the number of animals tested
627 OECD Test Guideline 474: Mammalian Erythrocyte Micronucleus Test Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.4.2: In vivo studies in somatic cells
5.4.2: In vivo studies in somatic cells (283-A) The possibility of integrating in vivo genotoxicity testing with repeated dose toxicity studies should be explored to reduce the number of animals tested
491 Scientific Opinion on the effect assessment for pesticides on sediment organisms in edge-of-field surface water´ (EFSA Journal 2015;13(7):4176) No N/A supporting document EFSA
493 Cumulative dietary risk characterisation of pesticides that have acute effects on the nervous system (EFSA, 2020) No N/A supporting document EFSA
494 Comparison of cumulative dietary exposure to pesticide residues for the reference periods 2014–2016 and 2016–2018 No N/A supporting document EFSA
495 Potential impact of prioritisation methods on the outcome of cumulative exposure assessments of pesticides (EFSA, 2021) No N/A supporting document EFSA
497 ECHA Practical Guide – how to use and report (Q)SARs Yes Yes guidance document ECHA
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
PPP Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
0: General Guidance (283-A), 0: General Guidance (284-A)
498 De Jong et al (2006): Guidance for summarizing earthworm field studies. RIVM report No 601506006/2006 Yes Yes guidance document RIVM
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
8.4: Effects on non-target soil meso- and macrofauna
PPP Part A (chemicals) Earthworms — field studies
8.4: Effects on non-target soil meso- and macrofauna (283-A), Earthworms — field studies (284-A)
499 OECD (2018) Adverse Outcome Pathway on Androgen receptor agonism leading to reproductive dysfunction (in repeat-spawning fish) OECD Series on Adverse Outcome Pathways, No. 9, OECD Publishing, Paris. No N/A supporting document OECD
500 OECD (2016) Report of Pre-validation and Inter-laboratory Validation Studies For Androgen Receptor (AR) Mediated Stably Transfected Transcriptional Activation (AR-STTA) Assay to Detect Androgenic and Antiandrogenic Activities of Chemicals: AR EcoScreenTM Series on Testing & Assessment No. 241 ENV/JM/MONO(2016)36
No N/A supporting document OECD
501 OECD (2016) Report of the validation of the (anti-) ERα CALUX bioassay: U2-OS cells Transcriptional ERalpha CALUX- assay for the detection of estrogenic and anti-estrogenic chemicals for inclusion in TG455 Series on Testing & Assessment No. 240 ENV/JM/MONO(2016)35 No N/A supporting document OECD
503 OECD (2015) INTEGRATED SUMMARY REPORT: Validation of Two Binding Assays Using Human Recombinant Estrogen Receptor Alpha (hrERa) Series on Testing & Assessment No. 226 ENV/JM/MONO(2015)35 No N/A supporting document OECD
511 EFSA (2014). Scientific Opinion on good modelling practice in the context of mechanistic effect models for risk assessment of plant protection products (Accessed Nov 2018). No N/A supporting document EFSA
513 Outcome of the pesticides peer review meeting on general recurring issues in physical and chemical properties and analytical methods. No N/A supporting document EFSA
515 OECD Guidance Document for the Derivation of an Acute Reference Concentration (Arfc). Series on Testing and Assessment, No. 153 Yes Yes guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.2.3: Inhalation
PPP Part A (chemicals)
7.1.3: Inhalation toxicity
5.2.3: Inhalation (283-A), 7.1.3: Inhalation toxicity (284-A)
516 OECD Overview of the set of OECD Genetic Toxicology test methods and updates performed in 2014-2015. Series on Testing & Assessment. No. 238 - 2nd edition. Published 22 August 2017. No N/A supporting document OECD
518 EFSA supporting publication 2019. Evaluation of the applicability of existing (Q)SAR models for predicting the genotoxicity of pesticides and similarity analysis related with genotoxicity of pesticides for facilitating of grouping and read across. EN-1598 No N/A supporting document EFSA
520 ECHA, 2008. Guidance on Information Requirements and Chemical Safety Assessment. Chapter R6. No N/A supporting document ECHA
521 EFSA Guidance on the use of the Threshold of Toxicological Concern approach in food safety assessment (EFSA Journal 2019;17(6):5708) Yes Yes guidance document EFSA
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
5.5: Information and toxicity studies on metabolites
6.1: Estimation of consumer exposure to residues
PPP Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
0: General Guidance (283-A), 5.5: Information and toxicity studies on metabolites (283-B), 6.1: Estimation of consumer exposure to residues (283-B), 0: General Guidance (284-A)
522 Guidance on risk assessment of nanomaterials to be applied in the food and feed chain: human and animal health. (EFSA Journal 2021;19(8):6768) Yes Yes guidance document EFSA
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
PPP Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
0: General Guidance (283-A), 0: General Guidance (284-A)
523 Scientific Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Plant Protection Products and their Residues (PPR panel) on testing and interpretation of comparative in vitro metabolism studies (EFSA Journal 2021;19(12):6970) Yes Yes guidance document EFSA
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.1: Studies on absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion in mammals
5.1: Studies on absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion in mammals (283-A)
524 EFSA. Development of Integrated Approaches to Testing and Assessment (IATA) case studies on developmental neurotoxicity (DNT) risk assessment. 2021, EFSA Journal 2021;19(6):6599 No N/A supporting document EFSA
525 Opinion on the impact of non‐monotonic dose responses on EFSA′s human health risk assessments, EFSA Journal 2021;19(10):6877 No N/A supporting document EFSA
528 Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 – Scope and borderline issues (SANCO Doc 6621-99) No N/A supporting document SANTE
532 Guidance document on preparing list of test and study reports according to Article 60 of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 (SANCO/12580/2012) No Yes guidance document SANTE Procedural guidance document- dossier and draft assessment report
533 Guidance document on rules for revision of assessment reports (SANCO/10180/2013) No Yes guidance document SANTE Procedural guidance document- dossier and draft assessment report
534 Combined Template to be used for Assessment Reports according to Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 and Proposals for Harmonised Classification and Labelling according to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 (SANCO/12592/2012) No N/A guidance document SANTE Procedural guidance document- dossier and draft assessment report cover page is available:
537 Terms of reference of the Working Group on Post Approval Issues from the Standing Committee on Animals, Plants, Food and Feed (SANTE-11102-2017) No N/A supporting document SANTE Procedural guidance document- post approval issues
538 Guidance Document on the Renewal of Authorisations according to Article 43 of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 (SANCO/13170/2010) No Yes guidance document SANTE Procedural guidance document- post approval issues
539 Guidance document on Comparative Assessment and Substitution of Plant Protection Products in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 (SANCO/11507/2013) No No guidance document SANTE Procedural guidance document- post approval issues
540 Guidance on emergency authorisations according to Article 53 (under review) No No guidance document SANTE Procedural guidance document- post approval issues
541 Working document on emergency authorisations according to Article 53 (SANCO/10087/2013) - for application submitted before 1 March 2021 No Yes guidance document COM Procedural guidance document- post approval issues
542 OECD Guidance Document on Good In Vitro Method Practices (GIVIMP) Yes Yes guidance document OECD,improve%20the%20method%20and%20the%20rational%20for%20them.
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
0: General Guidance
PPP Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
0: General Guidance
0: General Guidance (283-A), 0: General Guidance (283-B), 0: General Guidance (284-A), 0: General Guidance (284-B) Series on Testing and Assessment, No. 286.
543 Guidance document on the Interpretation of the Transitional Measures for the Data Requirements for active substances and plant protection products according to Regulation (EU) No 283/2013 and Regulation (EU) No 284/2013 (SANTE/11509 /2013) No Yes guidance document SANTE Procedural guidance document- dossier and draft assessment report
544 Comparison list A (chemicals) - Annex II and Annex III points (OECD vs. former EC system) No N/A supporting document SANTE Procedural guidance document- dossier and draft assessment report
545 Comparison list B (microbials) - Annex II and Annex III points (OECD vs. former EC system) No N/A supporting document SANTE Procedural guidance document- dossier and draft assessment report
607 OECD Test Guideline 429: Skin Sensitisation – Local Lymph Node Assay Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.2.6: Skin sensitisation
PPP Part A (chemicals)
7.1.6: Skin sensitisation
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
7.3.6: Skin sensitisation
5.2.6: Skin sensitisation (283-A), 7.1.6: Skin sensitisation (284-A), 7.3.6: Skin sensitisation (284-B)
608 OECD Test Guideline 406: Skin sensitisation Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.2.6: Skin sensitisation
PPP Part A (chemicals)
7.1.6: Skin sensitisation
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
7.3.6: Skin sensitisation
5.2.6: Skin sensitisation (283-A), 7.1.6: Skin sensitisation (284-A), 7.3.6: Skin sensitisation (284-B) As the Buehler test is considered less sensitive than the maximization test, there is a preference of choice of assay for the maximisation test
609 OECD Test Guideline 442A: Skin Sensitisation – Local Lymph Node Assay: DA Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.2.6: Skin sensitisation
PPP Part A (chemicals)
7.1.6: Skin sensitisation
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
7.3.6: Skin sensitisation
5.2.6: Skin sensitisation (283-A), 7.1.6: Skin sensitisation (284-A), 7.3.6: Skin sensitisation (284-B)
611 OECD Test Guideline 432: In vitro 3T3 NRU Phototoxicity Test Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.2.7: Phototoxicity
5.2.7: Phototoxicity (283-A)
612 OECD Test No. 498: In vitro Phototoxicity - Reconstructed Human Epidermis Phototoxicity test method Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.2.7: Phototoxicity
5.2.7: Phototoxicity (283-A)
613 OECD Test Guideline 422: Combined Repeated Dose Toxicity Study with the Reproduction/ Developmental Toxicity Screening Test Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.3: Short-term toxicity
5.3: Short-term toxicity (283-A)
614 OECD Test Guideline 407: Repeated dose 28-day oral toxicity study in rodents Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.3.1: Oral 28-day study
5.3.1: Oral 28-day study (283-A) According to Regulation (EU) No 283/2013 in conjunction with Article 62(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009, this study shall not be generated for an application but should only be submitted if available.
615 OECD Test Guideline 408: Repeated dose 90-day oral toxicity study in rodents Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.3.2: Oral 90-day study
5.3.2: Oral 90-day study (283-A)
616 OECD Test Guideline 409: Repeated dose 90-day oral toxicity study in non-rodents Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.3.2: Oral 90-day study
5.3.2: Oral 90-day study (283-A)
617 OECD Test Guideline 410: Repeated dose dermal toxicity: 21/28-day study Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.3.3: Other routes
5.3.3: Other routes (283-A) According to Regulation (EU) No 283/2013 in conjunction with Article 62(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009, this study shall only be submitted if experts judge it necessary.
618 OECD Test Guideline 411: Subchronic dermal toxicity: 90-day study Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.3.3: Other routes
5.3.3: Other routes (283-A)
619 OECD Test Guideline 412: Subacute inhalation toxicity: 28-day study Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.3.3: Other routes
5.3.3: Other routes (283-A) According to Regulation (EU) No 283/2013 in conjunction of Article 62(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009, this study shall not be generated for an application but should only be submitted if available.
620 OECD Test Guideline 413: Subchronic inhalation toxicity: 90-day study Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.3.3: Other routes
5.3.3: Other routes (283-A) According to Regulation (EU) No 283/2013 in conjunction of Article 62(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009, this study shall only be submitted if experts judge it necessary.
621 OECD Test Guideline 471: Bacterial Reverse Mutation Test Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.4.1: In vitro studies
5.4.1: In vitro studies (283-A)
622 OECD Test Guideline 487. In vitro Mammalian Cell Micronucleus Test Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.4.1: In vitro studies
5.4.1: In vitro studies (283-A)
623 OECD Test Guideline 473: In vitro Mammalian Chromosome Aberration Test Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.4.1: In vitro studies
5.4.1: In vitro studies (283-A)
624 OECD Test Guideline 476: In Vitro Mammalian Cell Gene Mutation Tests using the Hprt and xprt genes Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.4.1: In vitro studies
5.4.1: In vitro studies (283-A)
625 OECD Test Guideline 490: In Vitro Mammalian Cell Gene Mutation Tests Using the Thymidine Kinase Gene Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.4.1: In vitro studies
5.4.1: In vitro studies (283-A)
434 EFSA Reporting data on pesticide residues in food and feed according to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 (2018 data collection) (EFSA Journal 2019;17(4):5655) Yes Yes guidance document EFSA
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
8: Residues in or on treated products, food and feed
8: Residues in or on treated products, food and feed (284-B)
436 Protocol for the evaluation of data concerning the necessity of the application of insecticide active substances to control a serious danger to plant health which cannot be contained by other available means, including non-chemical methods No N/A supporting document EFSA
645 Test guidelines are listed in OECD Revised Guidance Document No. 150 on Standardised Test Guidelines for Evaluating Chemicals for Endocrine Disruption. Some of these test guidelines (OECD 407,408,409,414,443,416,426, 451-3) are already requested under 5.3.1; 5.3.2; 5.6.1;5.6.2;5.5 Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.8.3: Endocrine disrupting properties
5.8.3: Endocrine disrupting properties (283-A) Tests should be conducted as appropriate in order to elucidate a possible endocrine mode of action following the EFSA/ECHA guidance. Where sufficient weight of evidence to conclude on the presence or absence of a particular endocrine disrupting mode of action is available: — further testing on vertebrate animals for that effect shall be omitted for that mode of action, — further testing not involving vertebrate animals may be omitted for that mode of action. For OECD 443, check requirements under notes in 5.6.1.Generational studies
807 General EPPO standard series PP1 (Efficacy evaluation of plant protection products), in particular: EPPO PP1/276 Principles of efficacy evaluation for microbial plant protection products, EPPO PP1/296 principles of efficacy evaluation for low-risk plant protection products, and, EPPO PP1/319 General principles for efficacy evaluation of plant protection products with a mode of action as plant defence inducers. Yes Yes guidance document EPPO
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
6: Efficacy data
6: Efficacy data (284-B)
808 EPPO PP1/207 Effects on succeeding crops Yes Yes guidance document EPPO
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
6.6.1: Impact on succeeding crops
6.6.1: Impact on succeeding crops (284-B)
809 EPPO PP1/256 Effects on adjacent crops Yes Yes guidance document EPPO
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
6.6.2: Impact on other plants, including adjacent crops
6.6.2: Impact on other plants, including adjacent crops (284-B)
811 OECD Guideline No. 497: Defined Approaches on Skin Sensitisation Yes N/A test method OECD
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
7.3.6: Skin sensitisation
7.3.6: Skin sensitisation (284-B)
812 EU Guidance document on the risk assessment of metabolites produced by microorganisms used as plant protection active substances (SANCO/2020/12258) Yes Yes guidance document SANTE
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
2.8: Information on metabolites of concern
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
7.5: Data on exposure
8: Residues in or on treated products, food and feed
10: Effects on non-target organisms
2.8: Information on metabolites of concern (283-B), 7.5: Data on exposure (284-B), 8: Residues in or on treated products, food and feed (284-B), 10: Effects on non-target organisms (284-B)
814 FAO Operator exposure models and local risk assessment Yes Yes guidance document FAO
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
7.5: Data on exposure
7.5: Data on exposure (284-B)
815 Test methods indicated either in the Commission's Communication for the implementation of Part B of the Annex to Commission Regulation (EU) No 283/2013, or in the Commission's Communication for the implementation of Part A of the Annex to Commission Regulation (EU) No 284/2013 may be used as a basis and re-adapted. The applicability of the methods selected, or adaptations of them, shall be justified in light of the specificities of the case at stake and it may be discussed in pre-submission meetings.
