The US Democratic Party may receive an accusation from Russia before the US presidential election. Russia can accuse the US Democratic Party that the United States, on the orders of Democratic President Barack Obama, created a coronavirus in 2015, and this American coronavirus killed 1,000,000 (million) Americans, during the 2019-2022 World Biological War. Russia may also accuse the US Democratic Party of killing 400,000 Russian citizens with the American coronavirus, which was created in 2015 in the United States. These narratives are currently being discussed in the Russian press.
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Russia can accuse the US Democratic Party that the United States, on the orders of Democratic President Barack Obama, created a coronavirus in 2015, and this American coronavirus killed 1,000,000 (million) Americans, during the 2019-2022 World Biological War. Russia may also accuse the US Democratic Party of killing 400,000 Russian citizens with the American coronavirus, which was created in 2015 in the United States. These narratives are currently being discussed in the Russian press.
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