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What kind of two different price source files and STN?

(1 edit)



I want to play the full version but I don't have money. What should I do to play the full version without money?


Faite une version Scaramouche pleaseeee 

does the apk work on bluestacks 5? i only get a black screen

Nope, it doesn't run on emulators. If you're using a PC, you can download the Windows version instead

(1 edit) (+1)

Seriously? What can you do in the demo version is just touch the boobs?


I'm from Brazil, unfortunately Itchi doesn't allow purchases made from here, is there any other place where I can buy the game?

Olá! Vc pode comprar pelo Payhip

"Stripe doesn't currently support application fees for platforms in GB with connected accounts in BR.", the same problem as itch, through Paypal it doesn't even ask for the payment method, even if I have an account only with dollars, it it simply says that the buyer does not accept my currency, and as I said, I HAVE AN ACCOUNT ONLY WITH DOLLARS, is there another way to get the game?, does Patreon make it available or can I just buy it here and through payhip?, tomorrow I will see others search for how to buy without being connected to Brazil

That's odd, as it seems the issue might be with your account, as both payhip as here in the payment gateway are the same. 

Unfortunately these games are only available on these websites

not from Brazil but got same message though.

Did you tried getting it through the payhip as well?

I linked my account and it won't let me play the game. It still says I have to buy the patreon and link account and I've already done that. Please help, please and thank you.

Hello! if you got the game here on, there's no need to connect your patreon account, you just need to uninstall the demo version and install the full one instead. There's no actual way to unlock the full game from the demo version. You can contact me on discord if you need more assistance, should be easier to settle this down :)

Awesome thank you I'll give it a shot

Why is the grass background slowly disappearing

It seems that's a bug, I'll investigate

So what is the goal of purchase before it becomes free?

This won't become free tho 🤔

If your question is related to the difference between the demo (which is free) and the full version, is that on the full version you can have sex and a couple ways to cum


ok thanks though 

Will you add more positions to the game or is this already a finished project?😔


No more poses, sorry. This project is finished for good, time to move on and make more games :)

Wonder if there will be a Pomni one??

probably not, sorry lol
we're working on a Nikke-clone tho, maaaaaybe there a chance of her appearing if she won a far-future poll

Any plans to update the apk? Can't install on newest Android version.


is your Android x64?

(1 edit) (+1)

Yes. I downloaded the arm64 apk and it works! Thanks

How do i make her cum?


this feature it's only available on the full version, you can either touch on her horns or on the guy's penis :)

When are you going to release the next game?

there's no specific date yet as the game still under development, you can follow how it's cumming on my patreon, I've been posting monthly devlogs, here's the last one with a bunch of gifs:

I liked it a lot! I hope it also comes to Android!! I wish you the greatest success!❤️💪

im stupid does anyone know how to take the gold, white and red thing off



you're not stupid :P
you can't take all her clothes off, it wasn't designed like this haha


Will this game have more update or it's finished?


We don't have plans for more updates, but who knows. I didn't planned adding the Halloween stuff and I just did lol

when will yours come out in the game??


It'll takea while, specially because I'm alternating between my project and also making animations for the AnimeFlux's game, so both projects requires a lot of time and effort

So, I want to be able to play your awesome games on my phone! Thank you very much for your attention, and I wish you and your team the best!☺️

When are you going to bring more games like this to Android??


I'm currently working on a new one featuring Hilda from pokemon, you can check the progress on my Patreon posts

Why it said when I downloaded it

That's an Android bug, some users have reported this issue. Just download the apk on your computer and then transfer to your phone :)

You can use zarchiver and remove the "zip" and turn it to "apk."

Some phones auto convert the APK when download it, there are some fixes around. You can download from a PC and transfer to your phone or try to rename the file format from .zip to .apk

Bro i cant buy, im from Brazil and my credit card and PayPal doenst work


opa! seu cartão precisa ser internacional para poder fazer compras por aqui ou pelo paypal :)


Pls do a Shenhe version


How do i make her cum?

Не хотите ли вы, перенести игру на Steam платформу?

Deleted 3 years ago

It's probably pirated thats why it's free on youtube

Deleted 3 years ago

Muito bom! Animação e dublagem ótimos :3


obrigado! ;)

The game says multiple ways to cum. I only found 2?


isnt two more than one

Olá guando vão trazer jogos novos para Android??


Não temos data exata, mas eventualmente vamos fazer mais sim

Valeu washa games 😊

Desculpa UMA pergunta vcs vão fazer jogos para Android???


sim! os dois jogos rodam nativamente no android , da uma olhada na parte dos downloads :)

Poderia trazer outro nesse mesmo estilo ??????


Vc pode jogar a Sonia Go, foi o primeiro jogo que fizemos nesse estilo, mas ele é mais simples já que na época ainda estavamos estudando as ferramentas :)

Sonia GO


Necesito una versión donde pueda tocar a Childe 7u7


Haha we don't have plans for males characters for now, I'm sorry!

You mentioned multiple ways to cu but there is only one? How do i access the other options


You can make both characters cum (one at time), if you tap on the guy's cock, he'll cum. If you tap on Ganyu's horn, she'll cum :)



Hello, I got the full version about 22 days ago and I only see the 1.1 version for Android. None of the touch areas work.

PC version works just fine though.


Yo guys do u have minecraft windows 10 edition

(1 edit)

How do I get the update? And I already paid for this.


It's available on the downloads, you should have access to it. There'll be another new update soon tho haha

It's not giving me the option to download 1.1.


The version 1.1 had a bug that didn't allow you to use the touching controllers, so I'd to revert it to version 1.0. Sorry about that! I'm working around to fix it


The Full Apk has a bug, none of the touch features work on her during the "nap" part, and the button to show her boobs doesnt work either. It all works in the demo tho


Indeed, I've noticed this bug and I'm investigating what's going on. Thanks for the feedback!

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