Yes No
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
10: Effects on non-target organisms
10: Effects on non-target organisms (284-B)
816 OECD Guidance to the environmental safety evaluation of microbial biocontrol agents, Series on Pesticides No. 67 (ENV/JM/MONO(2012)1) Yes Yes guidance document OECD
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
10: Effects on non-target organisms
10: Effects on non-target organisms (284-B)
818 Environment and Climate Change Canada (2016), guidance document for testing the pathogenicity and toxicity of new microbial substances to aquatic and terrestrial organisms (EPS1/RM/44) Yes Yes guidance document CANADA
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
8: Ecotoxicological studies
8: Ecotoxicological studies (283-B)
819 Environment and Climate Change Canada (2016) Guidance document for testing the pathogenicity and toxicity of new microbial substances to aquatic and terrestrial organisms (EPS1/RM/44), 14.1 Birds Yes Yes guidance document,
test method
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
8.1: Effects on terrestrial vertebrates
8.1: Effects on terrestrial vertebrates (283-B) The relevant methods indicated under this Section may need to be adapted on a case-by-case basis. Hence the applicability of the methods selected, or adaptations of them, must be justified in light of the biological and ecological characteristics of the active substance to be assessed and it may be discussed in pre-submission meetings.
820 Environment and Climate Change Canada (2016) Guidance document for testing the pathogenicity and toxicity of new microbial substances to aquatic and terrestrial organisms (EPS 1/RM/44), 14.2 Small Mammals Yes Yes guidance document,
test method
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
8.1: Effects on terrestrial vertebrates
8.1: Effects on terrestrial vertebrates (283-B) The relevant methods indicated under this Section may need to be adapted on a case-by-case basis. Hence the applicability of the methods selected, or adaptations of them, must be justified in light of the biological and ecological characteristics of the active substance to be assessed and it may be discussed in pre-submission meetings.
823 Environment and Climate Change Canada (2016) Guidance document for testing the pathogenicity and toxicity of new microbial substances to aquatic and terrestrial organisms (EPS 1/RM/44), 13.2.1 Honey bees Yes Yes guidance document,
test method
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
8.3: Effects on bees
8.3: Effects on bees (283-B) The relevant methods indicated under this Section may need to be adapted on a case-by-case basis. Hence the applicability of the methods selected, or adaptations of them, must be justified in light of the biological and ecological characteristics of the active substance to be assessed and it may be discussed in pre-submission meetings.
825 Environment and Climate Change Canada (2016) Guidance document for testing the pathogenicity and toxicity of new microbial substances to aquatic and terrestrial organisms (EPS 1/RM/44), 13.2.2 Springtails Yes Yes guidance document,
test method
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
8.5: Effects on non-target meso- and macro-organisms in soil
8.5: Effects on non-target meso- and macro-organisms in soil (283-B) The relevant methods indicated under this Section may need to be adapted on a case-by-case basis. Hence the applicability of the methods selected, or adaptations of them, must be justified in light of the biological and ecological characteristics of the active substance to be assessed and it may be discussed in pre-submission meetings.
646 OECD Test Guideline 506: Stability of Pesticide Residues in Stored Commodities Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
6.1: Storage stability of residues
6.1: Storage stability of residues (283-A)
647 OECD Test Guideline 501: Metabolism in crops Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
6.2.1: Plants
6.2.1: Plants (283-A)
648 OECD Test Guideline 503: Metabolism in livestock Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
6.2.2: Poultry
6.2.3: Lactating ruminants
6.2.4: Pigs
6.2.2: Poultry (283-A), 6.2.3: Lactating ruminants (283-A), 6.2.4: Pigs (283-A)
649 OECD Test Guideline 509: Crop field trials Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
6.3: Magnitude of residue trials in plants
6.5.2: Distribution of the residue in inedible peel and pulp
6.6.2: Magnitude of residues in rotational crops
6.3: Magnitude of residue trials in plants (283-A), 6.5.2: Distribution of the residue in inedible peel and pulp (283-A), 6.6.2: Magnitude of residues in rotational crops (283-A)
650 OECD Test Guideline 505: Residues in livestock. Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
6.4.1: Poultry
6.4.2: Ruminants
6.4.3: Pigs
6.4.1: Poultry (283-A), 6.4.2: Ruminants (283-A), 6.4.3: Pigs (283-A)
651 OECD Test Guideline 507: Nature of the pesticide residues in processed commodities – High temperature hydrolysis. Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
6.5.1: Nature of the residue
6.5.1: Nature of the residue (283-A)
652 OECD Test Guideline 508: Magnitude of the pesticide residues in processed commodities. Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
6.5.2: Distribution of the residue in inedible peel and pulp
6.5.3: Magnitude of residues in processed commodities
6.5.2: Distribution of the residue in inedible peel and pulp (283-A), 6.5.3: Magnitude of residues in processed commodities (283-A)
653 OECD Test Guideline 502: Metabolism in rotational crops. Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
6.6.1: Metabolism in rotational crops
6.6.1: Metabolism in rotational crops (283-A)
654 OECD Test Guideline 504: Residues in rotational crops (limited field studies) Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
6.6.2: Magnitude of residues in rotational crops
6.6.2: Magnitude of residues in rotational crops (283-A)
655 OECD Test Guideline 307: Aerobic and anaerobic transformation in soil Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
7.1: Fate and behaviour in soil Aerobic degradation Anaerobic degradation Laboratory studies
PPP Part A (chemicals)
9.1: Fate and behaviour in soil Laboratory studies Laboratory studies
7.1: Fate and behaviour in soil (283-A), Aerobic degradation (283-A), Anaerobic degradation (283-A), Laboratory studies (283-A), 9.1: Fate and behaviour in soil (284-A), Laboratory studies (284-A), Laboratory studies (284-A)
656 ISO 10381-6:2009 Soil quality. Sampling. Guidance on the collection, handling and storage of soil under aerobic conditions for the assessment of microbiological processes, biomass and diversity in the laboratory
Yes N/A test method -
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
7.1: Fate and behaviour in soil
PPP Part A (chemicals)
9.1: Fate and behaviour in soil
7.1: Fate and behaviour in soil (283-A), 9.1: Fate and behaviour in soil (284-A) Test carried out until the date of publication of this Communication still valid, however new test shall be carried out in accordance with ISO 18400
657 ISO 18400-206:2018 Yes N/A test method ISO
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
7.1: Fate and behaviour in soil
PPP Part A (chemicals)
9.1: Fate and behaviour in soil
7.1: Fate and behaviour in soil (283-A), 9.1: Fate and behaviour in soil (284-A)
658 US EPA Test Guideline OPPTS 835.2410 Photodegradation on Soil. EPA 712-C-08-015, October 2008 Yes N/A test method EPA
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Soil photolysis Soil photolysis (283-A)
659 OECD Test Guideline 106: Adsorption - Desorption Using a Batch Equilibrium Method Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Adsorption and desorption
PPP Part A (chemicals) Laboratory studies Adsorption and desorption (283-A), Laboratory studies (284-A)
660 OECD Test Guideline 121: Estimation of the Adsorption Coefficient (Koc ) on Soil and on Sewage Sludge using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Adsorption and desorption
PPP Part A (chemicals) Laboratory studies Adsorption and desorption (283-A), Laboratory studies (284-A)
661 OECD Test Guideline 312: Leaching in Soil Columns Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Column leaching studies
PPP Part A (chemicals) Laboratory studies Column leaching studies (283-A), Laboratory studies (284-A)
662 OECD Guidance Document for the Performance Of Out-door Monolith Lysimeter Studies. Series on Testing and Assessment, No. 22 Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Lysimeter studies
PPP Part A (chemicals) Lysimeter studies Lysimeter studies (283-A), Lysimeter studies (284-A)
663 OECD Test Guideline 111: Hydrolysis as a Function of pH Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Hydrolytic degradation Hydrolytic degradation (283-A)
664 OECD Test Guideline 316: Phototransformation of Chemicals in Water - Direct Photolysis Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Direct photochemical degradation Direct photochemical degradation (283-A)
665 OECD Guideline Test 301: Ready Biodegradability (301 A - F) Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) ‘Ready biodegradability’ ‘Ready biodegradability’ (283-A)
666 OECD Test Guideline 310: Ready Biodegradability - CO2 in sealed vessels (Headspace Test) Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) ‘Ready biodegradability’ ‘Ready biodegradability’ (283-A)
667 OECD Test Guideline 309: Aerobic Mineralisation in Surface Water - Simulation Biodegradation Test Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Aerobic mineralisation in surface water
PPP Part A (chemicals)
9.2.1: Aerobic mineralisation in surface water Aerobic mineralisation in surface water (283-A), 9.2.1: Aerobic mineralisation in surface water (284-A)
668 OECD Test Guideline 308: Aerobic and Anaerobic Transformation in Aquatic Sediment Systems Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Water/sediment study Irradiated water/sediment study
PPP Part A (chemicals)
9.2.2: Water/sediment study
9.2.3: Irradiated water/sediment study Water/sediment study (283-A), Irradiated water/sediment study (283-A), 9.2.2: Water/sediment study (284-A), 9.2.3: Irradiated water/sediment study (284-A)
669 OECD Test Guideline No 223: Avian acute oral toxicity study Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Acute oral toxicity to birds
PPP Part A (chemicals) Acute oral toxicity to birds Acute oral toxicity to birds (283-A), Acute oral toxicity to birds (284-A)
670 US EPA OCSPP 850.2100: Avian oral toxicity test Yes N/A test method EPA
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Acute oral toxicity to birds
PPP Part A (chemicals) Acute oral toxicity to birds Acute oral toxicity to birds (283-A), Acute oral toxicity to birds (284-A)
671 OECD Test Guideline 205: Avian Dietary Toxicity Test Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Short-term dietary toxicity to birds Short-term dietary toxicity to birds (283-A)
672 US EPA OCSPP 850.2200: Avian dietary toxicity test Yes N/A test method EPA
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Short-term dietary toxicity to birds Short-term dietary toxicity to birds (283-A)
673 OECD Test Guideline 206: Avian Reproduction Test Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Sub-chronic and reproductive toxicity to birds Sub-chronic and reproductive toxicity to birds (283-A)
674 US EPA OCSPP 850.2300: Avian Reproduction Test Yes N/A test method EPA
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Sub-chronic and reproductive toxicity to birds Sub-chronic and reproductive toxicity to birds (283-A)
675 OECD Test Guideline 248: Xenopus Eleutheroembryonic Thyroid Assay (XETA) Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
8.1.4: Effects on terrestrial vertebrate wildlife (birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians)
PPP Part A (chemicals)
10.1.3: Effects on other terrestrial vertebrate wildlife (reptiles and amphibians)
8.1.4: Effects on terrestrial vertebrate wildlife (birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians) (283-A), 10.1.3: Effects on other terrestrial vertebrate wildlife (reptiles and amphibians) (284-A)
676 OECD Test Guideline 231: Amphibian Metamorphosis Assay Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
8.1.4: Effects on terrestrial vertebrate wildlife (birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians)
PPP Part A (chemicals)
10.1.3: Effects on other terrestrial vertebrate wildlife (reptiles and amphibians)
8.1.4: Effects on terrestrial vertebrate wildlife (birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians) (283-A), 10.1.3: Effects on other terrestrial vertebrate wildlife (reptiles and amphibians) (284-A)
677 OECD Test Guideline 241: Larval Amphibian Growth and Development Test Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
8.1.4: Effects on terrestrial vertebrate wildlife (birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians)
PPP Part A (chemicals)
10.1.3: Effects on other terrestrial vertebrate wildlife (reptiles and amphibians)
8.1.4: Effects on terrestrial vertebrate wildlife (birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians) (283-A), 10.1.3: Effects on other terrestrial vertebrate wildlife (reptiles and amphibians) (284-A)
678 OECD Test Guideline 203: Fish, Acute Toxicity Test Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
8.2.1: Acute toxicity to fish
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
8.2.1: Effects on fish
8.2.1: Acute toxicity to fish (283-A), 8.2.1: Effects on fish (283-B) Part B: For micro-organisms, the relevant methods indicated under this Section may need to be adapted on a case-by-case basis. Hence the applicability of the methods selected, or adaptations of them, must be justified in light of the biological and ecological characteristics of the active substance to be assessed and it may be discussed in pre-submission meetings.
