Safesport: Who Must Report?

Updated: December 31, 2021

We all have a role to play in creating a safe and inclusive environment, so everyone should be alert to misconduct and prepared to report it. Although we should all take responsibility for reporting misconduct, the following individuals must report suspected/known misconduct:

"Adult Participants"

Any participant (18 years of age and older) who is:

a. A member or license holder of USA Cycling, an LA or a Club;

b. An employee or board member of USAC, an LA, or a Club;

c. Within the governance or disciplinary jurisdiction of USAC, an LA, or a Club;

d. Authorized, approved or appointed by USAC, an LA, or a Club to have regular contact with or authority over Minor Athletes.

When and where must Adult Participants report?
1. Child Abuse

Adult Participants who reasonably suspect that a child has suffered an incident of child abuse, including sexual abuse, must immediately make a report of the suspected behavior to both (1) Law Enforcement and (2) the U.S. Center for SafeSport.

Learn more about your Applicable State Law Enforcement agency by visiting:

2. Sexual Misconduct

USA Cycling encourages anyone who experiences or becomes aware of an incident of sexual misconduct to report it to the U.S. Center for SafeSport immediately.

Adult Participants must promptly report potential sexual misconduct directly to the U.S. Center for SafeSport.

3. Emotional and Physical Misconduct

Adult Participants are required to report to USA Cycling emotional and physical misconduct (including bullying, stalking, hazing and harassment) prohibited under the Code, and violations of proactive policies (e.g., USA Cycling Code of Conduct, MAAPP). 

4. Criminal Dispositions

Adult Participants are required to report to the U.S. Center for SafeSport Criminal Charges and Dispositions involving sexual misconduct or misconduct involving Minors.

Adult Participants are required to report Criminal Charges or Dispositions involving any other form of misconduct to USA Cycling.