I refer to myself as an aspiring artist/writer, being as I am mainly meddling in both subjects.
I aim to someday make amazing works of art and writing, but I only seriously started on it after I joined DeviantART on May 14th, 2008. (6:00 pm lol)
I originally came to DeviantART just for kicks after seeing all the Latias and Latios pictures in YouTube videos that had come from this mysterious "DeviantART".
So I checked it out and thought it was cool. Made an account, then went inactive for about a month.
Eventually I thought, "Why the heck not?" And posted my very first picture. A simple picture drawn up on the beloved MS Paint.
That night I got two faves, which I thought was a big deal.
And I was hooked.
Ever since, I have been addicted to DA. And I started to grow in popularity after starting my series, The Commission Chronicles. Which has since become quite popular.
This eventually resulted in the creation of the .
I can honestly say that I am glad that I joined DA. It has helped me excel even farther in my artwork skills, and has shown me another skill I did not know I had.
I plan on continuing to write, not only because others enjoy it. But because I do as well.
Thanks to all my friends out there. I appreciate ya'll.
About using my characters and work...
You may only use my characters and work in pictures/stories/etc if you FIRST send me a note asking me for permission to do so, and I give you permission.
Until you gain permission from me to do so, your work that includes my work/ideas/characters must not be posted.
The same goes for work that is based off of my own, such as copying of my storyline/characters and/or basing your work off of my ideas.
Work such as the following made from/about my own stuff is prohibited:
Recolorings, pornography/hentai/sexual scenes, Yaoi, hate art, mature/adult stories, racial work, work that portrays me or my characters in ways that do not reflect the originals, or anything else I deem unfitting.
Any work I find that reflects these I will consider theft and/or plagiarism and will take action against.
Sorry, but I've had to implement this due to recent conflict about Lateon and my other work.
All work/Original Characters/Storylines in my gallery are © of me, Vypor unless specified otherwise.
They are NOT to be posted, altered or used anywhere else other than by me or without permission from me.
Click Me!
Adopted from squiby
Current Residence: Crystoldia, or Kreylon Military outpost: The Cortolla Asteroid Fields
Hey, it's been a log time