680 US EPA protocol OCSPP 850.1500 Fish life cycle toxicity Yes N/A test method EPA
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Fish full life cycle test Fish full life cycle test (283-A)
681 OECD Test Guideline 305: Bioaccumulation in Fish: Aqueous and Dietary Exposure Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Bioconcentration in fish Bioconcentration in fish (283-A)
682 OECD Test Guideline 202: Daphnia sp. Acute Immobilisation Test Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Acute toxicity to Daphnia magna Acute toxicity to Daphnia magna (283-A)
683 OECD Test Guideline 235: Chironomus sp., Acute Immobilisation Test Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Acute toxicity to an additional aquatic invertebrate species Acute toxicity to an additional aquatic invertebrate species (283-A) Only one of the three species needs to be tested
684 US EPA OCSPP 850.1035 Mysid Acute Toxicity Test Yes N/A test method EPA
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Acute toxicity to an additional aquatic invertebrate species Acute toxicity to an additional aquatic invertebrate species (283-A) Only one of the three species needs to be tested
685 US EPA 850.1025 (Oyster acute toxicity test) Yes N/A test method EPA
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Acute toxicity to an additional aquatic invertebrate species Acute toxicity to an additional aquatic invertebrate species (283-A) Only one of the three species needs to be tested
686 OECD Test Guideline 211: Daphnia magna Reproduction Test Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Reproductive and development toxicity to Daphnia magna Reproductive and development toxicity to Daphnia magna (283-A)
687 US EPA OCSPP 850.1350 Mysid Chronic Toxicity Test Yes N/A test method EPA
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Reproductive and development toxicity to an additional aquatic invertebrate species Reproductive and development toxicity to an additional aquatic invertebrate species (283-A) Only one of the three species needs to be tested
688 OECD Test Guideline 242: Potamopyrgus antipodarum Reproduction Test Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Reproductive and development toxicity to an additional aquatic invertebrate species Reproductive and development toxicity to an additional aquatic invertebrate species (283-A) Only one of the three species needs to be tested
689 OECD Test Guideline 243: Lymnaea stagnalis Reproduction Test Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Reproductive and development toxicity to an additional aquatic invertebrate species Reproductive and development toxicity to an additional aquatic invertebrate species (283-A) Only one of the three species needs to be tested
690 OECD Test Guideline 219: Sediment-Water Chironomid Toxicity Using Spiked Water Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Development and emergence in Chironomus riparius Development and emergence in Chironomus riparius (283-A)
691 OECD Test Guideline 218: Sediment-Water Chironomid Toxicity Using Spiked Sediment Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Sediment dwelling organisms Sediment dwelling organisms (283-A)
692 OECD Test No. 233 (2010) Sediment-Water Chironomid Life-Cycle Toxicity Test Using Spiked Water or Spiked Sediment Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Sediment dwelling organisms
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
8.2.2: Effects on aquatic invertebrates Sediment dwelling organisms (283-A), 8.2.2: Effects on aquatic invertebrates (283-B) Part B of Communication 283/2013 The relevant methods indicated under this Section may need to be adapted on a case-by-case basis. Hence the applicability of the methods selected, or adaptations of them, must be justified in light of the biological and ecological characteristics of the active substance to be assessed and it may be discussed in pre-submission meetings.
693 OECD Test Guideline 225: Sediment-Water Lumbriculus Toxicity Test Using Spiked Sediment Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Sediment dwelling organisms Sediment dwelling organisms (283-A)
695 OECD Test No. 221 Lemna sp. Growth Inhibition Test Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
8.2.7: Effects on aquatic macrophytes
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
8.2.4: Effects on aquatic macrophytes
8.2.7: Effects on aquatic macrophytes (283-A), 8.2.4: Effects on aquatic macrophytes (283-B) In Part B of the Communication 283/2013: The relevant methods indicated under this Section may need to be adapted on a case-by-case basis. Hence the applicability of the methods selected, or adaptations of them, must be justified in light of the biological and ecological characteristics of the active substance to be assessed and it may be discussed in pre-submission meetings.
696 ASTM E1913-04: Standard Guide for Conducting Static, Axenic, 14-Day Phytotoxicity Tests in Test Tubes with the Submersed Aquatic Macrophyte, Myriophyllum sibiricum Komarov Yes N/A test method
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
8.2.7: Effects on aquatic macrophytes
8.2.7: Effects on aquatic macrophytes (283-A) Test carried out until the date of publication of this Communication still valid, however new test shall be carried out in accordance with OECD 238 and 239
697 Development of a proposed test method for the rooted aquatic macrophyte Myriophyllum sp. In: Maltby L, Arnold D, Arts G, et al (2010). Aquatic Macrophyte Risk Assessment for pesticides (AMRAP). SETAC Press & CRC Press, Taylor & -Francis Group, Boca Raton, London, New York, p. 46-56. Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
8.2.7: Effects on aquatic macrophytes
8.2.7: Effects on aquatic macrophytes (283-A) Test carried out until the date of publication of this Communication still valid, however new test shall be carried out in accordance with OECD 238 and 239
700 EPPO 170(4) Side-effects on honeybees Yes N/A test method EPPO
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Acute oral toxicity Acute contact toxicity
PPP Part A (chemicals) Acute oral toxicity Acute contact toxicity Cage and tunnel tests Acute oral toxicity (283-A), Acute contact toxicity (283-A), Acute oral toxicity (284-A), Acute contact toxicity (284-A), Cage and tunnel tests (284-A)
751 CIPAC MT 41 Dilution stability of herbicide aqueous solutions Yes N/A test method CIPAC
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.8.4: Degree of dissolution and dilution stability
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
2.7.3: Suspensibility, spontaneity of dispersion and dispersion stability
2.8.4: Degree of dissolution and dilution stability (284-A), 2.7.3: Suspensibility, spontaneity of dispersion and dispersion stability (284-B)
752 CIPAC MT 179 Dissolution degree and solution stability Yes N/A test method CIPAC
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
2.7.3: Suspensibility, spontaneity of dispersion and dispersion stability
2.7.3: Suspensibility, spontaneity of dispersion and dispersion stability (284-B)
753 CIPAC Method MT 196: Solution Properties of Water Soluble Tablets Yes N/A test method CIPAC
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.8.4: Degree of dissolution and dilution stability
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
2.7.3: Suspensibility, spontaneity of dispersion and dispersion stability
2.8.4: Degree of dissolution and dilution stability (284-A), 2.7.3: Suspensibility, spontaneity of dispersion and dispersion stability (284-B)
754 CIPAC Method MT 185: Wet sieve test Yes N/A test method CIPAC
PPP Part A (chemicals) Particle size distribution
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
2.7.4: Dry sieve test and wet sieve test
2.7.5: Particle size distribution (dustable and wettable powders, granules), content of dust/fines (granules), attrition and friability (granules) Particle size distribution (284-A), 2.7.4: Dry sieve test and wet sieve test (284-B), 2.7.5: Particle size distribution (dustable and wettable powders, granules), content of dust/fines (granules), attrition and friability (granules) (284-B) Applicable for water dispersible products
755 CIPAC Method MT 187: Particle size analysis by laser diffraction Yes N/A test method CIPAC
PPP Part A (chemicals) Particle size distribution
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
2.7.4: Dry sieve test and wet sieve test
2.7.5: Particle size distribution (dustable and wettable powders, granules), content of dust/fines (granules), attrition and friability (granules) Particle size distribution (284-A), 2.7.4: Dry sieve test and wet sieve test (284-B), 2.7.5: Particle size distribution (dustable and wettable powders, granules), content of dust/fines (granules), attrition and friability (granules) (284-B) Applicable for powders and granules
756 CIPAC Method MT 170: Dry sieve analysis of water dispersible granules Yes N/A test method CIPAC
PPP Part A (chemicals) Particle size distribution
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
2.7.4: Dry sieve test and wet sieve test
2.7.5: Particle size distribution (dustable and wettable powders, granules), content of dust/fines (granules), attrition and friability (granules) Particle size distribution (284-A), 2.7.4: Dry sieve test and wet sieve test (284-B), 2.7.5: Particle size distribution (dustable and wettable powders, granules), content of dust/fines (granules), attrition and friability (granules) (284-B) Applicable for granules
757 CIPAC Method MT 171: Dustiness of granular products Yes N/A test method CIPAC
PPP Part A (chemicals) Dust content
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
2.7.5: Particle size distribution (dustable and wettable powders, granules), content of dust/fines (granules), attrition and friability (granules)
2.7.7: Flowability, pourability (rinsability) and dustability Dust content (284-A), 2.7.5: Particle size distribution (dustable and wettable powders, granules), content of dust/fines (granules), attrition and friability (granules) (284-B), 2.7.7: Flowability, pourability (rinsability) and dustability (284-B)
758 CIPAC Method MT 178: Attrition resistance of granules Yes N/A test method CIPAC
PPP Part A (chemicals) Attrition
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
2.7.5: Particle size distribution (dustable and wettable powders, granules), content of dust/fines (granules), attrition and friability (granules) Attrition (284-A), 2.7.5: Particle size distribution (dustable and wettable powders, granules), content of dust/fines (granules), attrition and friability (granules) (284-B)
759 CIPAC Method MT 193: Attrition of tablets Yes N/A test method CIPAC
PPP Part A (chemicals) Attrition
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
2.7.5: Particle size distribution (dustable and wettable powders, granules), content of dust/fines (granules), attrition and friability (granules) Attrition (284-A), 2.7.5: Particle size distribution (dustable and wettable powders, granules), content of dust/fines (granules), attrition and friability (granules) (284-B)
760 CIPAC Method MT 197: Disintegration of tablets Yes N/A test method CIPAC
PPP Part A (chemicals) Hardness and integrity
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
2.7.5: Particle size distribution (dustable and wettable powders, granules), content of dust/fines (granules), attrition and friability (granules) Hardness and integrity (284-A), 2.7.5: Particle size distribution (dustable and wettable powders, granules), content of dust/fines (granules), attrition and friability (granules) (284-B)
763 CIPAC Method MT 148: Pourability of suspension concentrates, Yes N/A test method CIPAC
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.8.7: Flowability, pourability and dustability
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
2.7.7: Flowability, pourability (rinsability) and dustability
2.8.7: Flowability, pourability and dustability (284-A), 2.7.7: Flowability, pourability (rinsability) and dustability (284-B)
764 ASTM E1518 – 05: Standard Practice for Evaluation of Physical Compatibility of Pesticides in Aqueous Tank Mixtures by the Dynamic Shaker Method Yes N/A test method
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.9: Physical and chemical compatibility with other products including plant protection products with which its use is to be authorised
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
2.8: Physical and chemical compatibility with other plant protection products including plant protection products with which its use is to be authorised
2.9: Physical and chemical compatibility with other products including plant protection products with which its use is to be authorised (284-A), 2.8: Physical and chemical compatibility with other plant protection products including plant protection products with which its use is to be authorised (284-B)
765 CIPAC MT 175: Seed treatment formulations, liquid, determination of seed-seed uniformity of distribution Yes N/A test method CIPAC
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.10: Adherence and distribution to seeds
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
2.9: Adherence and distribution to seeds
2.10: Adherence and distribution to seeds (284-A), 2.9: Adherence and distribution to seeds (284-B) referred as CIPAC Method MT 175: Determination of seed-to-seed uniformity of distribution for liquid seed-treatment formulations in the Communication 284/2013 Part A
766 CIPAC Method MT 194: Adhesion to Treated Seed Yes N/A test method CIPAC
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.10: Adherence and distribution to seeds
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
2.9: Adherence and distribution to seeds
2.10: Adherence and distribution to seeds (284-A), 2.9: Adherence and distribution to seeds (284-B)
767 European Seed Association, 2011. Assessment of free floating dust and abrasion particles of treated seeds as a parameter of the quality of treated seeds: Heubach test. ESA STAT Dust Working Group. Yes N/A test method new author
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.10: Adherence and distribution to seeds
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
2.9: Adherence and distribution to seeds
2.10: Adherence and distribution to seeds (284-A), 2.9: Adherence and distribution to seeds (284-B)
768 Test methods reported in Annex I, Part II to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 Yes N/A test method -
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
2.14: Other studies
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.11: Other studies
2.14: Other studies (283-A), 2.11: Other studies (284-A)
769 CIPAC Method MT 176 Dissolution rate of water soluble bags Yes N/A test method CIPAC
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.11: Other studies
2.11: Other studies (284-A)
770 CIPAC Method MT 23 Miscibility with hydrocarbon oil Yes N/A test method CIPAC
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.11: Other studies
2.11: Other studies (284-A)
771 EPPO Standard PP1/239: Dose expression of plant protection products Yes Yes guidance document,
test method
PPP Part A (chemicals)
3: Data on application
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
3.4: Application rate
3: Data on application (284-A), 3.4: Application rate (284-B)
772 EPPO Standard PP1/240: Harmonized basic information for databases on plant protection products Yes N/A test method EPPO
PPP Part A (chemicals)
3: Data on application
3: Data on application (284-A)
773 EPPO Standard PP1/248: Harmonized system for classification and coding of the uses of plant protection products Yes Yes guidance document,
test method
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
3.1: Function and target organism
3.3: Crops or products protected or treated
PPP Part A (chemicals)
3: Data on application
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
3.3: Function, target organisms and plants or plants products to be protected and possible risk mitigation measures
3.1: Function and target organism (283-B), 3.3: Crops or products protected or treated (283-B), 3: Data on application (284-A), 3.3: Function, target organisms and plants or plants products to be protected and possible risk mitigation measures (284-B) Please consider only those uses which are deemed relevant under the scope of Reg (EC) No 1107/2009, and not those in EPPO PP 1/248 which refer to biostimulant claims as defined both under the scope of Reg (EU) No 2019/1009 and under the technical specifications CEN/TS 17724, CEN/TS 17700-1, CEN/TS 17700-2, CEN/TS 17700-3, CEN/TS 17700-4, CEN/TS 17700-5, even if these biostimulants are identified as plant growth regulators in EPPO PP1/248. referred as guidance document and test method in the Communication 284/2013-Part A and as guidance document in the Communication 283/2013-Part B
774 EPPO Standard PP1/291: Evaluation of the influence of tank mix adjuvants on the efficacy of plant protection products Yes N/A test method EPPO
PPP Part A (chemicals)
3: Data on application
3: Data on application (284-A)
775 EPPO Standard PP1/306: General principles for the development of co-formulated mixtures of plant protection products Yes N/A test method EPPO
PPP Part A (chemicals)
3: Data on application
3: Data on application (284-A)
779 ISTA Methods Yes N/A test method
PPP Part A (chemicals)
6.4.5: Impact on treated plants or plant products to be used for propagation
6.4.5: Impact on treated plants or plant products to be used for propagation (284-A) For seeds harvested from treated plants
780 OECD Test Guideline 428: Skin absorption: in vitro method Yes N/A test method OECD
PPP Part A (chemicals)
7.3: Dermal absorption
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
7.5: Data on exposure
7.3: Dermal absorption (284-A), 7.5: Data on exposure (284-B)
781 OECD Test Guideline 427: Skin absorption: in vivo method Yes N/A test method OECD
PPP Part A (chemicals)
7.3: Dermal absorption
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
7.5: Data on exposure
7.3: Dermal absorption (284-A), 7.5: Data on exposure (284-B)
782 OECD Guidance Document on the Honey Bee (Apis mellifera L.) Brood test Under Semi-field Conditions. Series on Testing and Assessment, No. 75 Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
8.3: Effects on bees
8.3: Effects on bees (283-B) The relevant methods indicated under this Section may need to be adapted on a case-by-case basis. Hence the applicability of the methods selected, or adaptations of them, must be justified in light of the biological and ecological characteristics of the active substance to be assessed and it may be discussed in pre-submission meetings.
