poet-upasika. writer-worker of the global south. magickal radickalist.
the great maw of capitalism haunts us. let us express our emotions together. let us dream of a better world. then, let us fight for it.
through hingsajagra, decenter the centered. char the uncharred. break through all barriers. collectivize and swing the blade into a revolution.
Poet. Author. Serialist. Fantasist. Tabletop Game Designer. Buddhist. Non-Binary. Leftist. They/Them.
JK Saavedra is a writer and game designer from and based in the Philippines. They enjoy diving deep into unacknowledged pasts, antinationalist, non-Ethnocentric ideas, consummation of Buddhacommunism and Buddhamarxism, and synthesis of Individualism + Collectivism through dialectics and dharma.
They have been writing for most of their life, starting with fanfiction of video games, until he cultivated a love for hermeneutics, semiotics, and anthropology.
Their favorite books are Shri-Bishaya, On Earth We're Brieflty Gorgeous, The Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa, and Journey to the West.
One can find them anywhere either as Oinonsana (an Old Tagalog rendition of the Primordial Buddha Vairocana), Makapatag (an ancient Samar deity), or as mantrikatenzin on Royal Road.
Reach out to them through: jkvsaavedra@gmail.com
I make all my money from my games. If you want to support me, you can pledge on my Patreon to get early draft access for everything I write, alongside some other special perks. Find me on twitter and tumblr.