...where the Universe is our laboratory.
The Waterloo Centre for Astrophysics (WCA) looks to the cosmos to solve the greatest mysteries of the universe. Here, world-class researchers and students come together in an atmosphere of curiosity, creativity and collaboration; exploring our cosmic origin to truly understand the physical processes at work in the Universe. From black holes to cosmology, we aim to understand what lies beyond the Earth. The possibilities for new discovery are limitless.
WCA Public Outreach: 2023-24 Highlights
Take a look back at the best bits of the WCA's public outreach program across the 2023-24 academic year, from the Astro-Bubble to the solar eclipse!
Will Percival new co-spokesperson for DESI
WCA Director, Will Percival, has been elected as co-spokesperson for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI). He took up the two-year term, along with co-spokesperson, Alexie Leauthaud (University of California Santa Cruz) at the beginning of September.
XRISM early science data release
The XRISM early science data release features early science data of WCA's Brian McNamara and co-workers. An x-ray spectrum of the Perseus Cluster core shows off the capabilities of the Resolve instrument onboard XRISM.
Astroseminar - Hannah Dykaar
Hannah Dykaar is currently a PhD student at the Dunlap Institute and the Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics at the University of Toronto, where she works with Professors Maria Drout and Bryan Gaensler. Her research focuses on tidal disruption events (TDEs), which occur when stars get sufficiently close to supermassive black holes and are torn apart.
WCA-KPL Public Talk - The hunt for planets and life beyond Earth (Michael Balogh)
Astronomers have discovered thousands of planets orbiting other stars, opening a new chapter in our understanding of the Universe and our place in it. In this month’s KPL astronomy talk, Dr. Michael Balogh will discuss how scientists find and study these distant worlds, and how upcoming technology will help us search for life beyond our solar system.