784 An extended laboratory test for evaluating the effects of plant protection products on the parasitic wasp, Aphidius rhopalosiphi (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) - (Mead-Briggs, M.A., Moll, M., Grimm, et al (2010). BioControl 55:329-338) Yes N/A test method
PPP Part A (chemicals) Extended laboratory testing, aged residue studies with non-target arthropods Extended laboratory testing, aged residue studies with non-target arthropods (284-A)
785 US EPA Guidance for Waiving Acute Dermal Toxicity Tests for Pesticide Technical Chemicals and Supporting Retrospective Analysis (2020) ID: EPA 705-G-2020-3722 No N/A supporting document EPA
787 EU Guidance document on the assessment of new isolates of baculovirus species already included in Annex I of Council Directive 91/414/EEC (SANCO/0253/2008) Yes Yes guidance document SANTE
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
0: General Guidance
0: General Guidance (283-B)
788 EFSA Statement on the requirements for whole genome sequence analysis of microorganisms intentionally used in the food chain (EFSA Journal 2024;22:e8912) to be listed Yes guidance document EFSA
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
0: General Guidance
2.7: Genetic stability and factors affecting it
2.8: Information on metabolites of concern
0: General Guidance (283-B), 2.7: Genetic stability and factors affecting it (283-B), 2.8: Information on metabolites of concern (283-B)
789 OECD Guidance Document for the Regulatory Framework for the Microorganism Group: Bacteriophages Series on Pesticides No. 108 Yes Yes guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
0: General Guidance
0: General Guidance (283-B)
790 OECD Issue Paper on Microbial Contaminants Limits for Microbial Pest Control Products No. 65 Yes Yes guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms) Identity and content of relevant contaminating micro-organisms
4.1: Methods for the analysis of the MPCA as manufactured
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
1.4: Detailed quantitative and qualitative information on the composition of the preparation
2.6: Storage stability and shelf life
5.1: Methods for the analysis of the preparation Identity and content of relevant contaminating micro-organisms (283-B), 4.1: Methods for the analysis of the MPCA as manufactured (283-B), 1.4: Detailed quantitative and qualitative information on the composition of the preparation (284-B), 2.6: Storage stability and shelf life (284-B), 5.1: Methods for the analysis of the preparation (284-B)
791 US EPA OPPTS 885.3400 hypersensitivity Incidents Yes N/A test method EPA!documentDetail;D=EPA-HQ-OPPT-2009-0159-0023
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
5.1.3: Information on sensitisation and allergenicity
5.1.3: Information on sensitisation and allergenicity (283-B)
792 US EPA OPPTS 885.3050 Acute Oral Toxicity/ Pathogenicity Yes N/A test method EPA!documentDetail;D=EPA-HQ-OPPT-2009-0159-0019
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms) Oral infectivity and pathogenicity Oral infectivity and pathogenicity (283-B)
793 US EPA OPPTS 885.3150 Acute pulmonary toxicity/ pathogenicity Yes N/A test method EPA!documentDetail;D=EPA-HQ-OPPT-2009-0159-0021
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms) Intratracheal/ intranasal infectivity and pathogenicity Intratracheal/ intranasal infectivity and pathogenicity (283-B)
794 US EPA OPPTS 885.3200 Microbial pesticide test methods. Acute injection toxicity/pathogenicity Yes N/A test method EPA!documentDetail;D=EPA-HQ-OPPT-2009-0159-0022
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms) Intravenous, intraperitoneal or subcutaneous single exposure Intravenous, intraperitoneal or subcutaneous single exposure (283-B)
795 US EPA OPPTS 885.3500 Cell culture Yes N/A test method EPA!documentDetail;D=EPA-HQ-OPPT-2009-0159-0024
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
5.3.2: Cell culture study
5.3.2: Cell culture study (283-B)
796 US EPA OPPTS 885.3600 Subchronic Toxicity/Pathogenicity Yes N/A test method EPA!documentDetail;D=EPA-HQ-OPPT-2009-0159-0026
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
5.4: Specific infectivity and pathogenicity studies on the micro-organism
5.4: Specific infectivity and pathogenicity studies on the micro-organism (283-B)
797 US EPA OPPTS 885.3650 Reproductive/fertility effects Yes N/A test method EPA!documentDetail;D=EPA-HQ-OPPT-2009-0159-0027
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
5.4: Specific infectivity and pathogenicity studies on the micro-organism
5.4: Specific infectivity and pathogenicity studies on the micro-organism (283-B)
799 EFSA Guidance document on clustering and ranking of emissions of active substances of plant protection products and transformation products of these active substances from protected crops (greenhouses and crops grown under cover) to relevant environmental compartments, Section 2 (EFSA Journal 2014;12(3):3615) Yes Yes guidance document EFSA
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
7.1.1: Predicted environmental density of the micro-organism
7.1.1: Predicted environmental density of the micro-organism (283-B)
800 EU Guidance document on the approval and low-risk criteria linked to “antimicrobial resistance" applicable to microorganisms used for plant protection in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 (SANTE/2020/12260) Yes Yes guidance document SANTE
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
2.9: Presence of transferable antimicrobial resistance genes
2.9: Presence of transferable antimicrobial resistance genes (283-B)
801 The relevant methods indicated under this Section may need to be adapted on a case-by-case basis. Hence the applicability of the methods selected, or adaptations of them, shall be justified in light of the biological and ecological characteristcs of the active substance to be assessed and it may be discussed in pre-submission meetings. Yes No
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
8: Ecotoxicological studies
8: Ecotoxicological studies (283-B)
802 US EPA OCSPP 885.4240 Freshwater invertebrate Tier I Yes N/A test method EPA
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
8.2.2: Effects on aquatic invertebrates
8.2.2: Effects on aquatic invertebrates (283-B) The relevant methods indicated under this Section may need to be adapted on a case-by-case basis. Hence the applicability of the methods selected, or adaptations of them, must be justified in light of the biological and ecological characteristics of the active substance to be assessed and it may be discussed in pre-submission meetings.
805 Test O.3: Gravimetric test for oxidising solids, Part III of UN RTDG Manual of Tests and Criteria Yes N/A test method UN RTDG
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
2.13: Oxidising properties
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.2: Explosive and oxidising properties
2.13: Oxidising properties (283-A), 2.2: Explosive and oxidising properties (284-A)
701 OECD Test Guideline 213: Honeybees, Acute Oral Toxicity Test Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Acute oral toxicity
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
8.3: Effects on bees
PPP Part A (chemicals) Acute oral toxicity Acute oral toxicity (283-A), 8.3: Effects on bees (283-B), Acute oral toxicity (284-A) In Part B of the Communication 283/2013: The relevant methods indicated under this Section may need to be adapted on a case-by-case basis. Hence the applicability of the methods selected, or adaptations of them, must be justified in light of the biological and ecological characteristics of the active substance to be assessed and it may be discussed in pre-submission meetings.
703 OECD Test Guideline 214: Honeybees, Acute Contact Toxicity Test Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Acute contact toxicity
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
8.3: Effects on bees
PPP Part A (chemicals) Acute contact toxicity Acute contact toxicity (283-A), 8.3: Effects on bees (283-B), Acute contact toxicity (284-A) In Part B of the Communication 283/2013:The relevant methods indicated under this Section may need to be adapted on a case-by-case basis. Hence the applicability of the methods selected, or adaptations of them, must be justified in light of the biological and ecological characteristics of the active substance to be assessed and it may be discussed in pre-submission meetings.
704 OECD Test Guideline 246: Bumblebee, Acute Contact Toxicity Test Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Acute contact toxicity
PPP Part A (chemicals) Acute contact toxicity Acute contact toxicity (283-A), Acute contact toxicity (284-A)
705 OECD Test Guideline 245 Honey Bee (Apis mellifera l.), Chronic Oral Toxicity Test Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Chronic toxicity to bees
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
8.3: Effects on bees
PPP Part A (chemicals) Chronic toxicity to bees Chronic toxicity to bees (283-A), 8.3: Effects on bees (283-B), Chronic toxicity to bees (284-A) In Part B of the Communication 283/2013: The relevant methods indicated under this Section may need to be adapted on a case-by-case basis. Hence the applicability of the methods selected, or adaptations of them, must be justified in light of the biological and ecological characteristics of the active substance to be assessed and it may be discussed in pre-submission meetings.
706 OECD Guidance Document on the honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) brood test under semifield conditions (only for spray applications). Series on Testing and Assessment, No. 75 Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Effects on honeybee development and other honeybee life stages
PPP Part A (chemicals) Effects on honey bee development and other honey bee life stages Cage and tunnel tests
10.6.3: Extended laboratory studies on non-target plants Effects on honeybee development and other honeybee life stages (283-A), Effects on honey bee development and other honey bee life stages (284-A), Cage and tunnel tests (284-A), 10.6.3: Extended laboratory studies on non-target plants (284-A)
708 OECD Test Guideline No. 237 - Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) Larval Toxicity Test, Single Exposure Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Effects on honeybee development and other honeybee life stages
PPP Part A (chemicals) Effects on honey bee development and other honey bee life stages Effects on honeybee development and other honeybee life stages (283-A), Effects on honey bee development and other honey bee life stages (284-A)
709 Oomen PA, de Ruijter A and van der Steen J, 1992. Method for honeybee brood feeding tests with insect growth - regulating insecticides. Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin 22, 613-616. Yes N/A test method EPPO
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Effects on honeybee development and other honeybee life stages
PPP Part A (chemicals) Effects on honey bee development and other honey bee life stages Field tests with honeybees Effects on honeybee development and other honeybee life stages (283-A), Effects on honey bee development and other honey bee life stages (284-A), Field tests with honeybees (284-A)
710 OECD Guidance document on honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) homing flight test, using single oral exposure to sublethal doses of test chemical, Series on Testing and Assessment, No. 332. Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Sub-lethal effects
PPP Part A (chemicals) Sub-lethal effects Sub-lethal effects (283-A), Sub-lethal effects (284-A)
711 Guidelines to evaluate side-effects of plant protection products to non-target arthropods. (IOBC, BART and EPPO Joint Initiative. M.P. Candolfi, S. Blümel, R. Forster et al. (2000). ISBN: 92 9067 129-7) Yes N/A test method EPPO
PPP Part A (chemicals) Standard laboratory testing for non-target arthropods Extended laboratory testing, aged residue studies with non-target arthropods Semi-field studies with non-target arthropods Field studies with non-target arthropods Standard laboratory testing for non-target arthropods (284-A), Extended laboratory testing, aged residue studies with non-target arthropods (284-A), Semi-field studies with non-target arthropods (284-A), Field studies with non-target arthropods (284-A)
712 OECD Test Guideline 222: Earthworm Reproduction Test (Eisenia fetida/Eisenia andrei) Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
8.4.1: Earthworm — sub-lethal effects
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
8.5: Effects on non-target meso- and macro-organisms in soil
PPP Part A (chemicals) Earthworms — sub-lethal effects
8.4.1: Earthworm — sub-lethal effects (283-A), 8.5: Effects on non-target meso- and macro-organisms in soil (283-B), Earthworms — sub-lethal effects (284-A) In Part B of the Communication 283/2013: The relevant methods indicated under this Section may need to be adapted on a case-by-case basis. Hence the applicability of the methods selected, or adaptations of them, must be justified in light of the biological and ecological characteristics of the active substance to be assessed and it may be discussed in pre-submission meetings.
714 ISO 23611-1:2018: Soil quality - Sampling of soil invertebrates - Part 1: Hand-sorting and extraction of earthworms Yes N/A test method
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
8.4.1: Earthworm — sub-lethal effects
8.4.1: Earthworm — sub-lethal effects (283-A)
715 ISO 23611-2:2006 Soil Quality - Sampling of soil invertebrates - Part 2: Sampling and extraction of micro-arthropods (Collembola and Acarina) Yes N/A test method
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
8.4.2: Effects on non-target soil meso- and macrofauna (other than earthworms)
PPP Part A (chemicals)
10.4.2: Effects on non-target soil meso- and macrofauna (other than earthworms)
8.4.2: Effects on non-target soil meso- and macrofauna (other than earthworms) (283-A), 10.4.2: Effects on non-target soil meso- and macrofauna (other than earthworms) (284-A)
717 OECD Test No. 226: Predatory mite (Hypoaspis (Geolaelaps) aculeifer) reproduction test in soil Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Species level testing
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
8.5: Effects on non-target meso- and macro-organisms in soil
PPP Part A (chemicals) Species level testing Species level testing (283-A), 8.5: Effects on non-target meso- and macro-organisms in soil (283-B), Species level testing (284-A) In Part B of the Communication 283/2013:The relevant methods indicated under this Section may need to be adapted on a case-by-case basis. Hence the applicability of the methods selected, or adaptations of them, must be justified in light of the biological and ecological characteristics of the active substance to be assessed and it may be discussed in pre-submission meetings.
718 OECD Test Guideline 216: Soil Microorganisms: Nitrogen Transformation Test Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
8.5: Effects on soil nitrogen transformation
PPP Part A (chemicals)
10.5: Effects on soil nitrogen transformation
8.5: Effects on soil nitrogen transformation (283-A), 10.5: Effects on soil nitrogen transformation (284-A)
721 OECD Test Guideline 209: Activated Sludge, Respiration Inhibition Test Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
8.8: Effects on biological methods for sewage treatment
8.8: Effects on biological methods for sewage treatment (283-A)
722 Guidance documents reported in Section 6 of Annex I to Commission Communication C(2023) 6245
Yes Yes guidance document,
test method
PPP Part A (chemicals)
8: Residues in or on treated products, food and feed
8: Residues in or on treated products, food and feed (284-A) for the test method: According to Section 8 of Part A of the Annex to Commission Regulation (EU) No 284/2013, data and information on residues in or on treated products, food and feed in accordance with Section 6 of Part A of the Annex to Regulation (EU) No 283/2013 must be submitted, unless the applicant shows that the data and information already submitted for the active substance can be applied.
723 Guidance documents reported in Section 7.1.2 and of Annex I to Commission Communication C(2023) 6245
Yes Yes guidance document
PPP Part A (chemicals) Laboratory studies Laboratory studies (284-A) According to Section of Part A of the Annex to Commission Regulation (EU) No 284/2013, the same provisions as provided under points 7.1.2 and of Part A of the Annex to Regulation (EU) No 283/2013 apply.
724 Guidance documents reported in point 8.2. of Annex I to Commission Communication C(2023) 6245
Yes Yes guidance document
PPP Part A (chemicals)
10.2.1: Acute toxicity to fish, aquatic invertebrates, or effects on aquatic algae and macrophytes
10.2.1: Acute toxicity to fish, aquatic invertebrates, or effects on aquatic algae and macrophytes (284-A) According to Section 10.2.1. of Part A of the Annex to Commission Regulation (EU) No 284/2013, tests must be carried out on one species from each of the three/four groups of aquatic organisms, that is to say fish, aquatic invertebrates, algae and, where relevant, macrophytes as referred to in point 8.2 of Part A of the Annex to Regulation (EU) No 283/2013, if the plant protection product itself may contaminate water.
727 Method A.14 Explosive properties (Annex of Regulation (EC) No 440/2008). Yes N/A test method -
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
2.11: Explosive properties
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.2: Explosive and oxidising properties
2.11: Explosive properties (283-A), 2.2: Explosive and oxidising properties (284-A)
728 Method A.17 Oxidising properties (solids) (Annex of Regulation (EC) No 440/2008) Yes N/A test method -
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
2.13: Oxidising properties
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.2: Explosive and oxidising properties
2.13: Oxidising properties (283-A), 2.2: Explosive and oxidising properties (284-A) For solid preparations
729 Method A.21 Oxidising properties (liquids) (Annex of Regulation (EC) No 440/2008) Yes N/A test method -
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
2.13: Oxidising properties
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.2: Explosive and oxidising properties
2.13: Oxidising properties (283-A), 2.2: Explosive and oxidising properties (284-A)
730 Method A.10 Flammability (Annex of Regulation (EC) No. 440/2008) for solids (solids) Yes N/A test method -
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
2.9: Flammability and self-heating
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.3: Flammability and self-heating
2.9: Flammability and self-heating (283-A), 2.3: Flammability and self-heating (284-A)
731 Method A.11 Flammability (Annex of Regulation (EC) No. 440/2008) for gaseous materials Yes N/A test method -
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
2.9: Flammability and self-heating
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.3: Flammability and self-heating
2.9: Flammability and self-heating (283-A), 2.3: Flammability and self-heating (284-A)
732 Method A.12 (Annex of Regulation (EC) No. 440/2008) for contact with water Yes N/A test method -
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
2.9: Flammability and self-heating
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.3: Flammability and self-heating
2.9: Flammability and self-heating (283-A), 2.3: Flammability and self-heating (284-A)
733 Test N.5: test method for substances which in contact with water emit flammable gases, Part III of the UN RTDG Manual of Tests and Criteria Yes N/A test method UN RTDG
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
2.9: Flammability and self-heating
2.9: Flammability and self-heating (283-A)
734 CIPAC Method MT 75: Determination of pH values Yes N/A test method OECD
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.4: Acidity/alkalinity and pH value
2.4: Acidity/alkalinity and pH value (284-A)
735 CIPAC Method MT 31: free acidity or alkalinity Yes N/A test method OECD
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.4: Acidity/alkalinity and pH value
2.4: Acidity/alkalinity and pH value (284-A)
736 CIPAC Method MT 191: Acidity or alkalinity of formulations Yes N/A test method CIPAC
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.4: Acidity/alkalinity and pH value
2.4: Acidity/alkalinity and pH value (284-A)
737 OECD Test Guideline 122 - Determination of pH, Acidity and Alkalinity Yes N/A test method OECD
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.4: Acidity/alkalinity and pH value
2.4: Acidity/alkalinity and pH value (284-A)
738 OECD Test Guideline 114 - Viscosity of Liquids Yes N/A test method OECD
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.5: Viscosity and surface tension
2.5: Viscosity and surface tension (284-A) Applicable for newtonian or non-newtonian liquids
739 CIPAC method MT 192: Viscosity of liquids by rotational viscosimetry Yes N/A test method CIPAC,liquids%20is%20best%20carried%20out%20by%20rotational%20viscosimeters.
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.5: Viscosity and surface tension
2.5: Viscosity and surface tension (284-A) Applicable for newtonian or non-newtonian liquids
740 Method A.3 Relative density (Annex of Regulation (EC) No 440/2008). Yes N/A test method
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.6: Relative density and bulk density
2.6: Relative density and bulk density (284-A)
741 OECD Test Guideline 109 - Density of Liquids and Solids Yes N/A test method OECD
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.6: Relative density and bulk density
2.6: Relative density and bulk density (284-A)
742 CIPAC Method MT 186: Bulk density Yes N/A test method CIPAC
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.6: Relative density and bulk density
2.6: Relative density and bulk density (284-A)
743 CIPAC Method MT 46: Accelerated storage procedure Yes N/A test method CIPAC
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.7: Storage stability and shelf-life: effects of temperature on technical characteristics of the plant protection product
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
2.6.2: Effects of temperature and packaging
2.7: Storage stability and shelf-life: effects of temperature on technical characteristics of the plant protection product (284-A), 2.6.2: Effects of temperature and packaging (284-B)
744 CIPAC MT 39 Stability of liquid formulations at 0˚C Yes N/A test method CIPAC
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.7: Storage stability and shelf-life: effects of temperature on technical characteristics of the plant protection product
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
2.6.2: Effects of temperature and packaging
2.7: Storage stability and shelf-life: effects of temperature on technical characteristics of the plant protection product (284-A), 2.6.2: Effects of temperature and packaging (284-B) referred as CIPAC Method MT 39: Low temperature stability of liquid formulations in the Communication 284/2013- Part A
745 CIPAC Method MT 53: Wettability Yes N/A test method CIPAC
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.8.1: Wettability
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
2.7.1: Wettability
2.8.1: Wettability (284-A), 2.7.1: Wettability (284-B)
746 CIPAC Method MT 47 Persistent foaming Yes N/A test method CIPAC,use%2C%20putting%20operators%20at%20risk.
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.8.2: Persistent foaming
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
2.7.2: Persistent foaming
2.8.2: Persistent foaming (284-A), 2.7.2: Persistent foaming (284-B)
747 CIPAC Method MT 184: Suspensibility of formulations forming suspensions on dilution with water Yes N/A test method CIPAC
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.8.3: Suspensibility, spontaneity of dispersion and dispersion stability
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
2.7.3: Suspensibility, spontaneity of dispersion and dispersion stability
2.8.3: Suspensibility, spontaneity of dispersion and dispersion stability (284-A), 2.7.3: Suspensibility, spontaneity of dispersion and dispersion stability (284-B)
748 CIPAC Method MT 160: Spontaneity of dispersion of suspension concentrates Yes N/A test method CIPAC
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.8.3: Suspensibility, spontaneity of dispersion and dispersion stability
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
2.7.3: Suspensibility, spontaneity of dispersion and dispersion stability
2.8.3: Suspensibility, spontaneity of dispersion and dispersion stability (284-A), 2.7.3: Suspensibility, spontaneity of dispersion and dispersion stability (284-B)
749 CIPAC Method MT 174: Dispersibility of water dispersible granules Yes N/A test method CIPAC
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.8.3: Suspensibility, spontaneity of dispersion and dispersion stability
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
2.7.3: Suspensibility, spontaneity of dispersion and dispersion stability
2.8.3: Suspensibility, spontaneity of dispersion and dispersion stability (284-A), 2.7.3: Suspensibility, spontaneity of dispersion and dispersion stability (284-B)
750 CIPAC Method MT 180: Dispersion stability of suspo-emulsion Yes N/A test method CIPAC
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.8.3: Suspensibility, spontaneity of dispersion and dispersion stability
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
2.7.3: Suspensibility, spontaneity of dispersion and dispersion stability
2.8.3: Suspensibility, spontaneity of dispersion and dispersion stability (284-A), 2.7.3: Suspensibility, spontaneity of dispersion and dispersion stability (284-B)
628 OECD Test Guideline 475: Mammalian Bone Marrow Chromosome Aberration Test Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.4.2: In vivo studies in somatic cells
5.4.2: In vivo studies in somatic cells (283-A) The possibility of integrating in vivo genotoxicity testing with repeated dose toxicity studies should be explored to reduce the number of animals tested
629 OECD Test Guideline 486: Unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) - Test with mammalian liver cells in vivo Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.4.2: In vivo studies in somatic cells
5.4.2: In vivo studies in somatic cells (283-A) The results of a UDS test may be considered as adequate to assess genotoxic potential only in cases of positive results Existing tests are acceptable, but no new test carried out according to this guideline is recommended - EFSA Opinion of the Scientific Committee (2017)
630 OECD Test Guideline 488: Transgenic Rodent Somatic and Germ Cell Gene Mutation Assays Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.4.2: In vivo studies in somatic cells
5.4.3: In vivo studies in germ cells
5.4.2: In vivo studies in somatic cells (283-A), 5.4.3: In vivo studies in germ cells (283-A) The possibility of integrating in vivo genotoxicity testing with repeated dose toxicity studies should be explored to reduce the number of animals tested
631 OECD test guideline 489: In Vivo Mammalian Alkaline Comet Assay Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.4.2: In vivo studies in somatic cells
5.4.2: In vivo studies in somatic cells (283-A) The possibility of integrating in vivo genotoxicity testing with repeated dose toxicity studies should be explored to reduce the number of animals tested
632 OECD Test Guideline 483: Mammalian Spermatogonial Chromosome Aberration Test Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.4.3: In vivo studies in germ cells
5.4.3: In vivo studies in germ cells (283-A) The possibility of integrating in vivo genotoxicity testing with repeated dose toxicity studies should be explored to reduce the number of animals tested
633 OECD Test Guideline 478: Rodent Dominant Lethal Test Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.4.3: In vivo studies in germ cells
5.4.3: In vivo studies in germ cells (283-A) The possibility of integrating in vivo genotoxicity testing with repeated dose toxicity studies should be explored to reduce the number of animals tested
634 OECD Test Guideline 453: Combined Chronic Toxicity/Carcinogenicity Studies Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.5: Long-term toxicity and carcinogenicity
5.5: Long-term toxicity and carcinogenicity (283-A)
635 OECD Test Guideline 451: Carcinogenicity Studies Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.5: Long-term toxicity and carcinogenicity
5.5: Long-term toxicity and carcinogenicity (283-A)
636 OECD Test Guideline 452: Chronic Toxicity Studies Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.5: Long-term toxicity and carcinogenicity
5.5: Long-term toxicity and carcinogenicity (283-A)
638 OECD Test Guideline 416: Two-Generation Reproduction Toxicity Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.6.1: Generational studies
5.6.1: Generational studies (283-A) It has been only listed, as it was used in the past. Preference should be given to the EOGRTS.
639 OECD Test Guideline 414: Prenatal developmental toxicity study Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.6.2: Developmental toxicity studies
5.6.2: Developmental toxicity studies (283-A)
640 OECD Test Guideline 426: Developmental neurotoxicity study Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.6.2: Developmental toxicity studies
5.6.2: Developmental toxicity studies (283-A)
641 OECD Test Guideline 424: Neurotoxicity study in rodents Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.7.1: Neurotoxicity studies in rodents
5.7.1: Neurotoxicity studies in rodents (283-A)
642 OECD Test Guideline 418: Delayed Neurotoxicity of Organophosphorus Substances Following Acute Exposure Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.7.2: Delayed polyneuropathy studies
5.7.2: Delayed polyneuropathy studies (283-A)
643 OECD Test Guideline 419: Delayed Neurotoxicity of Organophosphorus Substances: 28-day Repeated Dose Study Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.7.2: Delayed polyneuropathy studies
5.7.2: Delayed polyneuropathy studies (283-A)
644 Health Effects Test Guidelines: OPPTS 870.7800 Immunotoxicity [EPA 712–C–98–351] Yes N/A test method EPA
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.8.2: Supplementary studies on the active substance
5.8.2: Supplementary studies on the active substance (283-A) Conditional requirement: only if effects indicate immunotoxicological potential observed in toxicological and metabolism studies
679 OECD Test Guideline 210: Fish, Early-life Stage Toxicity Test Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Fish early life stage toxicity test
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
8.2.1: Effects on fish Fish early life stage toxicity test (283-A), 8.2.1: Effects on fish (283-B) Part B: For micro-organisms, the relevant methods indicated under this Section may need to be adapted on a case-by-case basis. Hence the applicability of the methods selected, or adaptations of them, must be justified in light of the biological and ecological characteristics of the active substance to be assessed and it may be discussed in pre-submission meetings.
817 Environment and Climate Change Canada (2016) Guidance document for testing the pathogenicity and toxicity of new microbial substances to aquatic and terrestrial organisms (EPS 1/RM/44), 11.1 Freshwater Fish Yes Yes guidance document,
test method
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
8.2: Effects on aquatic organisms
8.2.1: Effects on fish
8.2: Effects on aquatic organisms (283-B), 8.2.1: Effects on fish (283-B) The relevant methods indicated under this Section may need to be adapted on a case-by-case basis. Hence the applicability of the methods selected, or adaptations of them, must be justified in light of the biological and ecological characteristics of the active substance to be assessed and it may be discussed in pre-submission meetings.
846 Test methods according to Section of Part 2 of Annex I, to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 Yes N/A test method -
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
2.9: Flammability and self-heating
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.3: Flammability and self-heating
2.9: Flammability and self-heating (283-A), 2.3: Flammability and self-heating (284-A)
847 ISO/IEC 80079-20-1:2017 – Explosive atmospheres - Part 20-1: Material characteristics for gas and vapour classification - Test methods and data Yes N/A test method -
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.3: Flammability and self-heating
2.3: Flammability and self-heating (284-A)
848 Test method according to section 2.4.4. of Annex I, Part 2 of Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 Yes N/A test method -
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
2.13: Oxidising properties
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.2: Explosive and oxidising properties
2.13: Oxidising properties (283-A), 2.2: Explosive and oxidising properties (284-A)
849 OECD Test No. 234: Fish Sexual Development Test Yes N/A test method -
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Fish early life stage toxicity test Fish early life stage toxicity test (283-A)
850 Test L.2: sustained combustibility test, Part III of the UN RTDG Manual of Tests and Criteria Yes N/A test method UN RTDG
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
2.9: Flammability and self-heating
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.3: Flammability and self-heating
2.9: Flammability and self-heating (283-A), 2.3: Flammability and self-heating (284-A)
851 OECD Guidance document on the recognition, assessment, and use of clinical signs as humane endpoints for experimental animals used in safety evaluation. Series on Testing and Assessment. No19 Yes Yes guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
PPP Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
0: General Guidance (283-A), 0: General Guidance (284-A)
853 Transport of Dangerous Goods (UN RTDG) Manual of Tests and Criteria ST/SG/AC.10/11 Yes N/A test method UN RTDG
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
2.13: Oxidising properties
2.13: Oxidising properties (283-A)
854 Generic guidance for Tier 1 FOCUS Ground water assessments (based on -–among others-- the European Commission (2014) Assessing Potential for Movement of Active Substances and their Metabolites to Ground Water in the EU - Final Report of the Ground Water Work Group of FOCUS (Sanco/13144/2010); FOCUS (2000) “FOCUS groundwater scenarios in the EU review of active substances” Report of the FOCUS Groundwater Scenarios Workgroup (Sanco/321/2000); Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Protection Products and their Residues on a request from EFSA related to the default Q10 value used to describe the temperature effect on transformation rates of pesticides in soil.(doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2008.622); Generic Guidance for Estimating Persistence and Degradation Kinetics from Environmental Fate Studies in Pesticides in EU Registration (including Guidance Document on Estimating Persistence and Degradation Kinetics from Environmental Fate Studies on Pesticides in EU Registration - Final Report of the Work Group on Degradation Kinetics of FOCUS (Sanco/10058/2005); Guidance Document for evaluating laboratory and field dissipation studies to obtain DegT50 values of active substances of plant protection products and transformation products of these active substances in soil (SANCO/12117/2014)); section 3.3.1 of European Food Safety Authority. Guidance Document for predicting environmental concentrations of active substances of plant protection products and transformation products of these active substances in soil (doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2017.4982); section 3.3 of Scientific report of EFSA on the ‘repair action’ of the FOCUS surface water scenarios (doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2020.6119)) Yes Yes guidance document SANTE
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
7.1.2: Rate of degradation in soil
7.1.3: Adsorption and desorption in soil
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
7.2.1: Predicted environmental concentration
PPP Part A (chemicals)
9.2.4: Estimation of concentrations in groundwater
7.1.2: Rate of degradation in soil (283-A), 7.1.3: Adsorption and desorption in soil (283-A), 7.2.1: Predicted environmental concentration (283-B), 9.2.4: Estimation of concentrations in groundwater (284-A) The generic FOCUS guidance documents that are based on the relevant, more specific guidance documents and regularly updated are listed.
855 EFSA calculation model Pesticide Residue Intake Model "PRIMo" Yes Yes guidance document EFSA
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
6.9: Estimation of the potential and actual exposure through diet and other sources
6.9: Estimation of the potential and actual exposure through diet and other sources (283-A)
637 OECD Test Guideline 443: Extended One-generation Reproductive Toxicity Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.6.1: Generational studies
5.6.1: Generational studies (283-A) Existing studies conducted in accordance with OECD TG 416 (adopted 2001 or later) or equivalent information shall be considered appropriate to address this information requirement. But if new test is to be carried out, preference should be given to Extended One-Generation Reproductive Toxicity Study (OECD TG 443). Extended One-Generation Reproductive Toxicity Study (OECD TG 443), with cohorts 1A and 1B and extension of cohort 1B to include the F2 generation with the aim to produce 20 litters per dose group. F2 pups must be followed to weaning and investigated similarly as F1 pups. Rat is the preferred species and oral route of administration is the preferred route. The highest dose level should be based on toxicity and selected with the aim to induce reproductive and/or other systemic toxicity .
725 Guidance documents reported in point 8.2.2. and 8.2.5. of Annex I to Commission Communication XXX/XXX [Publication Office: please insert the number of Commission Communication on data requirement for active substances] apply.
Yes Yes guidance document
PPP Part A (chemicals)
10.2.2: Additional long-term and chronic toxicity studies on fish, aquatic invertebrates and sediment dwelling organisms
10.2.2: Additional long-term and chronic toxicity studies on fish, aquatic invertebrates and sediment dwelling organisms (284-A) According to Section 10.2.2 of Part A of the Annex to Commission Regulation (EU) No 284/2013, the studies referred to in points 8.2.2 and 8.2.5 of Part A of the Annex to Regulation (EU) No 283/2013 must be conducted for particular plant protection products, where it is not possible to extra polate from data obtained in the corresponding studies on the active substance (for example the plant protection product is more acutely toxic than the active substance as manufactured by a factor of 10), unless it is demonstrated that exposure will not occur.
694 OECD Test No. 201 Freshwater Alga and Cyanobacteria, Growth Inhibition Test Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Effects on growth of green algae Effects on growth of an additional algal species
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
8.2.3: Effects on algae Effects on growth of green algae (283-A), Effects on growth of an additional algal species (283-A), 8.2.3: Effects on algae (283-B) In Part B of the Communication 283/2013: The relevant methods indicated under this Section may need to be adapted on a case-by-case basis. Hence the applicability of the methods selected, or adaptations of them, must be justified in light of the biological and ecological characteristics of the active substance to be assessed and it may be discussed in pre-submission meetings.
698 OECD Test No. 238: Sediment-Free Myriophyllum Spicatum Toxicity Test Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
8.2.7: Effects on aquatic macrophytes
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
8.2.4: Effects on aquatic macrophytes
8.2.7: Effects on aquatic macrophytes (283-A), 8.2.4: Effects on aquatic macrophytes (283-B) In Part B of the Communication 283/2013: The relevant methods indicated under this Section may need to be adapted on a case-by-case basis. Hence the applicability of the methods selected, or adaptations of them, must be justified in light of the biological and ecological characteristics of the active substance to be assessed and it may be discussed in pre-submission meetings.
707 OECD Guidance Document on Honey Bee Larval Toxicity Test following Repeated Exposure. Series on Testing and Assessment, No. 239 Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Effects on honeybee development and other honeybee life stages
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
8.3: Effects on bees
PPP Part A (chemicals) Effects on honey bee development and other honey bee life stages Effects on honeybee development and other honeybee life stages (283-A), 8.3: Effects on bees (283-B), Effects on honey bee development and other honey bee life stages (284-A) In Part B of the Communication 283/2013: The relevant methods indicated under this Section may need to be adapted on a case-by-case basis. Hence the applicability of the methods selected, or adaptations of them, must be justified in light of the biological and ecological characteristics of the active substance to be assessed and it may be discussed in pre-submission meetings.
804 EPPO Bulletin (2010) 40 Side-Effects On Honeybees Yes N/A test method EPPO
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
8.3: Effects on bees
8.3: Effects on bees (283-B) The relevant methods indicated under this Section may need to be adapted on a case-by-case basis. Hence the applicability of the methods selected, or adaptations of them, must be justified in light of the biological and ecological characteristics of the active substance to be assessed and it may be discussed in pre-submission meetings.
702 OECD Test No. 247 Bumblebee, Acute Oral Toxicity Test Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Acute oral toxicity
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
8.3: Effects on bees
PPP Part A (chemicals) Acute oral toxicity Acute oral toxicity (283-A), 8.3: Effects on bees (283-B), Acute oral toxicity (284-A) In Part B of the Communication 283/2013: The relevant methods indicated under this Section may need to be adapted on a case-by-case basis. Hence the applicability of the methods selected, or adaptations of them, must be justified in light of the biological and ecological characteristics of the active substance to be assessed and it may be discussed in pre-submission meetings.
824 Environment and Climate Change Canada (2016) Guidance document for testing the pathogenicity and toxicity of new microbial substances to aquatic and terrestrial organisms (EPS 1/RM/44), 13.3.1 Tests for Plant-Dwelling Invertebrates Yes Yes guidance document,
test method
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
8.4: Effects on non-target arthropods other than bees
8.4: Effects on non-target arthropods other than bees (283-B) The relevant methods indicated under this Section may need to be adapted on a case-by-case basis. Hence the applicability of the methods selected, or adaptations of them, must be justified in light of the biological and ecological characteristics of the active substance to be assessed and it may be discussed in pre-submission meetings.
937 Test guidelines are listed in OECD Revised Guidance Document No. 150 on Standardised Test Guidelines for Evaluating Chemicals for Endocrine Disruption.
Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
8.1.5: Endocrine disrupting properties
8.2.3: Endocrine disrupting properties
8.1.5: Endocrine disrupting properties (283-A), 8.2.3: Endocrine disrupting properties (283-A)
957 OECD Test Guideline 442D: In Vitro Skin Sensitisation Yes N/A test method OECD,accordance%20with%20the%20UN%20GHS.
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
7.3.6: Skin sensitisation
7.3.6: Skin sensitisation (284-B)
958 OECD Test Guideline 442E: In Vitro Skin Sensitisation: In Vitro Skin Sensitisation Assays Addressing the Key Event on Activation of Dendritic Cells on the Adverse Outcome Pathway for Skin Sensitisation Yes N/A test method OECD
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
7.3.6: Skin sensitisation
7.3.6: Skin sensitisation (284-B)
402 EPPO standard series PP1: Efficacy evaluation of plant protection products Yes Yes guidance document,
test method
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
3: Further information on the active substance
PPP Part A (chemicals)
6: Efficacy data
3: Further information on the active substance (283-A), 6: Efficacy data (284-A) Please consider only those uses which are deemed relevant under the scope of Reg (EC) No 1107/2009, and not those in EPPO PP1/248 which refer to biostimulant claims as defined both under the scope of Reg (EU) No 2019/1009 and under the technical specifications CEN/TS 17724, CEN/TS 17700-1, CEN/TS 17700-2, CEN/TS 17700-3, CEN/TS 17700-4, CEN/TS 17700-5, even if these biostimulants are identified as plant growth regulators in EPPO PP1/248. in case of the Communication 283/2013, it is listed as test method, in case of the Communication 284/2013 as guidance document and test method
1035 M.P. Candolfi, S. Blümel, R. Forster et al. (2000): Guidelines to evaluate side-effects of plant protection products to non-target arthropods. IOBC, BART and EPPO Joint Initiative. ISBN: 92-9067 129-7. Yes N/A test method
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Effects on Aphidius rhopalosiphi Effects on Typhlodromus pyri Effects on Aphidius rhopalosiphi (283-A), Effects on Typhlodromus pyri (283-A)
761 CIPAC Method MT 36: Emulsion characteristics of emulsifiable concentrates Yes N/A test method CIPAC
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.8.6: Emulsifiability, re-emulsifiability, emulsion stability
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
2.7.6: Emulsifiability, re-emulsifiability and emulsion stability
2.8.6: Emulsifiability, re-emulsifiability, emulsion stability (284-A), 2.7.6: Emulsifiability, re-emulsifiability and emulsion stability (284-B)
719 OECD Test No. 208: Terrestrial Plant Test: Seedling Emergence and Seedling Growth Test Yes N/A guidance document,
test method
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
8.6.2: Testing on non-target plants
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
8.6: Effects on non-target terrestrial plants
PPP Part A (chemicals)
10.6.2: Testing on non-target plants
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
6.6.1: Impact on succeeding crops
6.6.2: Impact on other plants, including adjacent crops
8.6.2: Testing on non-target plants (283-A), 8.6: Effects on non-target terrestrial plants (283-B), 10.6.2: Testing on non-target plants (284-A), 6.6.1: Impact on succeeding crops (284-B), 6.6.2: Impact on other plants, including adjacent crops (284-B) Part B of the Communication 283/2013: The relevant methods indicated under this Section may need to be adapted on a case-by-case basis. Hence the applicability of the methods selected, or adaptations of them, must be justified in light of the biological and ecological characteristics of the active substance to be assessed and it may be discussed in pre-submission meetings. In 284-B, it is a GD under 6.6.2, and a test method under 6.6.1. In 283-B, it is a test method under 8.6. In 283-A, it is test method under 8.6.2.Testing on non-target plants - seedling emergence and seedling growth In 284-A, it is test method under 10.6.2.Testing on non-target plants - seedling emergence and seedling growth
590 OECD Test Guideline 433: Acute Inhalation Toxicity: Fixed Concentration Procedure Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.2.3: Inhalation
PPP Part A (chemicals)
7.1.3: Inhalation toxicity
5.2.3: Inhalation (283-A), 7.1.3: Inhalation toxicity (284-A)
821 Environment and Climate Change Canada (2016) Guidance document for testing the pathogenicity and toxicity of new microbial substances to aquatic and terrestrial organisms (EPS 1/RM/44), 10.1 Freshwater Invertebrates Yes Yes guidance document,
test method
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
8.2.2: Effects on aquatic invertebrates
8.2.2: Effects on aquatic invertebrates (283-B) The relevant methods indicated under this Section may need to be adapted on a case-by-case basis. Hence the applicability of the methods selected, or adaptations of them, must be justified in light of the biological and ecological characteristics of the active substance to be assessed and it may be discussed in pre-submission meetings.
1055 EU Explanatory notes for the implementation of the data requirements on micro-organisms and plant protection products containing them in the framework of Reg. (EC) No 1107/2009 (PAFF-PPL-October 2023-Doc.A.07.01) to be listed Yes guidance document SANTE General
555 List of obsolete Guidance Documents No N/A supporting document SANTE
1116 ISO 18400-104:2018 Yes N/A test method ISO
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
7.1: Fate and behaviour in soil
PPP Part A (chemicals)
9.1: Fate and behaviour in soil
7.1: Fate and behaviour in soil (283-A), 9.1: Fate and behaviour in soil (284-A)
1136 Notification according to Art. 36(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 (SANCO/10532/2013) No N/A supporting document COM Procedural guidance document- post approval issues
1137 Template to notify intended zonal applications under Article 33 of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 (SANCO/12544/2014) No N/A supporting document COM Procedural guidance document- post approval issues
548 Guidance document on a process for intra & inter-zonal work-sharing to facilitate the registration and re-registration of plant protection products following inclusion of an active substance in Annex I of Council Directive 91/414/EEC (SANCO/6896/2009) No Yes guidance document SANTE Procedural guidance document- post approval issues
1139 Guidance document on the procedures for submission and assessment of confirmatory information following approval of an active substance in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 (SANCO/5634/2009) No No guidance document COM Procedural guidance document- post approval issues
481 Outcome of pesticides peer review meeting on recurring issues in ecotoxicology No N/A supporting document EFSA
1195 Guidance document on the impact of water treatment processes on residues of active substances or their metabolites in water abstracted for the production of drinking water (PAFF-PPL-March 2024-Doc.A.07.03) to be listed Yes guidance document EFSA
1255 Compendium of conditions of use to reduce exposure and risk from plant protection products (PAFF-PPL-March 2024-Doc.A.07.02) No Yes guidance document COMMISSION
490 EFSA Guidance on aneugenicity assessment (PAFF-PPL-May22-Doc.A.07.02, EFSA Journal 2021;19(8):6770) Yes Yes guidance document EFSA
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.4: Genotoxicity testing
5.4: Genotoxicity testing (283-A)
915 Lückmann, J. and Schmitzer, S. (2019), The Oomen bee brood feeding test – revision of the method to current needs and developments. EPPO Bulletin, 49: 137– 146. Yes N/A test method EPPO
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Effects on honeybee development and other honeybee life stages
PPP Part A (chemicals) Effects on honey bee development and other honey bee life stages Field tests with honeybees Effects on honeybee development and other honeybee life stages (283-A), Effects on honey bee development and other honey bee life stages (284-A), Field tests with honeybees (284-A)
831 US EPA OCSPP 885.4380 Honey bee Tier I Yes N/A test method EPA
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
8.3: Effects on bees
8.3: Effects on bees (283-B) The relevant methods indicated under this Section may need to be adapted on a case-by-case basis. Hence the applicability of the methods selected, or adaptations of them, must be justified in light of the biological and ecological characteristics of the active substance to be assessed and it may be discussed in pre-submission meetings.
832 US EPA OCSPP 885.4340 Non-target Insect Tier I Yes N/A test method EPA
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
8.4: Effects on non-target arthropods other than bees
8.4: Effects on non-target arthropods other than bees (283-B) The relevant methods indicated under this Section may need to be adapted on a case-by-case basis. Hence the applicability of the methods selected, or adaptations of them, must be justified in light of the biological and ecological characteristics of the active substance to be assessed and it may be discussed in pre-submission meetings.
720 OECD Test No. 227 : Terrestrial Plant Test: Vegetative Vigour Test Yes Yes guidance document,
test method
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
8.6.2: Testing on non-target plants
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
8.6: Effects on non-target terrestrial plants
PPP Part A (chemicals)
10.6.2: Testing on non-target plants
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
6.6.2: Impact on other plants, including adjacent crops
8.6.2: Testing on non-target plants (283-A), 8.6: Effects on non-target terrestrial plants (283-B), 10.6.2: Testing on non-target plants (284-A), 6.6.2: Impact on other plants, including adjacent crops (284-B) Part B of the Communication 283/2013: The relevant methods indicated under this Section may need to be adapted on a case-by-case basis. Hence the applicability of the methods selected, or adaptations of them, must be justified in light of the biological and ecological characteristics of the active substance to be assessed and it may be discussed in pre-submission meetings. In 283-A, it is a test method under 8.2.6. In 284-A, it is a test method under 10.6.2. In 283-B, it is a guidance document under 6.6.2. In 284-B, it is a test method under 6.6.2.
956 OECD Test Guideline 442C: In Chemico Skin Sensitisation Yes N/A test method OECD
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
7.3.6: Skin sensitisation
7.3.6: Skin sensitisation (284-B)
996 ISO 11268-3:2014: Soil quality - Effects of pollutants on earthworms -- Part 3: Guidance on the determination of effects in field situations Yes N/A test method ISO
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
8.4.1: Earthworm — sub-lethal effects
PPP Part A (chemicals) Earthworms — field studies
8.4.1: Earthworm — sub-lethal effects (283-A), Earthworms — field studies (284-A)
1075 EU Technical guidelines on the presentation and evaluation of plant protection product dossiers in the format of a (draft) Registration Report (SANCO/6895/2009) to be listed Yes guidance document SANTE Procedural guidance document- dossier and draft assessment report guidance document:
1115 ISO 18400-102:2017 Yes N/A test method ISO
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
7.1: Fate and behaviour in soil
PPP Part A (chemicals)
9.1: Fate and behaviour in soil
7.1: Fate and behaviour in soil (283-A), 9.1: Fate and behaviour in soil (284-A)
483 Scientific Opinion on the state of the art of TKTD effect models for regulatory risk assessment of pesticides for aquatic organisms´ (EFSA Journal 2018;16(8):5377) No N/A supporting document EFSA
329 EFSA Guidance on the assessment of exposure of operators, workers, residents and bystanders in risk assessment for plant protection products (SANTE-10832-2015, EFSA Journal 2022;20(1):7032) Yes Yes guidance document EFSA
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5: Toxicological and metabolism studies
PPP Part A (chemicals)
7.2: Data on exposure
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
7.2: Assessment of potential toxicity of the plant protection product
7.5: Data on exposure
5: Toxicological and metabolism studies (283-A), 7.2: Data on exposure (284-A), 7.2: Assessment of potential toxicity of the plant protection product (284-B), 7.5: Data on exposure (284-B) link to the EFSA document:
1235 Proposed priority list for development and updates of guidance documents (in the context of Regulations (EC) No 1107/2009 and Regulation (EC) No 396/2005) PAFF-PPL-Jan 2023-Doc.A.07.01.b No Yes guidance document COM
1275 Note on the information of the authorisations of plant protection products provided annually by the Member States (PAFF-PPL-Oct 2024-Doc.A.03.02) No Yes supporting document COMMISSION
822 Environment and Climate Change Canada (2016) Guidance document for testing the pathogenicity and toxicity of new microbial substances to aquatic and terrestrial organisms (EPS 1/RM/44), 9.1 Freshwater plants Yes Yes guidance document,
test method
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
8.2.3: Effects on algae
8.2.3: Effects on algae (283-B) The relevant methods indicated under this Section may need to be adapted on a case-by-case basis. Hence the applicability of the methods selected, or adaptations of them, must be justified in light of the biological and ecological characteristics of the active substance to be assessed and it may be discussed in pre-submission meetings.
699 OECD Test No. 239: Water-Sediment Myriophyllum Spicatum Toxicity Test Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
8.2.7: Effects on aquatic macrophytes
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
8.2.4: Effects on aquatic macrophytes
8.2.7: Effects on aquatic macrophytes (283-A), 8.2.4: Effects on aquatic macrophytes (283-B) In Part B of the Communication 283/2013: The relevant methods indicated under this Section may need to be adapted on a case-by-case basis. Hence the applicability of the methods selected, or adaptations of them, must be justified in light of the biological and ecological characteristics of the active substance to be assessed and it may be discussed in pre-submission meetings.
803 EPPO Bulletin (2019) 49 Oomen Bee Brood Feeding Test Yes N/A test method EPPO
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
8.3: Effects on bees
8.3: Effects on bees (283-B) The relevant methods indicated under this Section may need to be adapted on a case-by-case basis. Hence the applicability of the methods selected, or adaptations of them, must be justified in light of the biological and ecological characteristics of the active substance to be assessed and it may be discussed in pre-submission meetings.
777 EPPO Standard PP1/292: Cleaning pesticide application equipment (PAE) – efficacy aspects Yes Yes guidance document,
test method
PPP Part A (chemicals)
4: Further information on the plant protection product
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
4.1: Procedures for cleaning and decontaminating of application equipment
4: Further information on the plant protection product (284-A), 4.1: Procedures for cleaning and decontaminating of application equipment (284-B) referred as guidance document in the Communication 284/2013 Part B and as test method in the Communication 284/2013 Part A
995 Where relevant, same test methods as reported in Section 6 of the Annex II to Commission Communication C(2023) 6245
Yes N/A test method
PPP Part A (chemicals)
8: Residues in or on treated products, food and feed
8: Residues in or on treated products, food and feed (284-A) According to Section 8 of Part A of the Annex to Commission Regulation (EU) No 284/2013, data and information on residues in or on treated products, food and feed in accordance with Section 6 of Part A of the Annex to Regulation (EU) No 283/2013 must be submitted, unless the applicant shows that the data and information already submitted for the active substance can be applied.
1015 Please refer to 7.1.1.
Yes N/A test method
PPP Part A (chemicals) Acute oral toxicity to mammals Acute oral toxicity to mammals (284-A)
1016 Where relevant, same test methods as reported in Section 8.2. of the Annex II to Commission Communication XXX/XXX [Publication Office: please insert the number of Commission Communication on data requirement for active substances] apply.
Yes N/A test method
PPP Part A (chemicals)
10.2.1: Acute toxicity to fish, aquatic invertebrates, or effects on aquatic algae and macrophytes
10.2.1: Acute toxicity to fish, aquatic invertebrates, or effects on aquatic algae and macrophytes (284-A) According to Section 10.2.1. of Part A of the Annex to Commission Regulation (EU) No 284/2013, tests shall be carried out on one species from each of the three/four groups of aquatic organisms, that is to say fish, aquatic invertebrates, algae and, where relevant, macrophytes as referred to in point 8.2 of Part A of the Annex to Regulation (EU) No 283/2013, if the plant protection product itself may contaminate water.
1017 Where relevant, same test methods as reported in points 8.2.2 and 8.2.5 of the Annex II to Commission Communication XXX/XXX [Publication Office: please insert the number of Commission Communication on data requirement for active substances] apply.
Yes N/A test method
PPP Part A (chemicals)
10.2.2: Additional long-term and chronic toxicity studies on fish, aquatic invertebrates and sediment dwelling organisms
10.2.2: Additional long-term and chronic toxicity studies on fish, aquatic invertebrates and sediment dwelling organisms (284-A) According to section 10.2.2 Part A of the Annex to Commission Regulation (EU) No 284/2013, the studies referred to in points 8.2.2 and 8.2.5 of Part A of the Annex to Regulation (EU) No 283/2013 must be conducted for particular plant protection products, where it is not possible to extra polate from data obtained in the corresponding studies on the active substance (for example the plant protection product is more acutely toxic than the active substance as manufactured by a factor of 10), unless it is demonstrated that exposure will not occur.
565 OECD Test Guideline 107: Partition coefficient, shake-flask method Yes N/A test method OECD,method%20can%20not%20be%20used%20with%20surface-active%20materials.
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
2.7: Partition coefficient n-octanol/water
2.7: Partition coefficient n-octanol/water (283-A) If a compound is surface active (as defined by OECD 115 Surface tension) the shake-flask method described in OECD 107 can be applicable if in the report it is clear that no problems occurred (e.g. phase separations). The HPLC method described in OECD 107 is not applicable to surface active compounds.
535 Template to be used for assessment reports regarding level 3 of volume 1 (SANCO/11114/2012) No N/A supporting document SANTE Procedural guidance document- dossier and draft assessment report word document:
442 Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) No No COM Procedural guidance document- dossier and draft assessment report
1135 Notification according to Art. 44(4) of Regulation (EC) 1107/2009 (SANCO-2012-12293) No N/A supporting document COM Procedural guidance document- post approval issues
1138 Guidance Document on the renewal of active substances included in Annex I of Council Directive 91/414/EEC to be assessed in compliance with Regulation 1141/2010 (the renewal regulation) (SANCO/10387/2010) No N/A guidance document Procedural guidance document- post approval issues
519 ECHA, 2013. Grouping of substances and read across approach No N/A supporting document ECHA
1155 CIPAC code numbers No N/A supporting document
716 OECD Test Guideline 232: Collembolan Reproduction Test in Soil Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals) Species level testing
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
8.5: Effects on non-target meso- and macro-organisms in soil
PPP Part A (chemicals) Species level testing Species level testing (283-A), 8.5: Effects on non-target meso- and macro-organisms in soil (283-B), Species level testing (284-A) In Part B of the Communication 283/2013: The relevant methods indicated under this Section may need to be adapted on a case-by-case basis. Hence the applicability of the methods selected, or adaptations of them, must be justified in light of the biological and ecological characteristics of the active substance to be assessed and it may be discussed in pre-submission meetings.
935 OECD Guidance for conducting a single exposure toxicity study. IN: OECD (2010) Guidance for the Derivation of an Acute Reference Dose”. Series on testing and assessment, No. 124 Yes Yes guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.8.2: Supplementary studies on the active substance
5.8.2: Supplementary studies on the active substance (283-A)
936 ECHA. Guidance on information requirements and chemical safety assessment Chapter R.8: Characterisation of dose [concentration]-response for human health, 2012, ECHA-2010-G-19-EN Yes N/A test method ECHA
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.3: Short-term toxicity
5.3: Short-term toxicity (283-A)
955 Specific Standards of the EPPO standard series PP1 Yes N/A test method EPPO
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
6: Efficacy data
6: Efficacy data (284-B) EPPO standards of series PP1 describe how to evaluate the efficacy of plant protection products. The series contain General Standards and Specific Standards. Specific Standards should be used together with relevant General Standards and vice versa.
975 Test methods according to Part III of the UN RTDG Manual of Tests and Criteria Yes N/A test method -
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.4: Acidity/alkalinity and pH value
2.4: Acidity/alkalinity and pH value (284-A)
561 OECD Test Guideline 105: Water Solubility Yes N/A test method OECD,the%20substance%20in%20water%20at%20a%20given%20temperature.
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
2.5: Solubility in water
2.6: Solubility in organic solvents
2.5: Solubility in water (283-A), 2.6: Solubility in organic solvents (283-A) in case of section 2.6 of Communication 283/2013: may be adapted in some circumstances
762 CIPAC Method MT 172: Flowability of granular preparations after accelerated storage under pressure Yes N/A test method CIPAC!&&p=682c30420ed74388JmltdHM9MTY5NTY4NjQwMCZpZ3VpZD0zOTRiNjVhOC0xMGU2LTY5MmItMDE5Ny03NmJiMTE5NDY4ZTImaW5zaWQ9NTQ2MA&ptn=3&hsh=3&fclid=394b65a8-10e6-692b-0197-76bb119468e2&psq=CIPAC+Method+MT+172%3a+Flowability+of+granular+preparations+after+accelerated+storage+under+pressure&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9jaXBhYy5vcmcvaW1hZ2VzL21lbWJlcnMtYXJlYS8yMDE4LzUxNTVtX0NJUEFDJTIwTVRfMTcyXzJfdjEyX2ZpbmFsX0Zsb3dhYmlsaXR5LmRvY3gjOn46dGV4dD1PVVRMSU5FJTIwT0YlMjBNRVRIT0QlMjBBZnRlciUyMGFjY2VsZXJhdGVkJTIwc3RvcmFnZSUyMHVuZGVyJTIwYSxpcyUyMGFwcGxpZWQlMjB0byUyMGRldGVybWluZSUyMHRoZSUyMGZsb3dhYmlsaXR5JTIwYWZ0ZXIlMjB0YXBwaW5nLg&ntb=1
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.8.7: Flowability, pourability and dustability
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
2.7.7: Flowability, pourability (rinsability) and dustability
2.8.7: Flowability, pourability and dustability (284-A), 2.7.7: Flowability, pourability (rinsability) and dustability (284-B)
1056 OECD Guidance document on Baculoviruses as plant protection products Series on Pesticides No. 111 to be listed No guidance document OECD General
1117 ISO 18400-105:2017 Yes N/A test method ISO
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
7.1: Fate and behaviour in soil
PPP Part A (chemicals)
9.1: Fate and behaviour in soil
7.1: Fate and behaviour in soil (283-A), 9.1: Fate and behaviour in soil (284-A)
1140 Guidance to provide justifications as referred in point 1.5 of the Introduction of the Annexes of Regulations (EU) No 283/2013 and No 284/2013: Problem formulation for environmental risk assessment in the context of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 (PAFF-PPL-January 2024-Doc.A.07.01) to be listed Yes guidance document COM template word document is available:
546 Guidance on the evaluation of new active substance data post (renewal of) approval (SANCO/10328/2004) No No guidance document SANTE Procedural guidance document- post approval issues
1177 Mode of Action of Microbial Biological Control Agents Against Plant Diseases: Relevance Beyond Efficacy (2019). Front Plant Sci. 2019; 10: 845. No N/A supporting document -
1215 OECD Working Document on the Risk Assessment of Secondary Metabolites of Microbial Biocontrol Agents Series on Pesticides No. 98 No N/A supporting document OECD
806 OECD Guidance document on storage stability of microbial pest control products. Series on Pesticides No. 85 (ENV/JM/MONO(2016)54) Yes Yes guidance document OECD
PPP Part B (micro-organisms)
2.6: Storage stability and shelf life
2.6: Storage stability and shelf life (284-B)
826 Environment and Climate Change Canada (2016) Guidance document for testing the pathogenicity and toxicity of new microbial substances to aquatic and terrestrial organisms (EPS 1/RM/44), 13.3.2 Earthworms Yes Yes guidance document,
test method
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
8.5: Effects on non-target meso- and macro-organisms in soil
8.5: Effects on non-target meso- and macro-organisms in soil (283-B) The relevant methods indicated under this Section may need to be adapted on a case-by-case basis. Hence the applicability of the methods selected, or adaptations of them, must be justified in light of the biological and ecological characteristics of the active substance to be assessed and it may be discussed in pre-submission meetings.
827 Environment and Climate Change Canada (2016) Guidance document for testing the pathogenicity and toxicity of new microbial substances to aquatic and terrestrial organisms (EPS 1/RM/44), 12.2 Terrestrial plants Yes Yes guidance document,
test method
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
8.6: Effects on non-target terrestrial plants
8.6: Effects on non-target terrestrial plants (283-B) The relevant methods indicated under this Section may need to be adapted on a case-by-case basis. Hence the applicability of the methods selected, or adaptations of them, must be justified in light of the biological and ecological characteristics of the active substance to be assessed and it may be discussed in pre-submission meetings.
828 US EPA 885.4000 (1996) Background for non-target organism testing of microbial pest control agents Yes Yes guidance document EPA
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
8: Ecotoxicological studies
8: Ecotoxicological studies (283-B)
829 US EPA OCSPP 885.4200 freshwater fish Tier I Yes N/A test method EPA
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
8.2.1: Effects on fish
8.2.1: Effects on fish (283-B) The relevant methods indicated under this Section may need to be adapted on a case-by-case basis. Hence the applicability of the methods selected, or adaptations of them, must be justified in light of the biological and ecological characteristics of the active substance to be assessed and it may be discussed in pre-submission meetings.
830 US EPA OCSPP 885.4300 Non target plant studies Tier I Yes N/A test method EPA
Active Substance Part B (micro-organisms)
8.2.3: Effects on algae
8.2.3: Effects on algae (283-B) The relevant methods indicated under this Section may need to be adapted on a case-by-case basis. Hence the applicability of the methods selected, or adaptations of them, must be justified in light of the biological and ecological characteristics of the active substance to be assessed and it may be discussed in pre-submission meetings.
835 Process for prioritisation of development and updates of guidance documents (in the context of Regulations (EC) No 1107/2009 and Regulation (EC) No 396/2005) PAFF-PPL-Jan 2023-Doc.A.07.01.a No Yes guidance document COM
837 ECHA. Read-Across Assessment Framework (RAAF), ECHA-17-R-01-EN Yes Yes guidance document ECHA
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
PPP Part A (chemicals)
0: General Guidance
0: General Guidance (283-A), 0: General Guidance (284-A)
838 ICH S3A Guidance: Note for Guidance on Toxicokinetics: The Assessment of Systemic Exposure in Toxicity Studies: Focus on Microsampling Questions and Answers Guidance for Industry, 2018 Yes Yes guidance document ICH
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.1: Studies on absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion in mammals
5.1: Studies on absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion in mammals (283-A)
839 OECD Guidance document on inhalation toxicity studies. Series on testing and assessment, No. 39 Yes Yes guidance document OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.2.3: Inhalation
PPP Part A (chemicals)
7.1.3: Inhalation toxicity
5.2.3: Inhalation (283-A), 7.1.3: Inhalation toxicity (284-A)
840 Method A.23 Partition coefficient (1-octanol/water): Slow stirring method, Part A of Commission Regulation (EC) No 440/2008 Yes N/A test method -
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
2.7: Partition coefficient n-octanol/water
2.7: Partition coefficient n-octanol/water (283-A)
841 Method A.24 Partition coefficient (n-octanol/water), High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method, Part A of Commission Regulation (EC) No 440/2008 Yes N/A test method -
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
2.7: Partition coefficient n-octanol/water
2.7: Partition coefficient n-octanol/water (283-A)
842 Method A.5 Surface tension, (Annex of Commission Regulation (EC) No 440/2008) Yes N/A test method -
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
2.12: Surface tension
PPP Part A (chemicals)
2.5: Viscosity and surface tension
2.12: Surface tension (283-A), 2.5: Viscosity and surface tension (284-A)
843 OECD Test No. 495: Ros (Reactive Oxygen Species) Assay for Photoreactivity Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.2.7: Phototoxicity
5.2.7: Phototoxicity (283-A)
844 OECD Series on Testing and Assessment No. 151: Guidance document supporting OECD test guideline 443 on the extended one-generation reproductive toxicity test Yes N/A test method OECD
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
5.6: Reproductive toxicity
5.6: Reproductive toxicity (283-A)
845 Method A.6 Water solubility, Part A of Commission Regulation (EC) No 440/2008 Yes N/A test method -
Active Substance Part A (chemicals)
2.5: Solubility in water
2.5: Solubility in water (283-A)
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